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Posts posted by Gerli

  1. It was mentioned in a recent post that Mao Nome joined the military - where does this come from?

    Sorry, that was a misinterpretation for my part.

    The boundaries of military and government are pretty unclear in Macross but... I suppose we don't know that.

    Perhaps that's where the poster your referencing made the mistake? Assuming that 'leader' means 'joined the military and worked her way up the ranks', when it means nothing more or less than leading the fleet?

    That and because my english vocabulary is a little short :D

    Thanks for pointing that.

  2. When doing some research for my fanfict I come across some references about the blood type "Alpha Bombay" that we see in Zero. there is a Bombay phenotype but not an "Alpha" one, so I asume that the Alpha is, indeed, an ancester of the modern one. The problem is about the differences that the old can have with the "present" one as we know that many Mayan people survive the war and where living in UNSpacy ships. Maybe the joined the military as Mao did?

  3. According to the FAQ they just put up on KS site HG was responsible for the C&D.



    Because Creavision, the team behind the Project Valkyrie fan film, is working on Robotech Academy! We had to send them a C&D because of outside legal obligations, but we recognized their talent and are excited to have them involved.

    So...when Creavision rant on the oficial FB page about the C&D THEY ALREADY were working for HG... But they just didn't know yet!!!

  4. I just want someone to explain me if it is true that Harmony Gold owns the SDFM worldwide merchandising rights (excepting in Japan) granted from Nue studios and Big West for the eternity, How was that contract ? What were those japanese guys thinking about? Why did Kawamori allow this to happen?... Can someone explain?

    Read this Topic, it explains a lot.


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