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Posts posted by Morpheus

  1. Hmm, I'm wondering about one thing, I think most Navy/Air Force pilot (non-VF pilot) will be able to pilot the valk in fighter mode and probably in gerwalk mode, while getting completely clueless in batroid mode (hint: SDF:M hikaru first sortie in VF-1D).

    I wonder if a destroid pilot board a VF in batroid mode, will he able to use it in gerwalk or firghter mode? :huh:

  2. I bet if Klan were the singer, you'd not only know all the titles, you'd have the lyrics memorized...in Japanese, no less. :D

    Hmm, do they have plan to release character sounds? Maybe both Gubaba and MisaForever will have their dry dream came true (as in Luca singing 'Santi-U' and Klan singing 'My Boyfriend is a Pilot') ^_^

  3. I think Lindem Herz stated it well. Their modelling and animation is fine, but their designs are horrible and show no sense of engineering design principles. In my own designs everything has a purpose, there are no "hey would cool tacked on here" parts. If something is there it has a purpose. What is the purpose of those stupid balls on the shoulders, or the ridiculously huge guns or unneeded fins. Besides I think the whole of the production is tripe, it makes no sense to make, the designs are a mess, now the animation itself looks great for a fan production, almost better then Shadow Chronicles in some ways.

    lol, I don't think most fan ever consider engineering design principle in their design, the only thing that came into their mind is "it would be cool if I place this thingy here".

    I have to admit that I also made several ludicrous design and posted them on scifi mesh forum, but I was lucky enough that most of the critic are positive lol.

  4. Hmm...

    Best Anime Gureen Lagann followed by Macross Frontier

    Worst Anime Kurogane no Linebarrel (thanks to GONZO for butchering a great manga series) and all the card-battle anime

    Best Album Hitomi Angel Feather

    Best Anime character Kamina followed by C.C.

    Worst Anime character Alto :D

    Best Cartoon Clone Wars TV series

    Worst Cartoon -never saw any other cartoon beside Clone Wars-

    That's the only things that I have in my mind right now.

  5. Hope we get to see more of the Commando battledroids. They were pretty cool.


    I want to see more fleet battle, including the debut of the ARC fighter. I wonder if they will also show the Republic battlecruiser which was stated on ICS:RoTS.

    I only like the TV series when there's a fleet battle on it and also people are actually dying in the series just like Exo Squad.

  6. if you really think about it, because of hikaru's insubordination and misuse of military equipment, he endangered a bridge officer, got a squadron leader killed, and allowed the enemy to kidnap the fleet's most prized civilian asset. it's a wonder hikaru wasn't thrown in front of a firing squad. :p

    Isamu inspiration? :huh:

  7. Probably already been discussed, but is there a "CF" version of the VF-25? I noticed the VF-25G has a -0A-style head. I like the idea of a sniper-specialty VF, though :D

    Vostok 7

    There are dozens of CF colored VF-25 at the last episode, also VF-25 holds the record for the best survivability in the hand of a CF pilots with none got shot down, while few VF-25 piloted by main characters mostly got blown up.

  8. Hmm, valk deployment method, interesting topic ^_^ .

    Would it be just easier to make a huge belly door like the one on the Zentran strike Cruiser (the one Kamjin used when he attack SDF-1 on the ocean, the ship belly door opens to drop dozens of regult.)

    The launch arms on the ARMD/Guantanamo (also the Sentinel Stealth Carrier) is not very effective if you want to scramble all of the fighter at once since the maximum number of Valk that can be deployed is limited to the number of the launching arms (not including the valk "reloading").

    Battle Galaxy "drop chutes" are more effective, capable of delivering dozens of craft per round. And if any of you watched Nadesico the movie, you will see that the Aestivalis carrier literally opens it belly hangar door and dropping all on board Aestivalis at once.

    Btw, NorthHampton frigates can also "shoot" Valk in encased capsule for rapid deployment during Operation Stargazer and have faster deployment rate compare to the other carriers.

  9. --edited--

    Oh - and final question, while we're discussing Anime - can someone please tell me:

    what does he transform into?


    I heard that this turns into some kind of angel or something - anyways it looks really neat!

    Oh - and ok - I admit that while it is shocking to learn that Marcos in Japan is so different and awesome and interesting, then you really have to admit that at least we got the best Marcos toys over here in America. I mean - nothing beats the Masterpiece Veritech series! Wooo! My Masterpiece Veritechs are so awesome! They got magnets and even the fingers can be posed!

    So - maybe the Japense have made a better Marcos series than us, but we gots the bestest of the toyz :) biiizach! :p


    --calling orbital strike--

    --calling orbital strike--

    --calling orbital strike--

  10. Sheryl's Aimo.....It sounds like she's putting the emphasis on certain notes and holding some notes TOO long. *Yuck* Sounds horrible.

    Its sounds like she's dying when she sing it. However the Sheryl-Ranka Aimo version is better, the mixing between May'N and Megumi is perfect. Oh yeah, the duet is performed in the middle of Nyan Service medley replacing Maaya Aimo, unfortunately is not Aimo full version.

    Yuck Deculture :lol:

  11. And, although I am a man, I did indeed tear up while listening to Ai Oboete Imasuka - the little queen

    Let me guess...its not a manly tear either... ^_^

    Too many Aimo on this soundtrack, my favourite is Aimo ai no uta, huray to Maaya Sakamoto.. :rolleyes:

    Too bad, Gubaba wish for Luca version of Santi-U has not been realized yet.

  12. Is it just me or is this thread becoming more OT, complicated and unreadable??


    A bit complicated, since several things are being repeated over and over again, I think we need a summary or something on the 1st page.

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