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Posts posted by Gerli

  1. what...

    like seriously, I'm so confused by that statement.

    Yes, me too.

    Lol wut?


    Ok, picking my brain up off the floor for a second; Is this person trying to say that because one person on Youtube made a negative video about HG, all 80k of his subscribers decided not to donate and that's why the KS failed? what the frakk? :blink:

    Also, they needed 80k people to donate $100 each to save a kickstarter with a $500,000 goal? I don't think that's how math works. :wacko:

    I know, it's nuts.

  2. Not too interested in getting goodies signed by Ms. Macek to be honest. I'm surprised that the grammar on the Spanish text is really bad. Considering the importance of the Spanish speaking market for Robotech in general, I would have expected a bit more attention to detail from HG. I mean how hard is it to get a native spanish speaker to go through a short text when you're based in L.A?

    Seems like a Google translation to me. Memo was a spanish speaker, right? When the Valkyrie Project fiasco happened I remember this guy wrote a lot in the robotech spanish forum (always with caps on)

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