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Everything posted by ChronoReverse

  1. Yeah, so far it's been a turkey shoot for the F-22's. Not very surprising considering it's hard to get a lock on the F-22 while it has no trouble picking you up and shooting. In a straight-up dog-fight, the F-22 is "merely" top-classed. But for overall air-superiority (or air-dominance as some say) it's a complete and absolute package. I didn't say whether the F-14 or the F-15 was better I'm only commenting that on paper, the specs of the F-15 at least matches (and sometimes surpasses) the F-14.
  2. What makes you think that? The F-14 is slower than the F-15 and is heavier. Both have a big honking radar system so that's not going to give an edge to the F-14 either.
  3. The F-14 was not the "best dogfighter" ever. Top Gun gave it a reputation far higher for that role than it ought to have. Do you really think such a heavy plane could manuever that well? I do love the look of the F-14 though and it's also the only fighter than can carry the almighty (j/k) Phoenix AIM-54
  4. Hmm, is there a reason why they're not in ex-gear suits? Alto jumped in in just a normal flight suit.
  5. Yeah, it seems pretty clear the Macross Quarter is the SMS ship and is likely a compact version of the New Macross Class. It's pretty small too. You can tell from the fightercraft that are on the exterior.
  6. I don't think the engines are always in the legs. For instance, the VF-22 (YF-21) is explicitly designed such that the legs can even be detached on purpose.
  7. That would be interesting if true because the VF-22 had a battroid profile like the Q-Rau because of that system. It'd be interesting if they didn't have to do that anymore. I felt that KK's Q-Rau was performing more agile movements than the VF-25 though (although the VF-25 was in fighter mode). Interesting how the Q-Rau fully keeps pace with the VF-25. I'd have expected the VF-25 with a Super Pack ought to be able to outrun the Q-Rau (even updated) if it were in fighter mode.
  8. Well, if it's zero-G, you need two hands to operate the sniper gun and you need stability... then it makes sense.
  9. I don't think it's a matter of punching safely but rather being able to punch even harder. There's some validity in assuming that the PPB helps protect the fist structure from impact damage.
  10. Yeah, the actual red areas seem to be heavy armour. Mikhail's shot seemed to go through the whitish face area. Then again part of the red part got vaped too (lighter armour as you say in the head). It's also worth noting that the sniper shot didn't decapitate the Red but only put a hole in the head. Yet the head came off?
  11. Interesting, they sent out the 171 again and presumably they were useful this time.
  12. Interesting, the Red is vulnerable to a headshot from the sniper gun. We already knew it was strong enough to puncture the Whites but it could take out the face area of the Reds too. Too bad the Red can operate headless XD. I'm thinking that it's likely to be a projectile based weapon too but the glow gives me some doubts. Maybe it's some kinda of encapsulated plasma shell.
  13. In any case, we're all on the same page so let's bury the hatchet okay? (dang my reading comprehension is pretty bad today).
  14. I'm not sure what you're even trying to argue Mr. March. Your earlier comments indicate that you didn't think that the Armoured VF-25 should fly but now you're saying that it should?
  15. Hmm, that should really be rephrased. Now that it's pointed out to me I see it though.
  16. Actually, for almost ALL systems, the Video Card doesn't affect decoding (except for colour-space conversions). Unless you're doing mpeg2 (which your cpu will handle easily anyway). I know that my system can offload to the GPU but that's because I have both a 3850 AND Media Player Classic HC (the only current free player that can offload to GPU). And it only works for H.264 sometimes as well as VC-1.
  17. Yeah, I read it the same too that engines have more power in an atmosphere. But that only makes it even easier to fly in an atmosphere.
  18. I'm sorry if I sounded that way but I really only meant that the mass (not weight) of the armour was shown and thus it probably isn't that much lighter than the usual armour (addressing someone's conjecture that perhaps this new Heavy Armour was lighter). It's called Heavy Armour for a reason Of course it applies. The 11 can't even achieve escape velocity on its own. Even with two booster rockets it doesn't come close to the performance of the YF-21. Furthermore, the production engines on the 19 and 22 were much more powerful than the prototypes. The point is that the 25, by logical extension, should definitely have enough thrust. Awesome. Numbers are always good when they back up logical analysis.
  19. If you can safely hover, it won't take too much to lift off. But more importantly, Ozma's 25 dipped when it came out of the hangar and caught itself using the hovering jets (but barely which was what I meant but lumber). This indicates sufficient power for lift. It would be a reasonable assumption that a VF that can usefully hover has the ability to fly too. Otherwise, the slightest variation in the normal force (sum of downward forces) would send it into a heap on the ground. Incidentally, we know that the VF-11 already had a sufficiently powerful hover to be able to support the larger YF-22 in GERWALK mode.
  20. I wouldn't be surprised that the 25 can hover with the heavy armour. It takes more energy to be able achieve escape velocity than to simply hover and we know that the previous generation of VFs were already capable of escape velocity on their own. A generation later, it doesn't take much of a stretch to envision engines even more powerful. In any case, even with the 25 you can see how the hovering was quite laboured when Ozma's VF lumbered out of the hanger.
  21. They let you run Windows programs on OSX. Performance is usually at least 90%. If you had an Intel Mac (instead of G4 or G5) it'd be able to run the Windows version of VLC and get good performance I'd think.
  22. If you have an Intel Mac, you should consider running VLC under Fusion or Parallels. It'll likely then be quick enough >_>
  23. For which I'm glad actually. I'd be really sad to see the VF-19 being used as cannon fodder TT
  24. You're thinking BDS (Brain Direct System Interface?)? BDI is Brain Direct Imaging. Since they're using a wraparound screen and their eyes, I'd say they're not using BDI As for the control part, even in Zero, they already had eye-tracking, so more than 50 years later, who knows what level of control they have without resorting the more problematic BDS. It's certain that the control is beyond merely touchscreen since the SMS pilots were able to locate, track and zoom with their HUD with the appearance of only a glance.
  25. I have nothing against that but has he thought about having multiple subtitle tracks instead? Track 0 with clean OP/ED while track 1 can have the credits and lyrics.
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