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Posts posted by Tober

  1. I don't think it's too much to hope for a developed story line. Afterall Black Arachnia is in there as a spider so maybe... ;)

    As for some comparisons to Justice League:

    Optimus Prime - Superman moralistic heavy-hitter

    Prowl - Batman stealth mystery man

    Bumblebee - Flash annoying youngster

    Ratchet - J'onn J'onzz ancient vetran

    Wonderwoman - Arcee ?

    Hawkgirl - Black Arachnia ?

    Who are currently heroes serving the city.

    I liked the triple change head for Blitzwing, but not the choice of accent. Then again with a name like Blitzwing :rolleyes:

  2. Anyone catch Transformers Animated? Thoughts?

    I liked the start but halfway through I was getting bored. I feel the same way about it currently that I did when I first started watching Beast Wars so I will give it the benefit of waiting to see how it plays out. I was hoping that it would have more of the maturity of the Justice League series but it seems focused on a younger audience (no suprises). So far I haven't liked any of the characters enough to consider buying any of the toys. Megatron and Starscream were in fine form tho, I liked Ratchet too.

    SPOILER - select text.

    The premise of capturing Megatron for experimentation purposes is getting a bit old (Dreamwave, 2997 Movie)

    Because she was an 'accident'? :mellow:


  3. That would be the Leader class toy then.

    This is the first vid I came across on YouTube and it looks good for transformation information from vehicle to robot - I guess you will basically have to reverse it to get him into truck mode.

    From about 3:20 onwards.

    edit: Actually

    is better. :)


  4. Forgive me if this question is asked before....

    One of my x-mas gifts this year was the Hasbro Transformers Optimus Prime from the craptacular Michael Bay directed movie. How the HELL do you transform that thing?!?! I grew up with G1 Transformers in the 80's and they were NEVER that complicated. Hell, even the Yamato 1/48ths aren't this complicated.

    I find it funny how the box says that the transformers are for ages 5 and up. Seriously, 5 year olds are able to transform these things?!?! I must be getting old.

    If anyone knows how to do this or can send me to someplace that has more detailed instructions than the minimalist manual, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


    Voyager or Leader class? I don't own either but YouTube would be the first place I would try looking.

    I don't think its ever been stated specifically which line he would fall under, just that there would be an Ultra Magnus that wouldn't be a repaint of Prime. I am skeptical of wikipedia.

    His line art for Animated has surfaced.


  5. I remember the feathers from the promo pics for Macross Zero as well. I think cotton makes for better clouds tho if that is what you are aiming for.

    I got the VF-0A and SV-51 (as well as YF-19) for Christmas this year too :D

    Nice display, coffee table and ankles. ;)

  6. A new mold for Classics Ultra Magnus was confirmed? First I heard of that, and surprising since there's an Ultra Magnus in Animated(cartoon at least).

    The new mold for UM that isn't a repaint is for Animated, not Classics. Sorry about that - serves me right for double-checking against Wikipedia :rolleyes:

  7. My return to the TF collecting was because of BT-01. A brilliant redefinition of the G1 charactrers, although that line as well as Alternators has had it's ups and downs. I also started collecting the MP series and have been happy with it so far. So kudos and props to HasTak for them. I think Cybertron gave us some good toys but the only ones I have on display are the legends figures because that's all I need to capture those characters - my few supreme and leader calss figures are now owned by my mate's children as I'm a firm believer that toys are to be played with, not stored MISB - my prerogative. I thought that the Classics line were good and had character, but I never saw a reason to collect it myself. Some of the 6" Titanium line looked good too. The only movie toy I have is BB08 because it is brilliant - an actual advancement in terms of use of the automorph gimmik - difinative proof that Hasbro can deliver when given an appropriate timeframe to develop a toy.

    It is however the Yamato Macross stuff that almost never gets removed from my modest display areas. My only real disappointment with that line is that it is mostly limited to the Valkyries.

    BTW - is there a term for toys that are aimed at adult collectors such as Binaltechs, Masterpieces and Yamato $200+ Fragile series? I always feel like a regressive geek referring to them as "toys" :unsure:

  8. It's a kinda tough choice but MH is winning out for me so far despite the small wheels, there is too much about CM's in armour mode that I don't like as much.

    I suppose there is still no news of Beagle's 1/10 entry? Even a release date? It would be a hard kick if it turns out to be superiour to the other three.

  9. I haven't seen them offered for a while. This is the guy I bought mine from, I got the gold and silver packs with the shipping cost halved:


    Thats only 2 months old so maybe send him an email asking if he expects to get any more in. The hinges on the launchers are a bit loose, which is to be expected really, but the detail is fine.

    EDIT: I'm not sure that the canons will work on Hound. I had them mounted on Impretzas.

  10. There seem to be alot more reports of people breaking MP-3 SS and MP SS than MP-6 SW. I owm MP-3 and -6 and cant distinguish any difference in the plastic quality, but others seem to thisk that the SS toys are more brittle and prone to breakage.

    Personally I think MP-6 Skywarp is best. His black plastic is a bit too shiny but otherwise a great toy. I don't like the color of the green MP-3 or the black joints or scorch marks of MP SS.

  11. Not mention Shoji Kawamori is well known for being good at designing jets that turn into robots. He did design a little thing called the VF-1 which had inadvertently changed the face of transforming robot design in the 1980's.

    What an informative post for the Macross World forums... :wacko: [/sarcasm]

    I just don't seem to remember seeing that many "realistic" green f-15s whilst there are many light grey variations. I don't remember Starscream having tail fins coming from his ass either. The point was that the prototype looked better overall so why was it changed? There was no need for his involvement, the color removes any association with Starscream to the point that it looks more like a Macross mech rather than a sentient Transformer. I liked his involvement in many other projects -

    I do however own 2 MP-3s so it's not as if I don't like it, it's just that it doesn't look as much like Starscream as the prototype did. I also look forward to the anticipated MP-7 Starscream Animation version.

  12. Like I said, Hasbro likely changed the colour of some parts somewhere that Takara originally didn't intend to make in another colour, and the tradeoff was that the hinges became black as they were part of the same sprue.

    If the hinges weren't part of another sprue unrelated to the wings, then why aren't the wings black or some other large section black? It is unlikely that the hinges would have a single sprue dedicated to themselves, so its far more likely that they were part of a sprue that has now been made entirely black.

    They look to be from the same sprue that includes the elbow and knee joints as well as possibly the nosecone. The plastic looks slightly different in those areas on MP-3, they dont have the same specularity/highlights of the larger pieces. Maybe they hijacked MP-6's mold, isn't he supposed to use different plastic type for the stress areas?

    I'd prefer he keep away from Transformers. Remember that he sacrificed the robot for the plane. One of the problems is that he was involved with the development of Diaclone, back when the G1 toys were just human-piloted mecha. These days it takes more than designing a good looking robot to make a Transformer, because you have to take personality and characterisation of the living robot into account, which is what Hasbro and Takara usually do.

    Then why did Takara bring him in? I prefer the prototype mold as well (and color :p) but they must have wanted him for other reasons than celebrity status - I gather he costs alot.

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