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Posts posted by MacrossMan

  1. This misconception is the source of the financial crisis.

    Yeah, things have really gotten sideways financial/housing crisis. A lot of people got in over their heads and banks made a lot of bad loans which has ultimately affected the sales and values of homes across the nation.

    We could debate the rent vs. buy thing till the cows come home. I know it is relevant to saving money to buy more toys but let's see if we can come up with some new ideas. I'd hate to see this thread get locked because the discussion has gone to the way side.

    I mentioned in my last post about starting a business. I love music so I started a mobile DJ service 2004. My home office where all my macross stuff is considered office decor. You have physicians or lawyers with display cabinets in their offices. These fall under the category of office furnishings are tax deductibe.

    Just another way to save yourself some money on your toys. B))

  2. Simple:

    If you are buying a house with your own money, and paying 100% in cash OR you are paying a significant amount (say 70-80%) in cash and loaning the remaining 20 or 30% from the bank AND you are buying a house TO LIVE IN AND ENJOY instead of buying another house to gamble with on the retail market then...

    YES - you are right - buying a house makes sense.

    However, if the proportions are reversed - if you are paying 10 to 30% of the value in cash and loaning 70% from the bank - then you're NOT putting money in your own pocket.


    Maybe I'm slow, but I have to disagree Pete. If you think about it in terms of financing a car, you do not actually "own" the car until you make the last payment and the title is handed over to you. This is the difference though. In most cases with a vehicle the moment you drive the car off the lot its value has depreciated. If you purchase the vehichle in 2010 it won't be worth what you paid in 2015. Ideally you'd want to pay cash for a car or finance it for up 6 years and hope it lasts another 5 or more after it's been paid for.

    With a house, you're right. You're basically renting from the bank because the house technically belongs to them until you make the final payment, but there are stronger arguments to made in paying mortgage versus paying rent. Here are a few.

    • Houses traditionally appreciate in value. I've seen general numbers that say the value goes up 10% every 10 years. The value goes up, but the monthly payments stay the same when you buy. Renting, the market goes up, the rent goes up.

    In 10 years a mortgage payment will still be the same whereas a person renting the same house will pay whatever the current market condition says a the house rents for. $4000 today, probably $5000 10 years from now.

    All interest and taxes paid on a mortgage loan are tax deductible each tax year. Rent dollars have no return.

    If for some reason you have to move suddenly (particularly if due to job change) most companies will buy your home at its current market value and pay your moving expenses. In the likely event that you become unemployed and unable to make payments banks are normally willing to work with the buyer. Believe it or not banks would rather not foreclose on the home if at all possible.

    There is no status or label that comes with buying or renting. Those who dabble into that sort of foolishness are small minded. There are pros and cons to buying vs. renting. I personally feel there are more pros to buying than renting.

    If I was to give a person my same salary and monthly expesnes 10 years from now with me making a loan payment each month and the other person paying rent I am going to be able to buy more toys at the end of the month. :)

  3. Fu ck me thats nice

    Maybe I should live in the states

    Me I like my 50k in the bank

    My wife saved up 40k but the houses here are mad!

    Thanks. Circumstances in Canada seem to give more reason to not purchase. I have to agree that there is nothing like money in the bank though.

    Too bad Cali cost an arm and a leg. However, there are other parts in Cali which I'd rather not move to that is much cheaper. Nice home Macrossman!! Do you have pool too?

    Thanks Q. I've seen that show "My House Is Worth What" and know what houses in Cali cost. It's astronomical. We are planning on putting in a pool in the next few years. Most of our neighbors have them and our backyard is plenty big enough for it. The lot is on 1/3 an acre.

    I have to say though, that purchasing a home would be a definite way to go to probably save money and have some expendable cash for toys. Right off the bat you will probably pay less in monthly mortgage payments than you pay in rent. The tax benefit at the end of the year is a plus. And for you guys in Cali, I know going green is huge so anything you do to your house for the environment will more than likely result in some sort of tax credit.

    The whole ownership thing is overrated, because no matter how you slice it, you never truly own it. You are basically "leasing" the lot the house is built on from the county you live in. The land will always belong to them. The "improvements" or house you put on the land results in a tax bill that must be paid in addition to the taxes you pay on the land each year. But overall, it is a good deal and results in some significant savings and tax relief over time.

    Another thing to consider to come up with for funding is starting your own business. The things you are able to write off as business expenses are incredible! It's possible for things like your vehicle and cell phone to be written off as business expenses. Even fold in your toy purchases if they are part of the "decor" for your home office. Office furnishings are tax deductible. ;)

  4. Yamato could do a better 19 now if they wanted to and certainly reduce the gullet size.

    However, the 19 is one of the most difficult VFs to create as a transforming toy and strike a good balance between fighter and battroid modes. Too much anime magic in Kawamori's original line art.


    I doubt this will happen, but I bet it would be more cost effective for Yamato to release a v2 1/60 YF-19 without changing the mold that would correct floppiness and tighten the Valk up in fighter mode.

    I actually like the size and this happens to be one of my favorite Valks. With everything coming down the pipe I don't see this happening, unless the double nuts is a "v2" that addresses the floppiness; then I don't see why Yamato would not re-release the original as a true v2 1/60 with the aforementioned fixes.

    Hopeful... :unsure:

  5. Some people mentioned not to buy a house, but rather to rent. I was just wandering why is that, i figured buying a house puts money in your own pocket instead of the landlord. So why are people suggesting to rent instead, how does it put more money in my pocket?

    I was wondering the same thing. I’m having a hard time comprehending how paying rent can be a creative way to help pay for toys.

    There are many pros and cons to buying vs. leasing (renting) when it comes to purchasing a vehicle. I can see the validity on both sides of the argument as well as the stupidity when the wrong choice is made.

    It’s hard to comprehend why anyone would choose to rent/lease a house. I can think of only two reasons. The person has money to burn and it doesn’t matter or is in a position where they are not able to purchase a home for whatever reason.

    I have a friend who travels the world as an aircraft mechanic. His contracts take care of room and board when he is traveling. In some cases he receives a per diem for room and board based on the length of the contract and the cost of living for the particular market he is working. Otherwise he is put up in an extended stay hotel. He stopped paying rent for his apartment at home when he realized he was only there for about 4 months out the year. He figured if he was going to be paying for somewhere he isn’t living he may as well be buy a place and that way he doesn’t lose money. If he ever decides to move he can at least get his money back by selling the place.

    The wife and I have close to 3000 sq. ft. of all brick new construction completed in December 2006. We have 4 BR’s, 3 full baths, a formal living room with dining area, a huge kitchen with hearth room (my man cave), a partially covered deck with large patio, 3 car garage, two wash rooms and fully fenced in backyard with 6 foot privacy fence. That's not bad for under $2000 a month, which includes taxes and insurance, on a 30 year fixed interest rate mortgage with $0 down. I've attached several pics to put this into perspective.

    It would probably cost twice our current mortgage payment to rent a place with the same amenities we have. A family that pays $4000 a month in rent instead of $2000 in a monthly mortgage payment doesn’t make logical sense. Doing so would equate to $48,000.00 out the window in a year’s time, versus $24,000 that goes towards principal, interest, taxes, and insurance; all of which comes back to the family in some form of payment with the exception of insurance.

    As far as I am concerned the jury is still out on this one.












  6. Anywho, I have to agree that the right equipment does make a difference. You can give the best DJ some shagged out equipment and there is only so much he can do with it. Give him the best and I guarantee he'll do some amazing things.

    You still have to know how to use it though. Same goes for photographers.

    It goes without say this goes both ways. Give an amateur the best equipment and their limited skills will amount to a fart in the wind using the best stuff. Give a pro the worst equipment and I imagine their efforts will undoubtedly rise above those of the amateur's using the best stuff. <_<

  7. Dude -- a piece of advice? Don't quit your day job.

    Ever considered that the glut of really good prosumer SLRs means there's a lot more people with exactly the same idea as you? And the general herd of humanity can't tell the difference between a good and a great photograph -- most of them are after the cheapest possible photographer, especially for events like weddings and such. Most of these "professional" photographers don't even do it for a main living -- a lot are just hobbyists with good gear that is moonlighting.

    I know someone who started photography seriously when he was about 18 (he was older than me by about a year or so, IIRC), by now (over a decade later) he's very experienced and very good. But he couldn't keep up with the competition when they are running around with better gear than he had, using superior AI and technology to compensate for lack of experience, and charging way under what he has to (to maintain his solo photography work). Too darn proud to join a studio, he ended up migrating and studying accountancy. Or finance, can't quite remember.

    Being the best artist with camera glass means... not that much actually, without the connections necessary to get your work published and recognized. Unless you already have access to an extensive network, your first few gigs are going to be quite low paying and mind numbing. If you're single and not worried about supporting a family, that might be ok... but it's still good to have another stable source of income.

    This is what I suggest: you're working as a mobile DJ; that means you move around a lot. Get a decent entry level DSLR, then before or after you work, go around the area and look for interesting things to photograph. Try different styles, different approaches, different perspectives. Then share the photos out at places where you can get critiques.

    I ain't going to lie -- unless you really have talent for it, the first few thousand photos you take are going to be very mundane and boring, and it will show. Then after a while, you'll develop interest areas, where you will become much more in-tune with, and then you'll start to develop your own personal style. And that's when, if you really are very good and you actually get there, you'll start breaking into the right circles.

    Nothing against wizartar, but I'm really very tired of hearing that line. Yes, the artistic talent of the photographer plays a big part, but so does equipment; a genius with poor equipment is constrained by the limits of the equipment, but an idiot with great equipment can still produce good results... but will not, of course, be able make the most of the equipment.

    Put another way -- equipment allows the photographer to make the most of his talent; having the right level of equipment relevant to the current and developing skillset will allow the photographer to be most efficient and still continue to grow. Being over- or under-equipped just punishes the photographer for no good reason.

    Ha! Again, more great advice, but there is no way in hell I'd quit my day job. My mobile DJ gig is a side job/home based business. I'm a manager in telecommunications by day.

    Anywho, I have to agree that the right equipment does make a difference. You can give the best DJ some shagged out equipment and there is only so much he can do with it. Give him the best and I guarantee he'll do some amazing things.

  8. Finally got my camera to act right. Was able to get everything out except for the Max VF-1S and TV Super & Strike Parts.

    Spent most of the evening trying to get the Luca Custom transformed. It can be seen here in this post.

    Hope to have the VF-11B some time next week.

    Anywho, here are some quick photos of my 1/60's. Max's TV VF-1A...fighter mode is just plain beautiful!




  9. all i can say is follow your heart. but pls start from the very basic stuff. just upgrade as your skills improve. and those photographers that were making 5x more are people who have college degrees in photography, tons of experience and its their main source of income. whatever you end up doing, i hope youll be happy.

    i wouldnt sell my dj equipment if i were you


    Don't sell your DJ equipment just yet. Get an entry level camera with a kitlens and see if you enjoy photography and do a night course like wizartar said. Build up a portfolio and start taking paid jobs. With the money made from those paid jobs buy better/more expensive equipment.

    The different between a good picture and a great picture isn't the camera but the photographer.

    Expensive equipment won't make you better at this. Have you done anything like this before, if the answer is no. Then you should do a night course or join a photography society learn about the profession before jumping head first in with your cash. I'd be surprised if people would hire you without seeing any of your work. "Do you have a photo-portfolio of other events you've worked?" I'm sure would be a standard question if people are dropping serious cash.

    Do you know how to do day shoot Vs night? How to use camera filters to add mood to a photo? What the different lens type are used for? I'm not trying to talk you out of it, just there is a lot to taking good photos that people don't realize. Yeah anybody can pick up a camera and take a picture. But there is a skill involved in seeing what pictures to take.

    Also about hassle, said Photo guy has to have perfect pictures from the night and all the key events. Blurry or camera shake picture won't cut it, there's no re shot and there better be no red eye.

    If this is a great rich quick idea, you're in for a hell of a fright!

    All great advice guys! I appreciate the feedback. I have a different perspective now. I am clueless and not versed in the least when it comes to photography. Earlier in the thread I asked for suggestions on cameras to get started in the hobby and got some good information. As I started looking I got inundated with information about the different cameras and found myself looking at $2K-$3K cameras.

    I knew there was no way I was going to convince my wife to let me spend that kind of cash on a camera. Then I thought about it as a business and not having the up front expense. I figured I could invest in the equipment and still have the business expense for tax purposes if I sold my DJ equipment and invested in photography stuff. As I learned to shoot in different environments and learn about all the hardware software I could be building up a portfolio of pictures. This way, I would have good solid equipment as I built up opportunities for paid gigs.

    Anywho, I think I will take the advice given here. I’ll limit myself to the original $500 and invest in a nice DSLR and take some classes. As my skills get better I can upgrade. Still up in the air on the camera though.

  10. The paint on DX VF-25F and fast pack are incredibly easy to scratch off! Anyone planning to make water decal for the 1/60? I will be the first to place order! :D

    Check samueldecal.com I think he has either 1/72 or 1/60 water slide decals for Frontier stuff.

  11. I build and sell custom lightsabers.

    youtube channel

    My macross collecting has slowed down a lot. I recently purchased a VF-1d, and the VF-11. My next purchase will be the VF-25S Armored Messiah Valkyrie - Ozma Custom. That will be it for a while, unless the VF-0D 1/60 comes out.

    DAMN YOU!!! For the shameless plug! I'm not even into the whole Star Wars thing, but I would certainly like to have one of these just for the heck of it; if they're affordable! Please send me a PM with a price on what something like this would cost. Thanks!

  12. I haven't removed my Max VF-1S from the box yet, but as I add my 1/60's to the mix of my 1/48 collection they begin to look more like "action figures" compared to the 1/48's. Even still though, the sculpt, articulation, poseability, and detail of these things are just plain awesome! I'm staring at my TV Max VF-1A now and it's just __________ (fill in the blank with awesome word).

    As small as they are, they are still the shiggity! Hope to have my camera working properly tomorrow to take some cool pics!

  13. Okay, so I told my wife at dinner yesterday that I am considering bowing out of the mobile DJ business to take up photography. She discouraged it because she knows how passionate I am about music and encouraged me to just invest in a "camera" because she's always wanted to take up photography as a hobby. I then tell her that I was looking to sell my DJ equipment and invest in a heavy weight cameral, lenses, flashes, a new Macbook, and the whole nine. She paused and asked if it was going to take thousands of dollars and I told her photography is no different from DJ'ing (equipment wise); you can spend as little or as much as you want because the sky is the limit.

    That being said, if I am going to jump neck deep into this photography thing and I have let's say $5K to spend, what would be your set up? Keep in mind I am looking to shoot family photos indoors and out and will need those lamps and umbrella looking things the professional photographers use, a good solid lens, as well as some class time on shooting photos.

    I'd like to invest most of the money in a good body and lens. I've been eyeing Nikon's D3's and what not, but the stuff is way too advanced for my skillset so I don't know what to look for.

    I know this may sound crazy and all, but here's the problem. When I DJ events there is usually a photographer there whether it's a father daughter dance, private party, etc. While I walk away with $400-$500 for the night, the guy taking pictures has probably made 4-5 times what I made with half the headache. I figured I would rather work smarter and not harder and make more money; all the while being able to take some awesome pics of my Macross collection as I learn the skill of taking quality photos.

    Any input would be appreciated.

  14. When you're married, that is part of your daily duty as a hubby. I have never been married before, but I sure love bachelor's life. Which gives me more cash-flow at the end of the month.

    Happy 35th you old fart you! Haha.... me kidding brah.

    Ha! Appreciate the birthday wishes Q-dawg. Old fart, it's all good bro-ham as I noticed a gray hair in my eyebrow just last week. Thought I had a piece of lint on my face. I'm normally bald, but now notice the hair near my temples graying when it grows out. Not very noticeable, but it's definitely beginning to change. Gray chest hairs too. Old fart suits me well!

    Duty. I dread that word, but it's the truth. I have to admit that some days I miss being a bachelor. You appreciate the things you take for granted as a single guy. Marriage aint so bad though. Can't say I would do it again, but it's what you make it. It's just the days that it aint so good that you see singles guys and you yearn for their lifestyle.

    All in all, the good has outweighed the bad as far as being in a marriage. The effects it has on my ability to collect Macross stuff has actually been very minimal.

    I know this sounds bad, but it's almost like another woman dropped a baby off at our house and said it was mine and my wife's only response was: This baby is going to need milk.

    I've been going to the store for milk since January 2008.

  15. Picture request!

    Could anyone take a picture of the Max TV VF-1A with TV superparts (Or Dyrl if you don't have TV) in fightermode please ?

    Im thinking of buying a TV Max with Superparts but i want to see how good it looks first.

    If I get my camera to work this evening, I should be able to get a shot of this.

  16. Just got an updated wishlist from half.com on some CD's I have been looking for which gave me an idea. Here are a few on the list:

    Today: Today (CD, 1988)

    Best Price: $54.99

    Condition: Like New Seller: jsanders_pawn

    Best Condition: Like New

    Price: $54.99 Seller: jsanders_pawn

    Going Steady: Steady B (CD, 1989)

    Best Price: $70.53

    Condition: Very Good Seller: techdirectllc

    Best Condition: Very Good

    Price: $70.53 Seller: techdirectllc

    Nine Livez: Nine (Rap) (CD, 1995)

    Best Price: $45.97

    Condition: Very Good Seller: techdirectllc

    Best Condition: Brand New

    Price: $126.81 Seller: techdirectllc

    I know I have some rare out of print CD's that I might be willing to let go. Check you CD collections. If you have stuff you no longer listen to check out half.com or secondspin.com to see what they are going for. If they are out of print you will be surprised to see what they are fetching nowadays!

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