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Posts posted by Ladic

  1. Phillippe Lands Two-Face Role?

    Ryan Phillippe may be set to take over from Tommy Lee Jones after reportedly landing the role of Harvey Dent/Two-Face in the upcoming Batman Begins sequel. Reese Witherspoon's husband will join Heath Ledger, who has signed on to play The Joker, and new Batman Christian Bale in The Dark Knight. Crash star Phillippe beat Liev Shreiber and Josh Lucas to the role of the scheming district attorney, played by Jones in 1995 movie Batman Forever, according to internet reports. Academy Award winners Sir Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman have also joined the cast, while fellow Oscar winner Philip Seymour Hoffman is in talks to play The Penguin in the new film.


  2. It's Official: "Batman 2" Gets A Title

    Posted:  Monday July 28th 2006 1:16am

    Source:  Dark Horizons

    Author:  Garth Franklin


    It's confirmed, the next feature film installment of "Batman" will use the moniker "The Dark Knight". "Batman Begins" helmer Chris Nolan is locked in to direct again and Heath Ledger is confirmed to be playing the role of The Joker.

    Studio reps from Warner Bros. will be issuing an official press release in the next twelve or so hours and when it is out, check back with this article for the full release. They've been kind enough to confirm the facts (title, Nolan, Ledger) already though. Expect a Summer 2008 release date also to be targeted.


  3. gotta love the film school snobs, quentin tarantinos wannabes. lol.


    fart you.

    Name me one other good movie where a major character is introduced in the middle of the film. Tell me one other good film where the time of day abruptly changes in the middle of a scene. You can't becuase good movies don't do that. All the nifty special effects and big explosions in the world can't cover a vrappy film. My knowing the technical terms for what's going wrong doesn't mean it isn't.


    Tell you what, let us know what movie you made, wrote, or took part in so we can all watch and then we can all witness what you learned in film school, since you love to throw around your script writing 101 class so much.


    Lord of the Rings

    Kingdom of Heaven


    all introduce major characters in the middle of the movie.

    What you're really is saying, is that no movie that YOU like breaks these rules, doesn't mean that the movie is bad. Just that you have narrow taste and were well programmed by your professors.


    couldn't agree more :D

  4. I've recently seen an episode of Modern Marvels (History Channel) about 80's technology and mentions the DeLorean. Funny that they still manufacture them but it's not affiliated with the original company they just use the name DMC and use original stock.


    lol, i saw the same episode, they said they could build u a brand new delorean from left over parts for $40K

  5. gotta love the film school snobs, quentin tarantinos wannabes. lol.


    fart you.

    Name me one other good movie where a major character is introduced in the middle of the film. Tell me one other good film where the time of day abruptly changes in the middle of a scene. You can't becuase good movies don't do that. All the nifty special effects and big explosions in the world can't cover a vrappy film. My knowing the technical terms for what's going wrong doesn't mean it isn't.


    1. Seven

    2. Bohoo, so in a world were people can read minds, move bridges, shoot lasers out of their eyes, the fact that in one scene the time changed a bit to fast makes the movie worthless?

    3. This film students seem to forget that movies are supposed to be first and foremost entertaining. Not every movie is made with the objective of winning 10 academy awards.

  6. 3.5 out of 5.

    fanboys suck and this movie proves it. Pheonix's motivation for killing professor was pretty obvious and having her kill her husband and then her mentor quickly establishes her as a real threat and shows that any of the X-men were game... Since x-men was one of the first comics to be anchored in real human drama, it's only fitting that their characters have to deal with what can actually happen when you run around throwing that sort of fire power at each other.

    Why did magneto have the grunts rush in? So he could find out where the defenses were. Unlike the uber magneto in the comics, this magneto can't deflect playing cards and other non metal objects with magnetism. And this magneto wants to turn the mutant community from an underground community that is uneasy with itself into a unified and proud army, one that he can wield to remake the world.

    This was a very servicible movie... was it brilliant? Nope. Does it have plot holes and continuity issues...? Yes. did it stay true to the characters and to the spirit of the X-men?  Yes. Is it entertaining? Yes.


    You said it pretty well. Funny that a lot of people are saying that "this sucked" or "was terrible" when the movie is averaging a B+ on average (which is where I would put it, not great but good) from fan reviews (Yahoo).


    And have to agree as well.

    ***possible spoilers***

    most of the complaints I seem to hear are, that it sucks that alot of mutants lost their powers because they got shot with the cure, and that cyclops and profesor x died.

    I wonder if they even watched the movie????

    ***end spoilers***

  7. I'd go for the 10th anniversary edition, as it seems to be designed with the higher end audio/video enthusiast in mind, featuring sub and dub in 6.1, DTS, and 16x9 widescreen.  I only paid about $15 for mine, although it was online; locally it's probably about $35 which is outrageous...



    cool, thanks for that link.

    Do you know how long does that free shipping usually take for movies to arrive?

    I cant find anywhere in their site, their shipping transit times.

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