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Posts posted by sharky

  1. I'm making a prediction that Yamato will put these out. They'll be really awesome looking. Then you'll start to hear, "well I wasn't considering them before, but they look so cool and not too expensive, so I think I will get one." Battriods are cool and all, but it is clear that the design is primarily a fighter first and battroid second. That's why I always felt the fighter mode is the best looking mode. But, like the majority, I hope that we seem some enemy mechs(Officer Glaug please) and not so much of the VF-1. Oh, and each fighter should have fast packs that can be added or removed. That's why I feel it is important to have the legs fully articulated at least.

  2. Sounds like a great idea to me. While the ability to do a perfect transformation in a toy is cool, for me it is only a means to an end in order to get to a specific mode. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I actually transformed any of my Yamatos. For the most part they just sit there in one mode or another. I see where transforming and non-transforming toys have their place with collectors. You can perfect the things in a non-transforming toy that you had to compromise on in order to make a toy transforming.

    Personally, I would be satisfied to have nicely sculpted, detailed, articulated toys in each mode. They could still put in nice gimmicks in each one as well. For example, for a battriod they could have the head swing back and the cockpit could come up with a pilot inside. The could do a 3 pack set of each mode in a decent scale and price as well. I suppose for the type of toy I'm talking about you would need to be in a larger scale than the current GN-U toy line. And, you would probably be talking a higher price point.

    At this point you would almost be selling pre-built and pre-painted models although I would expect something more robust and durable such as a toy should be. If I had the skills, time, and patience of a model builder I would probably be more into the Hasagawa models anyway.

    Graham, to your specific post, YES I would love a nice GN-U type of toy in only a fighter mode. One thing I would seriously consider doing is to make the entire, engine/leg assembly fully articulated since this is also a maneuver you see Valks doing from time to time in order to quickly slow down during a dogfight. You know, gerwalk mode without transforming the arms and hands. I recall my old Arii toys do this.

    Soooo, any particular reason you bring this up Graham. ;)

  3. hey, uhh, you guys remember...

    ...in Zero, Shin was gonna

    all-out kamikaze into the Sara-controlled AFOS to try to stop her before Mao holo'ed in at the last minute


    ain't it a little bit similar to what Alto is thinking of doing to Ranka if desperation happens?

    Isamu did it to Sharon, too, you know. In Plus, that is.

    just sayin...


    The thing is, I don't think Shin realized she was inside the Birdman until the last minute.

  4. That armored gerwalk is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!! Someone please make a figure like this drawing!!!!!

    Didn't someone build a cool armored VF-1 model a long time ago. I think he is pretty famous for his scratch builds and one-of-a-kind models. Someone here must know what I am talking about. It was a gerwalk VF-1 with GBP style armor in the traditional color scheme. I remember seeing it on a hobby show review and in Hobby Japan I think.

  5. Hi,

    She seem very uneasy doing the dance... may be the dance moves was too "cute" for her... :p Also, she need to do more exercise to improve her stamina as she seem can't catch up her breath at some part of the song.

    Anyway, I was amaze with May'n live performance... very consistent and as good as the CD. :)

    Have a nice day.

    Well, she is certainly not lip synching it, so it is more difficult to dance and sing well I think. Who knows what she was doing right before she was singing. Maybe she is simply tired that day. IMO, she is simply concentrating on singing well and less on her dance moves.

  6. Kadokawa has had a link for a while for this book.


    According to the description it's a guide book that covers all the episodes, focuses on the "best scenes" of Sheryl, Ranka and Alto, and also shows production and mecha explanations (I'm guessing line art). I haven't seen any descriptions of it containing publicity art, though I'm sure it will have some.

    Animedia will also have a Macross F Official File 1 (comes out 9/19). I'm guessing it will actually be a character oriented book, but I could be mistaken.

    Waiting for YesAsia to put up links or I'll go the Kinokuniya route...

    Thanks for the info. Keep in mind, many of us non-Japanese speaking fans don't have an easy time accessing this kind of info. Your help is greatly appreciated by all I'm sure. :)

  7. I remember seeing a car that was tuned with a Macross theme. They sort of took elements of a VF-1 and incorporated it into the car. Things such as UN-Spacy logos, skull squadron logos, intake markings, no step, etc. It was very well done and looked really cool. If I come across the picture I will post it.

  8. I don't think she'd be quite as enthusiastic to do a Japanese voice acting job...and I think the penduluum may have swung back from "I Am Minmay" to "I Am NOT Minmay." At least, she hasn't performed "DYRL" at any of her shows in Los Angeles for a few years now (and still seems a little annoyed that most of the new people who show up at her concerts do so mainly because they know her as the voice of Minmay), and she really didn't seem terribly happy to sign my copy of "Macross Love Story" a few months ago.

    Yeah, I see what you mean. But, I suppose if it were a decent paying gig she would. I think it's always a struggle between being famous for her role as Minmay and being appreciated for her music talent. It seems she does want to promote that she is a talented singer, composer, songwriter above anything else which is understandable. It's not like she earns extra money for singing any Macross songs or for signing Macross related autographs. I am one to admit that I don't really follow her music other than her Macross stuff, and I guess that's sort of the problem as she might see it.

  9. Well...Kawamori decided that BEFORE Hase died, but his death probably cemented it.

    I also doubt that Mari Iijima would be terribly interested in doing a new Macross show...and do you really want a fake Minmay as well as a fake Hikaru...?

    Didn't Mari Iijima do the voice in the ADV remastered and dubbed release of Macross? I remember watching the interview on YouTube. It seems at one time she did hate being type-cast into Minmay, but has since come to accept it. I'll bet she would do it if they asked her. I mean, look at how Frontier is doing and how popular the songs are becoming. I think it would really boost her career to a new level.


    I tell you what, she still looks cute after so many years! :D

  10. Cool, but those are massive! Even my phone wouldn't take those, and it has a generous limit. How'd they get that size? The audio i ripped from the video for Nyan Nyan and Ninjin wasn't even 900k. Not bad cleanup.

    Here's my attempts. I tried enhancing Nyan Nyan. It's pretty much a lost cause. Sorry if it's a bit tinny.


    Sorry about the file size. I extracted the audio from the video source without trying to compress it or anything. I probably had the bit rate maxed from a previous project. The source was so bad I didn't want it to get any worse. I was really just trying to put something out as clean as I can get it. I suppose you still need to do a bit of work to compress it further and possibly clip it to a length more appropriate for a ringtone. Thanks for taking it a step further.

  11. Here are some mp3 files you can use for ringtones. I apologize for the quality, but the source was already pretty bad. I did my best to clean them up, but I am really a novice at it. Also, I don't have super advanced audio software either.

    Nyan Nyan CM Song - Bobby Version


    Ninji-n Love You Yeah! - Bobby Version


    Watashi no Kare wa Pilot - Bobby Version


  12. anybody know what the name of the new track that debuted in ep 22 was... not northern cross but the song sheryl was singing right before klan spilled the secret to alto?

    Wiki has this title as debuting in episode 22, "Yōsei" (妖精, "Fairy"?).


    Is this correct guys? I don't seem to see this title on any of the currently released CDs. Perhaps it will be on the next OST release.

  13. I can crop the Youtuve audio if no one minds the quality.

    Apologies for my distracted nature at coming back to this thread.

    It may be worth the time if you can figure out how to clean it up a bit. I would personally wait to see if a later OST will have it as a bonus track or something.

    By the way, I use the Fast Video Download plug-in for Firefox to grab the video from YouTube. Then I extract the audio as an MP3 via VLC media player. I am curious to learn other methods. What do you do to extract video and audio from YouTube or similar sites?

  14. I think OVAs have an advantage in time available for action scenes. With a TV episode, 20 mins are not enough for a big battle, you just see snippets of action here and there and then the main character scene. With an OVA you can have enough time for the action scene of another character too, as demonstrated by Macross Zero.

    I still say in Macross Plus they pulled more extreme stunts though.

    Frontier has very good action scenes, they are just short and to the point. If it gets the OVA/Movie option, I think it could top everything we've seen until now.


    Not to get off topic, but there is one example where I was very disappointed in an OVA and the lack of action scenes. The last battle in Gunbuster really disappointed me when they inserted storyboard sketches set to music. I was all set for a very climatic, intense, and exciting scene, only to be let down. It took me a long time to come to grips with it, but I finally let that issue go because I loved the rest of it so much. I always wondered if it was simply because they ran out of time and/or money and couldn't finish animating it, or they were truly trying to be artistic.

    Back to your point, I would agree that OVA releases do tend to have better animation quality. Frontier is taking things to a new level IMO for a series. It is really a treat because I feel the animation quality is very good and rivals many OVA's that are out there right now.

  15. I wouldn't put Alto that high up, at least not yet. IMO he's just about on par or slightly below Ozma. Also, Brera ma have hax, but he's shown that he can out-dogfight Alto as long as the princess doesn't get the jump on him.

    Also, since we're talking about major characters, bottom of the list would be, not Kakizaki but Sheryl Nome.

    If you going to put Sheryl Nome you might as well throw in Sara Nome. Remember she piloted the Birdman and fought effectively. No moves though, just good targeting skills and brute force weapons. Or, maybe it wasn't her but the Birdman targeting. I just remember Sara pointing to everything and saying "Kadun". :p

  16. If someone could turn Bobby's 'Ninjins Loves You Yeah!" into a message tone I'd be very happy :D

    Yeah, in the music thread we were discussing if anyone can put out a good quality MP3 of the Bobby renditions of Nyan Nyan, Ninji-n Loves You Yeah!, and Watshi no Karo wa Pilot. It is my understanding that these were only available for download to cell phones. I assume to be used as a ringtone and only in Japan of course. So, can anyone of you die hard Macross fans in Japan download them to your cell phone and upload them to your computer? It would be much appreciated. :D

  17. Didn't Sara save the day? Or so from what I remember :p

    She had the ultimate fighting machine, the Birdman. :p I wonder if she will make an appearance in M:F. I am curious if she traveled to the planet that Ranka and Brera are visiting. I mean, I theorize that she has changed into a sort of spirit form by now, and in this way she can appear in Frontier.

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