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Posts posted by Oihan

  1. Okay, 23 pages of posts since I last checked MW (busy weekend). All I really want to know is Gattai any good, or should I wait and see if another group's turn out any better?

    I prefer the Gattai subs over the AiA I-Z subs personally. Comparing the two...the Gattai subs seem to "make more sense" if you will...regardless of how correct the rankings are and a few missed translations...etc. However, the Gattai subs don't have any of the songs subbed. Morever, the AiA I-Z subs have the OP/ED songs subbed...but in Japanese only.

    My two cents.

  2. Well...not to rehash everyone's opinions...but like with most of you, I'm not too happy with the editing decisions either; however, I do like the new footage that they added! I really miss the the 'epic' opening with the music in the Deculture Edition. In the Broadcast Edition some of the scenes feel a little rushed with no real smooth transitions...unlike in the Deculture Edition. I too don't understand some of the editing decisions they made.... I dunno why they couldn't have kept the Deculture Edition intact and just added the new scenes from the Brodcast Edition into the Deculture Edition. I understand the need to edit for time constraints and commercials...but as some others have said...the Deculture Edition is perfect...why change the flow of things? Moreover, the OP isn't that bad either; the ED was rather disappointing though. But I digress, I'm looking forward to episode 2!

  3. ...Robotech. I owe my love of Macross (and anime) to Robotech. I saw Robotech as a child...rediscovered it in my early teens...and that's when I learned of anime and Macross. I soon saw Macross II and fell even more in love with the series. Macross is one of the very few things in life that I truly love and enjoy. :wub:

  4. Hello, I recently got the YAMATO 1/48 25th Anniversary VF-1S. I was able to transform it from Fighter mode to Battroid mode just fine and vice versa...but I've run into a problem (I think). When I swung the arms back into place (back into fighter mode) I noticed there's a notch on both plastic pieces; these pieces can be swiveled around 180 degress (for Battroid mode). The problem I'm running into is that I can't lock the arms onto these notches to keep them in place...so the arms remain loose. Is this intended, or am I going to have to file these notches thinner so that the arms can lock onto them in Fighter mode? Thanks!

    Edit: I've ran a search for "VF-1S"...read all of those posts and found nothing dealing with my situation.

  5. Well, I just got my first Yamato model today, the 1/60 YF-19 25th Anniversary Model! I tell ya...I almost thought I was going to break the nose/forward fuselage as I was trying to get it into Battroid mode! :ph34r: Of all the modes though, Fighter mode is probably my favorite. I'm hoping to get the VF-1S here soon as well. I have a question for you guys too. There are two pieces of plastic that don't seem to go on the YF-19, what are they for? Thanks!

  6. Thanks for the post, I got some one more questions you don't mind: how's the replayability/game length?

    I'm not too sure about the re-playability...I'm only on the third disc after all. :p The story seems pretty linear thus far...though I've only put in about a good 24 hours at least so far (I have skipped a lot of the dreams however...which would probably bring up my playing time a couple more hours if I had read them all). I'd probably say the re-playability is something like Final Fantasy VII's. (I don't even know how many times I've played through FFVII. :lol:) If you enjoyed FFVII enough, you should like Lost Odyssey just as much. I hope that helps!

  7. A ready to burn whatever DVD's are encoded to file.

    I'm guessing you're talking about .ISO/.IMG files...or something similar. Looking for a subtitled version though, right? Well, I've been trying to work on some subs for the HD Remaster with not much luck; moreover my computer is down for the moment so I'm unable to finish any of my projects. I wouldn't mind hosting a torrent though if I had the right files and such...it'd be the best I could do when my PC is back up and running. Anyway....

  8. Eugimon, there are some frame-rate issues with Lost Odyssey...but it's not game breaking or anything. There's no frame-rate issue during the fights or cut scenes. The only frame-rate issues that I've seen so far only appear during the 'select your destination screen' (or whatever one would call it). Other than that, the game reminds me a lot of Final Fantasy VII, but I suppose it plays more like Final Fantasy X. I'm glad I bought the game...I'll say that much!

    David, I hope you get your new HDTV soon! I can only imagine what other great games you have but haven't played yet!

  9. Is there anyone else playing Lost Odyssey? I'm the third disc already and it's quite addicting. The only thing I don't care about are the dreams. Sure, they add more character depth...but I think they kill the pace of the game. I'm glad we're allowed to skip them. I do plan on reading them after I beat the game however.... What are your guys' thoughts/opinions on the game thus far?

  10. I got my copy of the R2 DVD today; however, I'm unable to watch it on my PC for it has no RAM (I'm not sure for how long it'll take to get the replacement sticks)...and it's the only one that can view R2 DVDs. Anyway, the reason why I'm posting all of this is because there's a Macross Frontier sticker on the front of the DVD.

    I can't read the Kanji, but it looks/reads something like:

    25 Kanji

    [Macross Froniter]

    2008 Kanji 4 Kanji

    TBS * MBS Kanji


    Since I'm unable to view the DVD right now...I have a couple questions for those of you who have the DVD. Is there any Macross Frontier footage on the DVD? Or is the sticker on there just to let the buyer know that there's a new series coming out? Thanks!

    Edit: This is the cover of the DVD case that I'm speaking of. I find it hard to believe that I'm the only here on this message board that grabbed a copy of this DVD.... :/

  11. macross zero-13x


    macross plus + movie -50x(still counting)

    mac II - 40x

    mac F - 20x (still counting)

    I love mac plus ^_^

    Haha, wow. My numbers are a little less than yours. :p I've lost count of how many times I've seen each series though....

    Using inequalities...how many times I've seen each show would probably look something like:

    Macross II > DYRL? ≥ Macross TV ≥ FB2012 ≥ Plus > Zero > 7

    I only have 3 passions in life...one of them is Macross!

  12. Interesting.... I'll check both sites out. Thanks!

    To add to the not-FLAC lossless...

    Zune WILL do WMA Lossless. Which is lossless, but not FLAC. Or Apple's lossless format, the name of which escapes me at the moment.

    As far as actual FLAC support....

    Cowon's players will do it with official firmware.


    Which is basically a more to-the-point version of what Azrael said. :)

    Anything compatible with Rockbox will play it after you reflash it with Rockbox.


    Might get some useful info at http://dapreview.net/

    And as far as input goes... I refuse to buy a player without tactile feedback.

    The iPod Touch is an abysmal nightmare of style over substance IMO.

    But then, I'm kicking around an old Creative Zen Xtra I was given as a christmas gift.

    Need to upgrade it, really. There's some annoyances in the firmware that Creative's never gonna fix(and it doesn't use MTP or or MSC, so it's dependent on Creative's drivers).

  13. @azrael: I've checked there before, but I don't recognize any of the brands...hence why I'm here. :p Thanks though!

    @mikeszekely: Thanks for the info! According to CNET:

    "Micro hard-drive-based players

    Straddling the line between full-size hard-drive-based MP3 players and compact, flash-based players, these models aim to give you the best of both worlds by using miniature hard drives (about 1 inch or less in diameter) with capacities of up to 12GB."

    The size of my collection is about 25GB...5 of that being FLAC. I guess I could convert the FLAC to MP3.... I think I'm looking at getting a HDD MP3 player. My only questions are...which brands are 'trustworthy' and which aren't? ...I mean sure you have the big names like Microsoft, Apple, and Creative...but then you have your other brands like TrekStore, Cowon, and Archos...neither of which I've heard before but some of them seem to be getting decent reviews.

    I'd love to help, but FLAC support isn't anything I've ever looked into. I'm content with plain ol' mp3s, and to that end, interface is the single most important factor to me. So, I'm not ashamed to admit that I wound up buying an iPod touch (which doesn't support FLAC, although all iPods/iTunes support a proprietary Apple Lossless audio format).

    What I do know is hard drives. I'm not real sure what you mean by HDD and Micro-HDD, but as far as I know, MP3 players that use hard drives use 1.8" drives that are nearly as small compared to notebook drives as notebook drives are to desktop drives. The main advantage here is is a lot of storage for a comparatively low price. The iPod Classic goes up to 160GB, and the Zune (which, unfortunately, also doesn't do FLAC) goes up to 80GB, and they do it at about $350 and $250, respectively (Apple also sells an 80GB iPod Classic at $250). The main disadvantage is that you're carrying around a hard drive, which makes your player susceptible to the same problems that laptop hard drives can suffer from. Sudden bumps, shakes, and falls can damage the drive, not to mention the fact that the drive's moving parts will suffer from normal wear and tear, as well as consume more battery power. Technically, although this isn't a huge deal with MP3 players, but a hard drive is also slower.

    Many MP3 players use flash memory instead of a hard drive. There are many advantages to flash memory. You can pack a very large amount of flash memory into a very small package (I've got a microSD flash memory card in my cell phone that's about the size of my pinky fingernail), so you'll find smaller, thinner, and lighter flash-based players. There are no moving parts, so battery life tends to be better and you can take it with you when you're jogging without worrying about damaging the drive. The downside is that, while flash memory is coming down in price fast, it's still much more expensive than a hard drive. My iPod touch has 16GB of flash memory, and it cost $400... $50 more than a 160GB iPod Classic, and a 10th of the storage. About the largest flash-based player I've seen would probably be the newer 32GB iPod touch, which is retailing for $500.

    When decided which technology is best for you, think about how big your music collection is, and weigh it against how you'll use your player. If you're looking for something to carry in the front pocket of your jeans or something to listen to when you're exercising, a flash player is probably a better choice since they're smaller and less likely to suffer damage from being bounced around. But, if you want to carry a lot of music (or video) with you or intend to use larger files like FLAC, hard-drive players are definitely an attractive choice.

  14. ...I'm looking to buy a portable MP3 player with a large capacity, long battery life, and is able to play .FLAC files. I've read that HDD have the largest storage capacity, with Micro-HDD having the second largest...and flash having the smallest capacities. ...I just don't know which brand or what make to get. Would any of you have any recommendations as to what some one should look into? Thanks!

  15. Toshiba is fighting back with new round of aggressive MSRP price cuts.


    Well, I'm glad they're not giving up the fight! I'd rather see this war drag on for years than have it end now. Competition is good for the consumer! What I hope for in the end is that both formats will still exist and we'll have HD-DVD/Blu-ray player combo players at the price of regular DVD players today.

  16. For the meantime, I ripped Don't be late from the first episode, along with the voices :p This download link has both the one ripped by GGemini and the one played in the first episode, which are different versions. Listen to the rhythm section and you'll hear it. The one in the CM has real drums, the one in the episode has synth rhythm. That was the first thing I noticed listening to this version. Maybe the old CM one was a demo.

    Speaking of the song, I really hope they add the bass back to the song in the 'final/official version' of this episode. The bass makes the song all the better imo....

  17. By "cutting edge" I mean buying something before it's even out. People who stand in line and put down payments on new electronics that are not even released yet scare me. They just have so much trust in the technology and then they all bitch to high heaven when the expensive machine they just bought turns out to be a doorstop. With all the sped up development cycles and rush rush rush to market these days a lot of products are shipping in states of "unfinished" or unperfected. The HD market is kind of glutted with a lot of half baked product these days that was rushed to market before it was really thoroughly tested or even basically tested. Then that whole situation is compounded by the internet and the dramatic "fanboy effect" it has. Can you truthfully trust early reviews, even from "trustworthy" sources? IMHO no, you can't. You need to wait until all the reviews are in and all the facts are out. The original Xbox 360 is a prime example. The thing is an albatross of a design that totally butt humped a lot of early adopters (and still is to a good degree)... but when it first came out it had glowing reviews and people waiting in line to jerk the thing off. Then there are all those super new Samsung LCD TV's that everyone raves about that have bad HDMI boards in them. Several of the early adopters had to suffer through board replacements, firmware upgrades, etc. etc. and only after the TV's were in the market for a good 6 months did all these problems come to light, as well as their remedies.

    As for the people who don't even know how to hook up their equipment, that does not surprise me in the least. Think about how many people don't understand how their car works or how to do basic maintenance on it, or understand how to properly use their cell phones, etc. etc. etc. We are living in an age of a lot of stupid people engaging in "smart" activities and hobbies without knowing what they are doing... and most of them don't care simply because it's all about the consumer culture. About "having it" and not so much knowing it or benefiting from it. Most people buy something because someone else told them to, or because someone they know has one. Only the hardcore geeks research things, learn how they work, buy them and install them/operate them correctly. Your average man on the street just doesn't care to know... he just wants whatever is "new" that he saw on TV.

    Funny thing...my father just recently bought a new Sharp 46" HDTV and needed a new cable box (so he could get the HD channels). Well, the guys that came to set up the new box hooked it up all wrong on the back of the TV; I had to go back there and correct things. It just amazes me that these persons couldn't even get it right when they work for a cable company. I mean...call it laziness or what have you, but there's just no excuse for setting up something wrong when it's your job to go in and set it all up right. ...It's not just your "average Joe" that's an idiot. :p

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