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Posts posted by Ladic

  1. if you've got a Borders nearby, definately check them out,

    I was just at one last week, they had Maul, $99, buy one get one free.

    If I didn't already spend all my $$ on valks, I would've picked an extra set up.

    So far, the only stock MR FX I have is my Obi-Wan ROTS, everything else has been converted.

    I just got my ESB Vader changed into something close to Anakin's AOTC, but with an orange blade, this one was done by Ultrasabers.

    I went to my local borders, and they told me they had that offer when the darth maul sabers first came out, but not anymore. :(

  2. I got my Anakin ROTS FX last year from The Saber Vault. You'd have to check the FX lightsaber status page to see what he's got in stock and what's on backorder, but JD is an awesome guy with superb customer service. :D Plus it's $100 with free shipping in the US.

    Otherwise depending on where you are you could try checking your local Borders or Best Buy. Unless you know someone really dependable on Ebay, I'd avoid ebay just for the hassles that could occur. If you get it from JD or a chain like Best Buy, you should be able to get a replacement or repair if it comes out of the box with problems. If you go ebay, you're usually up the creek.

    A single Darth Maul lightsaber FX should cost as much as any of the normal FX lightsabers, if you go by JD at the Saber Vault, that's $100. If you go at like Best Buy or wherever, I think it's like $120. If you buy a single Darth Maul lightsaber, you can buy a second one at a later time and combine them together to make his double-bladed lightsaber, since each single Darth Maul FX comes with an alternate pommel that will allow you to connect two Darth Maul handles. :)

    and out of all the blades made, good guys and bad guys, which would you say is the best and brightests?

  3. I got my Anakin ROTS FX last year from The Saber Vault. You'd have to check the FX lightsaber status page to see what he's got in stock and what's on backorder, but JD is an awesome guy with superb customer service. :D Plus it's $100 with free shipping in the US.

    Otherwise depending on where you are you could try checking your local Borders or Best Buy. Unless you know someone really dependable on Ebay, I'd avoid ebay just for the hassles that could occur. If you get it from JD or a chain like Best Buy, you should be able to get a replacement or repair if it comes out of the box with problems. If you go ebay, you're usually up the creek.

    A single Darth Maul lightsaber FX should cost as much as any of the normal FX lightsabers, if you go by JD at the Saber Vault, that's $100. If you go at like Best Buy or wherever, I think it's like $120. If you buy a single Darth Maul lightsaber, you can buy a second one at a later time and combine them together to make his double-bladed lightsaber, since each single Darth Maul FX comes with an alternate pommel that will allow you to connect two Darth Maul handles. :)

    thanks for the reply, i'll look into the darth maul ones then.

  4. cool, where is the best place to get them for cheap? ebay? or another website? and about how much does 1 darth maul saber cost? and can I buy another 1 later and put them together? is each blade different or I can buy any 2 dm saber and put them together?

  5. http://screenrant.com/archives/rejected-ir...rmor--1253.html




    A visual effects man designed some prototype CG images of what a live-action "Iron Man" might look like and someone in the production of the comic book adaptation took a look.

    According to Screen Rant they apparently said "it was similar to the direction they were headed in, [but] that they're going more in the Adi Granov design direction".

    You can make up you own mind on this rejected design by clicking below to check out more shots of what could have been:


  6. submar.jpg

    Mostow Helms "Sub-Mariner" Film

    Posted: Thursday September 14th 2006 12:56am

    Source: Assorted Sources

    Author: Garth Franklin

    Jonathan Mostow ("Terminator 3", "U-571", "Breakdown") is set to rewrite and direct "Sub-Mariner", an adaptation of one of Marvel Comics' oldest superheroes for Universal Pictures reports the trades.

    The comics, created in 1939, centers on a young man who discovers he's actually a descendant from the royal ruling family of the long-lost kingdom of Atlantis.

    He turns out to be the key man in a brewing war between the underwater world and our own - frequently finding himself helping the human race as much as he fights it when humans pollute the waters.

    Mostow has cleared his schedule to make "Sub-Mariner" his next film which means we'll likely see a 2008 release date.


  7. Script Review???


    movie script

    Transformers Movie Script (live-action)

    (Reviewed on 09/01/2006)

    I've been thinking about how I was going to start this review off for a few days now. I was looking for a single sentence that properly captured my thoughts on this script in such a way so as to leave you with no doubt just how this treatment touched me -- personally touched me -- just like your alcoholic, pedophilic uncle liked to touch you. Below is that sentence:

    The script to the Michael Bay directed Transformers Movie is a half-aborted monster that bares no likeness at all to the previous incarnations of its namesake, and still has the clothes-hanger sticking out of its mongoloid skull in a vile mockery of the brilliance that it could have (and should have) been.

    Pretty much everything that could be wrong IS wrong with this script (dated 2/28/2006 and subtitled "Prime Directive"). I'll get into all of this in a bit, but just as an overview I'll mention that the characters' personalities don't match their namesakes; the line "more than meets the eye" is cheesily overused to gut-punchingly cringing results; the logic of the world created within the script is shat upon quite regularly within the confines of the story itself; the comedy "beats" are horrible and made me open my mouth not in laughter, but in gasping shame; and in the mighty tradition of Masters of the Universe, the focus of most of the film is NOT on the larger-than-life 1980s heroes based on toys (whom we WANT to see more of), instead the spotlight of the story is on the (wussy) human boy who's just trying to score some tail by way of the too-hot-for-him chick who gets tangled up in the unforgiving narrative with him (both of whom we want to see LESS of).

    Before I really get into this typed trainwreck of a story, I want to cover the travesty that is the character "designs" being used in this movie. Yes, Prime is now a lame-looking 18 wheeler with flames painted on his side; Megatron is the bastard child of an Evangelion and the Guyver, dipped in mercury; Starscream looks like he's half monkey in robot mode; and Soundwave is an "anorexic," flattened robot with a mouth... Not to mention that the leaked photos and production designs of Prime's and Bumblebee's robot forms look like Bionicle rejects, leaving no trace of their vehicle identities in their transformation. Every bit of information that is leaked about this movie seems to prove that NOBODY involved knew jack poo about the transformers before they came aboard this project. But I digress.

    Back to the script (which I've heard is either just a 1st draft, or the actual shooting script... I have no idea [nor do I truly care] which it is seeing that all the leaked photos, set visits and listings on the IMDB show that most, if not all, of what's in this treatment is in the actual movie). It is bad. Bad, terrible, horrible, abhorrent, appalling, frightful, dreadful, atrocious, repulsive, obnoxious and offensive. Pick your synonym. Even if the movie wasn't called "Transformers" and the characters weren't named "Optimus Prime," "Starscream," and "Megatron" this movie would still be bad. The dialogue is as cliche as it gets. The action (as written in the 112 page draft I read) was non-exciting and far from awe-inspiring. This is most definitely NOT what millions of people have waited years and years, since their childhood, to see.

    On top of the bad, generic poo that they poured all over this script like a vial of monkey piss, they altered everything about the original Transformers storyline that made it so fun. The Transformers aren't here by accident anymore and there's no Cybertron (it was apparently destroyed and we never even get to see a glimpse of it even in flashback). On top of that, none of the original character interactions were left intact either: Megatron and Starscream aren't bitter rivals in this universe; Bumblebee is supposed to be like Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe now (all mute and not the chatterbox that he was known to be); and for whatever reason they thought it was necessary, Prime and Megatron are brothers... I don't know if that means that they were both squatted out by the same mommy-machine or just "brothers in arms," but it's retarded. Why they didn't bring Arcee into the picture and make Prime and Megs fight over her sweet, pink, angular ass instead I'll never know.

    Let me cover the (wafer thin) plot now: Spike Witwicky... Er, sorry, I meant SAM Witwicky is a nerdy loser with only an even lamer farttard as his only friend. Sam wants a car so that he can finally get some poontang (like there is any way that a simple car will solve all of his many many Earthly problems). Sam's dad takes him to an AUTO JUNK YARD (whatta guy!), and they end up buying a beat up Camero that seems to have a personality of its own. Then, like somebody stated on one of the message boards I visit, the next 30 pages reads like a bad Herbie movie... Yes, even worse than the Firecrotch Lohan one. The Camero (Bumblebee in disguise, shhhhh!) helps Sam get on the good side of the school slurm (awwwww, melts your heart) and eventually saves Sam from the evil Transformer Brawl (not a tank Combaticon like in the cartoon, but a police car for whatever reason) who wants Sam's great-grandfather's glasses... Not making this poo up.

    Yes, big robots start making their appearance around this time, but it still doesn't get exciting. A Decepticon helicopter and Skorponok (Skorponok?!? What the hell?) attack a US army base in the Middle East, and at least on paper it read like Jane Austin preparing for bed (to be fair, if there's one thing Bay can do it's make things explode pretty, so this part of the finished film should at least be interesting... if I ever go to see it... which I probably won't). Then Soundwave (a four-foot tall, "anorexic" robot with a mouth [no face plate]) hacks the Pentagon computers from Air Force One (why do it on the most guarded plane in the world at 30,000 feet?... Why not?), and soon a HILARIOUS human cryptologist/hacker couple (one paranoid white woman and one "funny," fat, black man) come into play, and warn the government that outer space robots are attacking.... That's all they do in the whole script really, yet they're written into every bit of space that they can be fit into because, well, "funny," fat, black man = comedy GOLD! GOLD I say!

    Then Optimus Prime comes down from the heavens with his posse, Ironhide, Jazz, and Ratchet. But they're not the OP and crew that we all know and love. OP is really kind of a dick (who forsakes teammates when they could EASILY have been rescued from stupid humans), Ironhide is apparently brain damaged, and Jazz is a shitty American wannabe Porsche. Well, they show up and team up with mute Bumblebee to find Sam's ancestor's glasses. Then they get them. The glasses lead them to the "energon cube" (aka the BIGGEST MCGUFFIN DEVICE EVER WRITTEN INTO FILM) which is not a source of energy, but a mini Borg ship that gives anything with electronics in it life... And the ability to transform into a humanoid creature... No, this does not really pay off at all during the course of this story. It just is.

    Anyway, at the EXACT SAME TIME that the Autobots ("AUTOnomous roBOTS") track down the energon cube, the Decepticons find it as well because the writers are hacks. The cube is inside Hoover Dam, and so is *gasp* the eye-gougingly bad design known as "Megatron." Megatron is frozen, but he soon thaws (it's not worth it to explain this poo any more than I already am, trust me), and meets up with the rest of the Decepticons (Starscream, Devastator [who is not an amalgam of Constructicons but simply a tank], Brawl, Soundwave, and some other second fiddle characters that never made an impression on me in the original cartoon). The Decepticons then fight the Autobots over the cube, and everything that you thought would happen from the very beginning comes to pass: The Autobots win and the Decepticons are defeated (all dead except for Starscream who got away). Yes, they killed Megatron at the end of the movie... Actually SAM kills him.... Yes, I know. I fartING know. What a waste of an hour to read this thing.

    Now to talk randomly about things that sucked in this script beyond the basic plot (and there are a LOT):

    I just wanted to point out again the fact that they use the line "more than meets the eye" like 25 times through out the course of this thing.

    Sam's potential meat-socket is no Carly, but is instead a hoodlum who likes to steal cars (or at least help those that do).

    Okay, yeah, Bumblebee's voice box was damaged years ago in a battle and he can't talk now... He's a farting ROBOT. All he needs is a repair or a new voice box! The Autobots even have a medic/mechanic on their side. Just fix the bastard!

    Jesus H. Christ... the bad jokes.... Not only are they dumb and unfunny, but they hurt the story (well, what little of it there was that didn't outright suck). Take the scene where Prime first appears on Earth. He immediately scans the internet and downloads all of the information catalogued there, and he then knows EVERYTHING about the planet -- like what kind of beings Sam and his batty are, and where they're currently located. Well, despite this, Prime sees that there are more Chinese people on the planet than anybody else, so he speaks to Sam in Chinese.... *cricket noises*.... This is built up to be one of the most GUT-BUSTINGLY funny scenes in the flick. Oh lordy, lordy, lordy... Please, God, kill these writers so they don't write any more "movies," or multiply in numbers.

    Other instances of hiLARious comedy moments are: Bumblebee pees oil on John Turturro's character and then steals his pants (NOT MAKING THIS CRAP UP); any of Sam and his re-re friend's dialogue when they're together; and the worst piece of dialogue in the entire 112 pages where in Sam and the girl... You know what, placing it in context won't help it any. Here's the conversation:

    -- Sam: "Is the cube okay?"

    -- Chick: "Yes! It's wearing it's [sic] seatbelt!"

    They look at each other oddly (guffaw!!!)

    -- Sam: "Wow, we just sounded like parents." (HA HA HA!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!! OH MY GOD YES, THAT'S THE FUNNIEST FUCING... BWA HA HA HASHDHAHA!!!!!!!11111one11 URINATEPANTS!!11111)

    If these hacks seriously HAD to put in a certain amount of comedy in this movie (or ANY action movie for that matter) why don't they just hire somebody like Seanbaby to punch up the humor? You know, somebody who's actually FUNNY and knows the source material. Oh, who am I kidding, the writers of this script have got to be getting so much ass at all the big Hollywood parties they go to. They are SO GODDAMN WITTY and sharp and NOT fags. Dirty, dirty butt pirates.

    Masters of the Universe, Catwoman, Street Fighter, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Godzilla, Super Mario Brothers.... And now Transformers. The raping of my childhood is now complete.

    Yes, yes, yes, I know... It's only a movie (well, a script here). "Don't get so upset about it. There's wars in the Middle East, starving kids in Africa, and a madman in charge of nukes in North Korea," you say. What the hell does a dumb movie about giant robots have to do with anything really?... Well, as I've stated before on my other site: If you're going to do something -- whether it be writing a review, kidnapping a billionaire's child, or making a $200million motion picture, DO IT RIGHT. Michael Bay is NOT doing it right. He's doing everything wrong in fact. This script gets a negative 5 out of a possible positive 5 Stars of Transformable Justice, and may God have mercy on its soul.


    ***END SPOILERS***

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