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Posts posted by Tico0001

  1. I just got my BT Meister and must say that i'm a little dissapointed... quality of the previous BTs have been flawess but this guy... well, i got the white version and all the parts are like different shades of white... and one arms keeps on poping off :(

    Anyone else having these "problems"? Does the red version have these problems as well?

    On the other hand, the design is AMAZING... the whole legs bisuness is simply a marvel of mechanical engineering. The feet look so much like G1 Cartoons that is just ridiculous!!


  2. I like all my Binaltech's but now that I look at it Hound is nearly unposeable. His heavy chest puts quite a strain on the leg joints. So far Meister is my favorite of the bunch, he's such a great homage to Jazz (with a much easier transformation).

    I can't wait for Grimlock and Windcharger. B))

    That's weird... my Hound is my favorite so far and he has no heavy chest problems. I actually like how poseable he is.


  3. Aaah... what a good topic....

    Blinky for Atari 800XL

    Bruce Lee for Atari 800XL

    Moctezuma for Atari 800XL

    F-15 Simulator for PC (mid 90s)

    F-117 flying simulator for PC (mid 90s)

    Super Metroid SNES

    Star Fox Series

    Super Mario World

    GTA Series (2,3 and VC ... i never played the 1st one)

    CS of course

    Street Fighter series

    Killer Instincts SNES (spent 1000s of hours perfecting combos)


    PS For some reason it took me 2 hours to sell my SW Battlefront :huh:

  4. I disagree with most of the nominations!!! You guys are mentioning most of the 80's and early 90's cartoons!!!

    So. Just because it's from the 80's or early 90's doesn't mean it was gold. Granted some members here ripping on them have only seen them on Cartoon Network etc. I was a kid in the 80's and saw most of the cartoons listed here when they first aired. I hated the Transformers and GI Joe cartoons back then and I still do today. I did like the toys though but I don't care for them anymore. And anyone who liked Inspector Gadget...well ....nevermind. ;)

    I don't think that the 80's or 90's cartoons were "gold" but they were definetely alright! I remember most now with fondness. Now i just wonder what people like Noriko Takaya DID watch...

    It seems to me like people are being a little harsh... these are cartoons we are talking about... not movies or big budget productions.


  5. Man, Meister looks so damn good.  I really wanted to wait and get the Alternators version since it's cheaper and the white finish doesn't seem like it would look that much better on die-cast than plastic....but my impatience got the best of me and hinted that it was in fact my birthday today and that I deserved an expensive new TF.  The next thing I knew I was entering my CC info on the BBTS order page!  :p

    HEY! The exact thing happened to me!!!!! (it's my bday too) ;) I just ordered a BT meister!! I can't wait!


    PS> happy bday to you and me!

  6. I just got my BT Hound from Digital Toys and I'm soooo impressed with this toy that i have to post about it ( i don't post very often at all ). In jeep mode there's no way to tell it can transform!!! All my family thought i just bought a stupid jeep toy!! The transformation on this one is the most ingenious one i've seen so far ( i only own smokey, sideswipe and MP Prime) and it's "superposeable".

    I'm so excited about these toys that I'm buying another one right away and I usually buy a toy for myself every 4 months or so...

    BEST LINE OF TOYS (non- macross toys that is) EVER!!


  7. Digital Toys has all Binaltechs from BT-01 to BT-07 on sale for 39.95 through today 9/20/04

    My question is, has anyone ordered from them before?

    Are they a good seller?

    Any reports of shopping experiences through them would be appreciated.

    digital toys

    Digital Toys is awesome! I ONLY buy from them. The only thing about them is that it takes the package at least 2 weeks to get to you. But the way they package your toy makes up for the time ;)


  8. Yeah, I just saw the movie. I thought it was fairly good (and this is coming from a Computer Engineer who dreams of getting a phd in robotics and has read most of Asimov's books and short stories). I could have done without Will Smith, though. Man... i hate that guy.

    The movie was very entertaining and definitely had many elements from Asimov's work. I felt like the movie was a bunch of his stories crushed together. And if you take away the crazy red glowing packs of robots you could even say that Asimov wouldn't be rolling in his grave... well... not quite....

    In Asimov's books the evolution of the robots and their laws has only one outcome... the subtle protection of humanity for eternity. In the movie on the other hand the only outcome of the robot's evolution was... well revolution and the enslavement of humanity.

    Having said all this. I say go see the movie! Pretend Will Smith is **insert your favorite actor's name** and enjoy the show.


  9. A long time ago I downloaded this paper figure that could transform from veritech to robot by folding it. You would print the back and the front of the figure and then cut it out and glue them together. They had the 1J, 1S, 1A and even the 1D. Was it at RT.com?

    Does anyone know where i can get them now? I wanted to mail one of those to a friend as a joke.

    Thanks in advance.


  10. What's next for the 'comic-to-movie' lineup? Calvin & Hobbes perhaps? (Oh no, I might've given them the idea!)

    NOOOOOO!! i can't believe you said that out loud!!! Quick!! Edit your post maybe they haven't seen it yet!

    I would die the day they make an adapation of calvin and hobbes (my fav comic ever) :(


  11. wow. That was aweful.

    I'm a supporter of the "if you don't like it , don't post" thing but that just simply horrible. I seriously hope that you are not laughing at that poor woman for real. I played the video hoping to find something funny. What i found was very disturbing and definetely NOT a laughing matter. :angry:


    PS> I guess i'm alone on this one... oh well :(

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