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Posts posted by Ladic

  1. Not bad at all :). I'd very much like an integrated trackball and spinner. Who'd you order through? And what sort of dosh are we talking?

    IIRC, I bought my Hotrod back in '99 or '00 for $100.00... Through a special advertised on JoseQ's EmuViews :lol:

    I ordered straight from their website

    they charged me $100 + $20 shipping

  2. JB0, nice games list. Anything Atari + Vector = coolness. EL is also the shiznit. You are my long lost brother after all.

    I use this for my emulator control needs:

    hey, that is the Joystick I ordered last week, but instead of getting that, I got the one in the pictures I posted on the first post.

    It came with a free trackball, so I cant complain. :D

  3. Well if you do only arcade games, then of course you gotta play the classics! like double dragon, shinobi, street, mercs, teenage mutant ninja turtles, ninja gaiden, and other classics. Damn I love playing those games! :D:p:lol:


  4. today my joystick arrived, although it was different from what the picture in the website showed, but it came with a trackball (wasnt supposed to) so I cant complain.

    I'm one step closer to building my mame arcade machine :D

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

  5. Remake To Cannibalize "Holocaust"

    Posted: Friday February 2nd 2007 12:20am

    Source: Variety

    Author: Garth Franklin

    Relevant Entertainment will remake Italian helmer Ruggero Deodato's 1980 cult horror film "Cannibal Holocaust", a gorefest that's been banned in dozens of countries.

    The story centers on a professor traveling to South America to find out what happened to a film crew that disappeared while shooting a documentary about reputed cannibal tribes.

    He eventually discovers the remains of the crew and several reels of undeveloped film, which show the disastrous consequences of the crew's decision to provoke the natives.

    Deodato shot the pic in documentary style and was jailed briefly after the Italian premiere until he could prove the actors were unharmed.

    Shooting on the remake is scheduled to begin this Summer reports Variety.


    LOL, i remember during the 80's me thinking this was an actual documentary, wasn't until much later I learned it was a movie. :p

  6. IPB Image

    Plot Summary for

    Laberinto del Fauno, El (2006)

    "Pan's Labyrinth" is the story of a young girl who travels with her pregnant mother to live with her mother's new husband in a rural area up North in Spain, 1944, after Franco's victory. The girl lives in an imaginary world of her own creation and faces the real world with much chagrin. Post-war Fascist repression is at its height in rural Spain and the girl must come to terms with that through a fable of her own.

    I just saw it this past weekend, what a wonderful movie, imo one of the top 3 of 2006.

    IPB Image

  7. I remember in 80's as a kid playing a robot game in the arcades.

    It was like a top down view game, similar to 1942, they game was very similar, you flew a fighter and as you advanced you would pick up parts to your robot until you would transfor into a big robot.

    I can't for the life of me rember the name of this arcade game, anyone else play it and remember the name?

  8. Was at Border's again this morning and ALL their Master FXs are $69.99 now. No sale, regular price.

    FYI bump.

    wow, that is really tempting, getting the darth maul set for $140 is not bad at all, damn, dunno if should buy this or not.

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