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shadow strikers

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Everything posted by shadow strikers

  1. can I have your collections when all of you old dudes turn to dust.
  2. Didn't I mention something about more parts to that set. I'm pretty sure I did. Can't find my post.
  3. 30.00$? That's freaking cheap, well I guess budgets for everyone is different, because what I think is expensive you think it's insane.
  4. why do people sell their old figures then buy new versions of them, whats the point in being a collector if you sell them the next day because a better valk is released, just keep the old figures play with them once in a while then get new ones.
  5. Its a rip off of macross someone should burn that. By burn I mean destroy not copy.
  6. Same but I would like to have two instead of 1, this is what a set should consist of. The chairs the are retractable both the 1 seater and the two seater, also the baby pod a generic Valk escape pod, so you don't have to buy two just to use that gimic, firefighting bombs two of them and a crushed head to add the look of its head being crushed like to Roy Fokkers Mecha in DYRL. But there should be 4 sets 1 for each different valk the, 1D, 1A, 1J, and the 1S of course each part painted differently for each type excluding the, seats, the firefighting bombs the, escape pod, and the baby pod just the head is different.
  7. Isn't Millia's daughter a older women in one of the macross series.
  8. I meant like battle pods and so on.
  9. okay then agent I guess I have to agree to the head honcho and say you had a brain fart, but its okay everyone makes mistakes.
  10. He's talking about the seat in the cock pit of the plane is bigger then the head/turret of the mecha
  11. what if the pod broke off and they baby was lost in space forever
  12. This is exactly how I remember it (Diversion distracts the enemy) Max and Millia brake into the mother ship everyone is angry/surprised then Max said and i quote "Millia take out the baby" Millia takes it out of the pod and she saids "Behold the power of protoculture with the power of protoculture this was created inside of me" then the zentradi say its deformed you think its a disease then in fright they run off.
  13. I though the pod retracted out of a storage area in the valk while in fighter mode, it did that when they broke into the mother ship of the zentradi to show them the baby.
  14. what game is that, the one that has those jets with the Halloween theme on them.
  15. I'm saying that they should make a new macross series and exo could be the director, because seeing how exo knows all and sees all about macross.
  16. Though it would be cool if yamato started making enemy mecha's.
  17. I was just kidding everyone in this forum is awesome, if I knew people *cough* ceo of yamato*cough* I could probably give people free valks. But making friends with that person will take time, and don't worry if I get a chance to call the person I'll be able to make friends with that person in snap then get free valks for you people.
  18. ya it would be cool if they made a new macross series, but this one would be about another war and it just doesn't start off in the middle of it like most of the macross series did, you would see a character do something then it triggers a war to start also it could have Valks that are built for racing, and the racing game in the series could be called something cool can't think of a name and the main characters Valk could be called lightning streak. Sorry if this is off topic, but seeing how I have a giant imagination I could create a epic series with just a few fans *cough* exo *cough* some other people.
  19. Why don't you and a few people in this forum direct it like Exo, and some other people.
  20. I never said macross and robotech were the same, you got that out of thin air i just said we need a live action macross movie, I don't know where you got robotech out of that, are you sure your replying to me or someone else.
  21. Plus making a new macross series is okay, but to grab the kids so they can be life time customers we need some high end live actions full of destruction and adventure/ love movie. It worked for other cartoon series, *cough* transformers*cough* *cough* g1 80's movie*cough*
  22. lets just say I have sources*cough* president*cough* tax payers money*cough* I just get my valks out of thin air.

  23. lets just say I have sources*cough* president*cough* tax payers money*cough*
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