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Posts posted by Tober

  1. 4 minutes ago, hachi said:

    For people who ordered from HLJ, did you guys get private warehouse notification? (I havent logged in to HLJ though I'm on my phone, just curious)

    Yeah, about 10 hours ago.

  2. 4 minutes ago, seti88 said:

    I dont know, you mean aramaki himself? I still fan-boi'ing over all the photos, didnt quite check to see who was posting em.

    edit* as per google translate on his twitter bio...


    Tsuya Plakit box Painting, I mainly draw mecha pictures and girls pictures with HMM Zoid series, TCG · OG Crusade, DCD · Gundam trieage. Recently the Super Galactic Fleet, Racing Musume. Etc. We also participate in browser games, Eye mass general P from the end of Ake, Deremiri is JSJC force P.

    One more....from https://twitter.com/soratto33

    Yeah, so I think he does the Mercy Rabbit MOSPEADA illustrations, like the box art for the Sentinel Ride Armor. They also did illustrations for the WAVE Legioss kits and MOSPEADA Complete Art Works book. Incredible attention to detail, especially the WAVE boxes. B))

  3. 5 hours ago, magicsp00n said:

    It says "Cover cell original picture: Aramaki Shinji" 

    Sweet, thanks! :)

    1 hour ago, tekering said:


    And yes, I removed the silver paint from the visor.  No sanding or polishing required, just a little paint thinner on a Q-Tip.  B))

    Nice pics! How difficult was it to take the helmet apart? I'll probably end up 3D printing my own visor through Shapeways (as I only have a FDM printer). Or I might have to hassle Plastic Cretins to see if he'd be interested... :ph34r: :unsure:

  4. 39 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    Found one via Twitter.



    That implies to me he rotated it too far and it broke... :unsure:

    One of the reasons I prefer HLJ or Hobby Search, I know they will do their best to replace a piece like that if they can, or refund/return it.


    Mine should be here in 41 hours... Yes, I'm counting down the hours now.

  5. 24 minutes ago, derex3592 said:

    Still not regretting not buying this. Congrats to those who did and who are excited about it though! I eagerly await some of you to get them in hand and throw up some pics and initial thoughts. As always will watch the Jenuis review when it gets done. I dunno...I just gotta say it..I still like the Beagle bikes more..It just really captured my inner 10 year old heart with a feeling of "now THAT is how a Cyclone should look!"

    While you can make obvious comparisons, they are different toys. The Beagle is my 2nd favorite toy next to the 1/48 Yamato Valkyrie, even though the Yamato 1/60 version is a better refined toy.

    Are those the T-REX add-on parts or third party? :unsure:

  6. 6 minutes ago, enphily said:


    Darn. :(


    6 minutes ago, no3Ljm said:

    Not sure if this is done by Aramaki. But the Blowsperior was featured on this book cover.

    Oh yeah, I think that could be an Aramaki illustration, but couldn't make out his name in the credits. It's also a much older illustration, but I still prefer the Blowsperior cowling to the other variants. :)

  7. 8 minutes ago, Snake Eyes said:

    i wonder HOW he removed the paint... chemicals or sanding/scratching.
    wonder how tough it is without actually damaging the clear part

    97% Isopropyl alcohol at a guess. Should remove paint without fogging up the clear plastic.


    1 minute ago, teckno viking said:

    So who has a 3d printer to start a fully articulated Inbid Warrior and Scouts and then cast them for us all to get them LOL


  8. 4 hours ago, tekering said:

    Well, that's good news.  It says "I hated the front fender, so I took it off."

    It also says "I don't know why they painted the inside of the clear visor silver, so I just removed the paint."

    Thanks! Looks like it's easy enough to take the helmet apart. :)


    Looks better without the mud guard/fender too. :)

  9. 7 minutes ago, Numbninja said:

    Only Stick available..i need Ray too

    There will probably be the same story when Ray releases. Limited stock that has been canceled or refunded available at release. I think there are certain Apps that alert you, but I don't really use them. Grab that Stick if you want it, it probably won't be there too long... :unsure:

  10. 11 minutes ago, mechaninac said:

    I just received notice from AE that the Sentinel Stick is in stock and ready to ship.  Needless to say I wasted not time putting in a shipping request for it and the other 2 items I had sitting in purgatory waiting for this thing to release.  FINALLY!:yahoo:

    So I should be getting good news from HLJ tomorrow morning. :D

    Possibly followed by some bad bank account news if that Evo Toys Zeta Legioss actually releases this month... :unsure:

  11. 22 minutes ago, F360 said:

    you don't drink and transform valks.  :D

    After a big night out, a young Shoji Kawamori came home and transformed his VF-1 prototype, but passed out mid way through. The next morning he discovered gerwalk mode.



  12. 23 minutes ago, recon said:

    They may or may not release another variant of the 31A unless market forces have demostrated a great demand for it, which is true in this case cos we have being NYed badly. Bandai have demostrated in the past to have not release variants of a particular release for e.g. YF-30

    Yeah, always weirds me out that they never re-issued or re-decoed the YF-30 or 19A. They were awesome Valks.

  13. 1 hour ago, CharlesXavier said:

    Thanks for the heads up on AE. Communication can be terrible but at least they fulfilled their orders. Any past cases where they did refunds?

    And it seems NY is very responsive to give refunds on the 31A. Not an optimistic trend.

    I believe NY used their staff's accounts to buy TWEs. And far as I know, Bandai recognizes different IDs as different accounts even if address is the same. Validated with my experience of using a Japanese husband and wife proxy.

    So in this case NY can just have the TWEs sent directly to them without having to hide that they are distributors/resellers.

    About five years ago I pre-ordered two sets of Ghost packs for the RVF-25. AE only sent out one. When I contacted them about it they ignored me. PayPal's dispute window was only 60(?) days back then, so I had to file a reverse charge-back through my credit card/bank. That got their attention ("sorry, your email was lost/filtered etc...") and they refunded me.


    Boarding house accommodation amongst students and lower income earners in Tokyo is rampant/common. So there would be plenty of TWE accounts with the same address. From what I gather, you could only order up to two VF-31As per account, and BANDAI didn't fulfill all of the orders that had two, limiting them to one instead of two.

    So yeah, I doubt BANDAI would even care about proxy distributors. More likely a case of them not prioritising Macross over another product. Or maybe another factory problem all together... Whatever, they just didn't make quota on time and have probably moved on... 


    1 hour ago, Kinzoku VF said:

    Erm......Have they closed up your account yet? 

    As for the proxy theories, unlikely that they would loose all their future commissions with NY to make a profit on a few DX's. Again, just my opinion. And if NY truly use their staff addresses for TWE, still doesn't explain why this time, out of the blue they didn't send them? (But sent all other Gundams and whatnot TWE releases?) 

    They haven't closed my account. They sent a refund just before I was about to start the PayPal dispute.

  14. 35 minutes ago, CharlesXavier said:

    AE's got my business moving forward.

    Anime Export aren't any better. Terrible communication, and it then takes a PayPal dispute to get their attention.



    Today I requested and received my refund from NY. The NY ticket response said the PayPal refund was out of date, but it was refunded back to my credit card as I was just about to make the dispute. I ordered on the 20th of October.

    My theory is that a bunch of proxies that NY have used didn't receive their two orders from BANDAi, or auctioned them themselves, leaving NY high and dry.

  15. They have did release the exclusive original DX Super/Armor sets with the VF-25s as a bundle, but again not a straight re-issue of the Super and Armor sets. So theoretically they could re-issue the 31A with different contents. Theoretically... :unsure: I wouldn't be placing any faith in it though. :( After-all they didn't do it for the Renewals when they had a golden opportunity.

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