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shadow strikers

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Everything posted by shadow strikers

  1. Okay some people gave me their thoughts on perfect trans valk. But most people are complaining, its okay if eugimon did because he was trying to get me to use punctuation.
  2. I'm not spamming, I just respond to comments quicker then most people.
  3. I understand but it's quicker for me to write like that. Well I can't always get what I want, so ill start adding punctuation to my sentences.
  4. lets hope they don't, and if they do get their hands on it hope to god they make the director watch the anime for accuracy. Or have George Lucas, Micheal bay, and Steven Spielberg to make it. Micheal has action Lucas has sci fi and space steven has story all three could make a awesome live action movie.
  5. should they remake the vf-1's to transform like in the show like the leg mechanism shown in a earlier post here
  6. im saying is that the other person said the 1/60 could remove its nose cone then I said it couldnt then he said the nose cone is a escape pod then I said it isnt man you can read and no punctuation for you
  7. I like perfect trans I had a bad experience with part forming the set that came with 3 vf-1's 2 1A's and 1S. The 1S was perfect but the 1A's boy what a pain legs fall off arms too waste of 50 dollars.
  8. the 1/48's have a removable nose cone not the 1/60 and a nose cone is a nose cone not a escape pod
  9. The Roy Fokker paint job VF-22 I would buy no questions ask hands down.
  10. Personally I think perfect trans is the best, because I don't have to pull this out, move this here in order to change it. It's just simpler and a lot better for a figure then a bunch of loose parts that might get lost.
  11. Yes that's what I meant, the companies that make the cartoons and so on should redesign the valks. Nothing that radically changed, just a design change like from tom cat style which it currently is to something else.
  12. if i call my self a genius I would say i am but i said the idea was not me clearly you cant ready on a side note POTATOES
  13. please close and delete this thread, its a waste of time and the joke was funny at first but now it's dumb.
  14. Human nature is most amusing, I say one thing you all come to me like lost puppies wanting to be noticed. Also how something little as completely isolating someone can drive them crazy. Another thing how people can't think for them selves so they need someone to tell them whats right and wrong.
  15. how can it be stupid you talk prideful but the truth is to the companies your nothing more then easy money. So when you die there wont be a need to make valks I mean who's gonna buy something they have no idea what it goes too. Also this started as me wanting to know if you can use better materials, and it turned from that to transformers, to all this pointless stuff. I could really careless what you have to say, just like any other person in this world people are nothing to me but pawns in my game that everyone will soon be involved in.
  16. if you paid attention when you die and all the other old farts here then there wont be that stuff anymore because who the heck is gonna know what macross is when all the fan die of old age or any other hilarious ending. Yamato waste money making valks to please the old fans and so when your gone they wont need to do it anymore or make movies and so on. Thats why I said get kids into it so when you all pass on there will be people to fill your shoes
  17. there's no need to be sarcastic I don't see you coming up with ideas to keep macross alive
  18. lol sorry you know what I'll stop trying to help and when things break just file a complaint to the company. You come up with your own ideas for keeping stuff from break. Also my idea to keep macross alive was genius but like all thing people put it down then when its too late you cant do it
  19. Like I said repainting and re naming will eventually lose its edge and when all the fans pass on what will become of macross
  20. Like a polymer or self healing plastic and yes such a thing exist here's a link self healing plastic or look at the atoms in palm or abs and enhance it to resist heat or stress or lower its brittleness
  21. Macross is a series you know like Macross plus frontier and so on. Two definitions that describe what I mean by series 1.similar things placed in order or happening one after another 2.A number of things that follow on one after the other or are connected one after the other
  22. It's the truth because eventually renaming and repainting old things will loose its luster. It'll be like a dual knife it just wont cut it. Also when you all die what will happen to macross just dust in the wind unless you do what I stated earlier in order to get more people into it. Why can't anyone understand what I am saying, its like im speaking Icelandic or something.
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