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Posts posted by fulcy

  1. Yeah, I did.  Doesn't help explain what I missed.

    At least delete the image place holders...sheesh.


    So, what you're saying is, because you missed something, I should hold your hand and explain it to you? Or that I should go back into all my posts that are, what, over 6 months old and delete the image place holders, because I changed ISP's, and any images that old are broken? Why don't you try doing some work, click on the link, and look at the armored gerwalk update page - it has ALL the updates I've ever done on this project, all in one easy to navigate page. But you wouldn't realize that, now would you.

  2. Pics not showing up.





    What the hell - did you even read my post - #38? and I quote:

    This project will never stop! Check out www.mechaskunk.com for updates

    Since this thread is very VERY old (started over a year ago), and isn't even the latest update thread I posted on MW (I believe there have been two or three newer ones - using the search function, here's the newest:

    http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14099 ), I decided not to update the links, since they'd be to really old pics...

  3. This project will never stop!  Check out www.mechaskunk.com for updates - unfortunately my moving from an apartment to a house has shown me two things - one, I have alot of crap.  Two, it takes a while to unpack alot of crap.  The hobby table will hopefully be assembled this weekend, in it's corner of the basement, and I'll be able to get back onto this project then...


    i moved at the begining of may and found i too had alot of stuff. but unpacking it took till the end of june.


    Well, the big problem is I moved with the girlfriend into the new house - but she just graduated from law school, and is studying to take the Bar on tuesday - so she hasn't been able to help out since the move. Hopefully after tuesday we'll be able to get alost more of the stuff put away (the clothes are all over the two upstairs bedrooms), but the big thing is that I should have a good deal of my hobby table completed this weekend - looks to be right on schedule...

  4. This project will never stop! Check out www.mechaskunk.com for updates - unfortunately my moving from an apartment to a house has shown me two things - one, I have alot of crap. Two, it takes a while to unpack alot of crap. The hobby table will hopefully be assembled this weekend, in it's corner of the basement, and I'll be able to get back onto this project then...

  5. But you might need extras for the conversion kits that will be released - 1D, VT and VE, and the Armored Gerwalk...  ;)


    So fulcy, that means you're still working on the armored gerwalk?


    Of course I am - though I haven't actually worked on it in, god, 2 months? We moved mid May, and it's just taking a long arse time to unpack and for me to set up my hobby table. It will be done - I swear to it! I just don't know when :(

  6. Ah well, I dont really need anymore Roy's....I don't really need more fast packs either but I guess I get a few for when i can finally display everything.

    The real question is....how many are Godzilla and kensei getting?


    Me? Only about 17 FPs. It's all coming together now. I don't need Roys but might buy two more for VF-X2 GBP Customs.

    I won't need anymore FPs! Yay!

    EDIT: Suck eggs Tisinc!


    But you might need extras for the conversion kits that will be released - 1D, VT and VE, and the Armored Gerwalk... ;)

  7. I guess you didn't see the "my guess" portion of my initial post? So $149.99 + shipping = about $150+ right? Maybe even $160 if you buy it early and get it shipped from HK...

    LOL! I was just trying to point out, that there was no reason to guess - the prices were there all along :p

  8. Cynical response: I wonder how much more expensive this release will be?

    My guess:

    VF-1S - $160 U.S.

    Fast Packs - $85 U.S.


    They will be released at the normal prices they were originally released at - 5800 yen ($52) for the fast packs, 14,800 yen ($132) for the roy - Yamato's never wavered from these prices before (from the limited LV to the soon to be released CF, it's always been 14,800 yen), the only thing that's changed is the exchange rate, resulting in higher prices for us americans...

  9. I'll definitely be coming back next year.

    That's awesome to hear. Make sure to bring Lonewolf with you! :p;)

    I just woke up from a long nap... My sleeping schedule is so screwed up. I'm still full from all the BBQ stuff. Not to mention pizza from the Con.

    What a great day/ weekend.

    You'd think you'd ask him to abduct me along the way ;)

  10. Hello,

    Pardon my ignorance. I've been keeping my eye on this thread since it started, because I'm a big Gundam fan and fan of the FIX figures, but I'm confused about something.

    It would appear that only "good" guy Gundams fall under the FIX line, since Bandai created the separate Zenography line of figures. They are all FIX figures, but separate. I also believe that all the figures are supposed to be 1/144 scale, which is slightly bigger than the MSIA?

    So, the next release is the XI "Penelope" Gundam, which I thought was part of the Gundam Seed storyline. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If that is correct, it would appear Gundam Seed will be included in the FIX line.

    If that is the case, why has Bandai started yet another pseudo-FIX line via the "Cosmic Region Force Impulse Gundam?" I saw one of them in a store here, and it looked really similar to the FIX figures, and costs the same price. Why not give it all of the FIX figure goodies, the box, display stand and so forth, rather than start a new line?

    So, we have MSIA, MSIA Extended, FIX, Zenography, and now yet another line of 1/144 figures?

    Of course improvements to figures are great (MSIA to MSIA Extended), but FIX is supposed to be the ultimate "MSIA" line. Will Bandai release a FIX Force Impulse Gundam at a later date just to make more money? This isn't meant to be rant, I'm just trying to figure things out rather than buy a psuedo-FIX now, when I could wait for the real deal.

    Thank you in advance for any clarification you might provide.

    Christopher B))

    Penelope is from the novel Hathaway's Flash, I believe - it's definitely not from SEED

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