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Posts posted by sharky

  1. There is no joke really. "Booby Duck" is simply a code name used in SDF: Macross to designate the prototype Super Valkyrie FAST packs, just like "Conroe" to designate Intel's 1st Core 2 Duo processors

    Oh, I see. I have been re-watching SDF:M lately but I haven't come to that part yet. It's been so long since I watched it last I forgot. Thanks. And, here I go thinking something else. :lol: I guess I have a dirty mind that way. Bad sharky! :p

  2. Observant ones will see it. :ph34r:

    As noted in the guidelines for the thread, when the finale airs, you may post without spoiler tags. There is no 12-hour spoiler notice for the final episode.

    If you do not wish to be spoiled, I suggest not viewing this thread or the boards, at all, until you have seen the episode.

    I took it to mean avoid the boards all together.

  3. FYI, I noticed that a couple of ebay stores out of the West coast have decent deals on the SOC Gunbuster GX-34. Or, what I consider my personal Holy Grail of Gunbuster toys. :D They are US listings so the shipping is reasonable. Best price I've found so far since it was released a couple of years ago. I missed the boat when it was first released. I'm expecting mine to come in any day now. ;)



  4. SPOILER TAGS if you're going to talk about the Vajra people. Some of us are still downloading the final episode and it hasn't even been 24hrs since it's been aired.

    Well, it was stated on the final episode talkback thread that the spoiler tag rule was void for the final episode. It didn't make sense to me to do that, but I guess the mods figured everyone would be caught up in the excitement and watch it right away. Please proceed with caution in any of the threads on this board.

  5. meninge, thanks for all the work putting the chart together. It is nice to be able to compare all the sizes. Can't wait to see the addition of the F-14.

    BTW, I get that the term "booby ducks" is referring to FAST packs on the VF-1, but I still don't get the joke. OK, I suppose I can get the "booby" part on a VT-1. I know it's probably obvious to some of you, but please enlighten me.

  6. Now that was a Macross ending. But what I love was that Birler had a Minmay picture. :)

    Well, don't we all have one. :p

    WTF??!!!! I thought she had bigger boobs than that!!! :lol::D

    When she started ripping off her clothes I was thinking "whoa baby!" :D

    And, then she got all tentacled and vieny and then I was thinking "eewww!" :o

    BTW, why is Grace still wearing her glasses at the end? I assumed it was simply part of her disguise so people wouldn't know her true nature.

  7. You'll be happy with it I'm sure Cypher. It really is an awesome box set. The books have quite a bit of content in them. I wasn't expecting them to be so thick. The entire set is quite heavy you'll find.

    In the past I was watching it on my computer before I got my DVD player. I noticed that the Philips DVD players usually have simple hacks to re-set the region code to whatever you want. I bought the cheapest one at Target and it worked great. However, I took it back because I want to get the up-converting one.

    Enjoy the box set!

  8. I think the T-1001 hiring Ellison is a ploy to find out where John is. But it doesn't seem like she's out to get him.

    The thing is, why would she need Ellison to help her find another machine as she claims. If she really needed one, they could simply send one back in time. Heck, they could send a whole team of machines back in time to start a company and work on creating Skynet. I think it is another plot to get John Conner, or perhaps there is another agenda yet to be revealed.

    One thing that bugged me about this last episode is when they were at the pier and Cromartie is chasing after John and shooting at him. How is it that the police never arrive to investigate what is going on, and possibly see him walking out of the water onto the beach? Why wasn't anyone else near the area where they fell over the pier trying to investigate what happened? I would think that someone would have called 911 after the first shots were fired. I wonder how long it actually took Cromartie to sink to the bottom and walk out?

  9. Robocop is one of my favorite childhood movies. I for one would like to see something new.

    Wow, you had some really cool parents. B))

    I thought it was funny that it was mentioned that Red Dawn was considered the most violent movie every made when they also write about Robocop in the same article. :p I re-watched Red Dawn a few weeks ago in fact. Pretty tame by today's standards.

  10. FIXED! ('cause you might as well remember the guy's triumphs, rather than than the "Crap! How am I going to afford the heating bill on my indoor pool" roles...)

    And...um...I thought he was dead. Really.

    Hey, don't be dissing Airwolf. That was one of my favorite shows as a kid. :p

    And if you're going to praise Borgnine it should be for his Oscar winning performance in Marty. I've long made the contention that Earnest Borgnine has arguably the longest filmography among actors today, and seems to have worked every year of his long career. This guy has been in just about everything. So, I don't think he was really ever hard up for money at any given time. You could easily play the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game in about 2 degrees with Earnest Borgnine.

  11. Hey protostart8, I also live in Georgia, and have noticed that my shipments from HLJ that come SAL have taken much longer than in years past. But, I've always received my item. It was never lost. I have seen my time of delivery almost double from the past. Recently items have taken almost 4 solid weeks once I receive my shipping notice from HLJ. I understand that you can get anxious because it does seem to take forever. I was the same way.

    My theory is similar to others on this thread in that due to higher fuel costs I believe the shipping companies are making sure that each transport container is completely full before it leaves. Also, tighter customs processing since 9/11 is typically a cause for delay as well.

    By the way, SAL is Suface Air Lift which means it is not coming by boat. If it came by boat (what HLJ simply calls "Surface") it would take the 4 to 6 weeks mentioned by HLJ I'm sure. SAL ships by truck to the airport and I believe it gets loaded into those special containers for airplanes. It simply waits at the airport until they can get an entire contianer and an entire plane loaded full. Then it is flown across the Pacific most likely to a major hub in California for processing by customs. There it is put on a truck and shipped cross country to Georgia possibly stopping at major hubs along the way.

    So, each time it gets unloaded at a hub sorted and loaded back on a truck I'm sure there is delay to make sure the truck or plane is full.

    By comparison something shipping EMS to you in Georgia will fly immediately from Japan to a hub such as JFK airport in New York. It is then received by customs and flown to Atlanta. I've received something here in Georgia via EMS in as little as 3 days from Japan. The downside is it's very expensive due to the more people that have to handle it and the more money on fuel spent to send it on a per package basis. The good old days used to be when I would order something regular mail and if you were lucky it would get thrown in on the express container leaving Japan just because they had room.

  12. I guess I'm the type of person that wants to like a movie going into it otherwise I won't even start to watch it. Call me a sucker, but I usually go into a movie with an open mind and wanting to be entertained. I try not to bring in my own preconceived notions of what it should or should not be. So, for me, a movie has to give me a reason not to like it. I thought Speed Racer was a fun and entertaining flick. While I can appreciate various movies on various artistic levels, I thought this was a creative way to present the Speed Racer story. But, then again, my taste in movies is so wide and varied that I'm a pretty easy person to please.

  13. If you're going to continue to name Conan you got to include Red Sonja.

    Some other fantasy flicks some may have forgotten.



    Does anyone remember the ultimate guilty pleasure Condorman?

    And, I think I remember SpaceHunter being in 3-D at the theater.

    While of the 70's era, I remember watching The Black Hole, Silent Running, and Logan's run quite a number of times as a kid in the 80s.

    Edit: Oh, yeah I forgot Time Bandits.

  14. Although the Studio Nue Entertainment Bible No.9 is Macross related, the nature of my question is about Gunbuster. So, I bring this up, again.

    Previous thread

    I have to assume from comparing the cover with my pic of the Exlion one coin figure that it has some Gunbuster content.

    post-690-1221967654_thumb.jpg post-690-1221967673_thumb.jpg

    So, does anyone know about how many pages are related to Gunbuster? I was thinking about buying the book, but I can't bring myself to spend the money if it only has very little Gunbuster content.

  15. I think it was the only restaurant franchise that survived SW-1, like Taco Bell in Demolition Man

    Wow, it's probably not very often that you can use that Taco Bell reference. Good one! :lol: Wesley Snipes finest performance! :lol:

  16. If your talking about this pic:


    The two people in the pic are'nt actually Sheryl and Mao. Its actually an unnamed Daughter or Daughter in Law of Mao and Sheryl, Grand Daughter of Mao.


    Well, she certainly resembles Mao very closely, so I would conclude that it must be Mao's daughter holding baby Sheryl. You are right though, it would make no sense for it to be Mao herself, and that's what was confusing to me. I wonder if the dialogue clarified it?

  17. Well, I wouldn't call it a "tear"jerker per say, but a jerker of a different sort it certainly is. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :lol:

    Something is bugging me about the Mao/Sheryl pic. Why would someone write a note "Your Grand Daughter, Sheryl" on the pic when the person in the picture is the grandmother? What am I missing here? I would think that if the grandmother, Mao, is in the pic holding Sheryl, she would already know that's her granddaughter.

    Why do I wish that someone will kill Brera already? It just bugs me that he's this ultimate pilot that no one can out fight. I realize he is a cyborg, but it just irritates me when they have unbeatable opponents. I so badly want Klan to blow him away.

  18. Hells YEAH! Thanks mate! I have just requested that sharky post some pics in here to.


    I'll be sure to post some within the next few days; most likely over the weekend.

  19. Not sure if anyone mentioned this in the past. Did a search and didn't really get anything. I have been re-watching my Animego DVD of SDF: Macross and realized that Nyan Nyan is the name of Minmay's family restaurant.

    I'm sure you die hard fans picked up on that right away, but it totally went over my head. I hadn't watch the series in quite some time, and I completely forgot that. I bring it up only because Frontier seemed to dwell so much on the Nyan Nyan franchise in the early episodes. Just thought others would find that bit of trivia interesting.

    I can't remember if M7 mentions Nyan Nyan restaurants or not.

  20. I read the plot summary for Ender's Game from wikipedia. Man, it sounds like a great story! I will definitely read it. I used to read sci-fi books all the time, now I don't seem to have the time for such activities. My reading time is severally limited, but I will put this at the top of my list. Thanks for posting the thread.

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