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Posts posted by Ratchet

  1. Check out my personal videos:

    Blackhawks and medics/nurses (hooooah!) at my combat support hospital

    Here's pair of AH-64s buzzing my unit's CHS.

    Really short video of a medivac UH-1 Huey getting loaded

    Apaches and Longbows

    A longbow and an Apache Landing

    Chinooks Going By


    The first Army Aviation Modernization Plan (AAMP) was implemented in 1988. As modified in subsequent revisions, this plan called for a gradual reduction in the number of Army aircraft as older models were replaced by modern ones. According to the 1992 version of the AAMP, the aircraft inventory of 7,793 aircraft in 1992 would be reduced to 6,150 in 1999 and 5,900 in 2010, with only six types of aircraft in the rotary-wing fleet. The Aviation Restructure Initiative (ARI) was undertaken to correct the deficiencies in the Army of Excellence (AOE) design for aviation units while retiring old aircraft and reducing the logistics requirements and costs. Implementation of the ARI began in 1994 with all forward-deployed forces scheduled to complete the restructuring process by 1998 and all other units by 1999.
  2. Now theres something to get my teeth into! :)

    Biggin Hill, 2003, next to one of the twenty-two thousand odd "bloody silly name for an aeroplane"... [1]:


    Winnipeg, Canada, 2007: how about a little black magic - or Voodoo, at any rate! Thats my father on the right; as you can tell by his expression he totally shares my passion for fighter aircraft... <NOT!>


    Spitfire? Nice. :lol:

  3. Man this stuff takes me back. I've always thought the "Robotech is good because it is Epic!" as the most stupid answer possible. It was used over and over again. Like please expand on that answer. It remind me of those Apple Jacks commerical.

    I don't know about you, but I enjoy the rant and raving between Robotech and Purists fans.

  4. I love 'em.

    I could probably lug one around in my TA-50 or my ALICE pack and it wouldn't even be damaged.

    I didn't want to do it, but I traded 2 of them and sold one. of course, those 3 were still in their boxes and it's not like I got to enjoy them. I freed one though for display (VF-1S Roy). I've got 2 other VF-1S with armor MIB. I'm never selling or trading those. Roy's my favorite Valk.

    Oh yeah....I sold a Joon's KO to a MW member! I got that KO back in 1998 on Ebay!

  5. I've never....never.....regretted...joining the U.S. Army straight out of HS. I wouldn't trade my life(history) in the army for anything. Some of the coolest ppl I've met have been in the army(a lot of them love Macross, Transformers, Robotech, and of course....GI Joe). Working on my 3rd reenlistment/commission.

    Editted in:


    Some of the perks of being in the U.S. Army....the toys! That's me in the WSO or whatever you call the back pilot of a AH-64D Longbow






  6. I'm ashamed to say I'm not much of a car person. When I was growing up we owned a car dealership and a garage for a time. Family car was a mustang. We also had Pinto. Only thing I can do is change a tire. Cars in my current price range are either compact, budget, used or all three. It is hard for me to research the latest cool cars when I know my current ride & those in the near future for me will be far from cool.

    I was more into military hardware growing up than cars :lol:

  7. Bob battyin' (bitc...@ix.netcom.com) wrote:

    : On 8 Jul 1998 07:11:10 GMT, mmonsa1...@aol.com (MMonsa1855) wrote:

    : >I am wondering why do you macross fans enjoy putting us Robotech fans down

    : Probably because most Robotech fans that actually post are easy

    : targets. Macross supporters come in and criticize Robotech, and

    : Robotech fans are left speechless. Either Robotech *does* suck, or

    Actually, most of us are smart enough to ignore crap like that.

    You're just antagonizing us and getting off on the results. Woooppee.

    : the fans are too farting stupid to support and defend it. Now, I KNOW

    I like it, I don't need to defend it. Macross is cool too. So

    WHY on Earth can you accept the fact that some people enjoy Robotech more

    without calling them obscenities(sp?)? They can coexist.

    : that Robotech is a great show, so it must be you guys... you're too

    : farting stupid.

    You need to grow up kid.

    : >if

    : >you enjoy macross so much and hate RT so much stay in your own news group.

    : Who are you to tell people where to go? See? This is what I'm

    : talking about. This is the best "defense" Robotech fans can come up

    : with. I've got news for you, spunky... it's not "their" newsgroup,

    : and this one isn't "yours". Usenet is for everyone, despite whether

    : or not they agree with you.

    It has an epic feel to it that Macross lacks. Macross II was a

    joke (so how did the SDF-1 bridge float there? Magic?). Macross Plus

    rules, I loved that. Haven't seen Mac7, but I've never been much for the

    premise. Silly. Make a good kids show though. I really like DYRL's

    animation, but I just didn't like the Macross characters as much in it

    (Roy a male pig, Misa seemed weak, Exedore....oh, what the hell happened

    to him?). Cool animation...too many cultural differences to be enjoyable

    for most people. I liked it though.

    As for Minmei, the Robotech version is annoying (at least

    "Stagefright" was...mostly because they played it WAY too much). The

    other songs didn't sound that bad. The Macross Minmei had some good ones

    as well, but as a rule I'm just not a fan of J-Pop. It's kinda annoying

    too at times.

    : >or

    : >have you guys forgotten this is alt.tv.robotech

    : I think YOU'VE forgotten that this is usenet, a plave for sharing

    : ideas. You understand that much, don't you? I mean, if my batty

    : Peter Walker can understand it, then you certainly can.

    There's also a thing called nettiquette(sp?) were you don't go

    around yelling obscene crap. I has nothing to do with censorship, but

    everything to do with consideration for others. You can't seem to hold an

    argument without insulting others.

    : >I enjoy Robotech I enjoy Macross

    : I'm sure you also enjoy pork by-products. So farting what?

    There you go again...

    : >in fact discovering Robotech on CN has spawned a whole new interest for

    : >me for Japanese animation in fact if Im not right Macross wouldnt have been

    : >really discovered here hadnt it been for Robotech.

    : Don't you mean "Macross wouldn't have been discovered here without

    : Harmony Gold and Carl Macek"???

    : And trust me... Macross would have been discovered in the U.S. without

    : Robotech's following. Many anime titles are discovered in the U.S.

    : with little or no support from an American company backing it.

    It would've been discovered, yeah. But your forgetting that alot

    of people who were kids at the time would've missed out on Anime AND the

    whole genre would probably be even a bigger niche that it still is now.

    Facts are facts, Robotech got alot of people interested in other

    (sometimes better) anime. Without it, I would've never bothered to

    explore it further and discover other, better shows. I'd just be another

    moron in America who thought animation was a kids only medium.

    : >This macroos vs Robotech

    : >debate war reminds me of the psxvsN64 war which also I get tired of hearing of

    : >actually those two debates can be tied together people can manage to enjoy

    : >Macross and Robotech just like people can manage to enjoy the great games on

    : >the psx and N64.

    : What the fart--? You've lost me, and probably 5/6 of the newsgroup.

    He's talking about the Nintendo64 vs the Playstation arguments

    that were all over the place a few years ago. What he's trying to say in

    a nutshell is "Can't we all coexist without killing each other". My god,

    Macross and Robotech Macross are both enjoyable. Some people like one

    over the other. I'm not going to flame you because you're passionate

    about Macross. I do think you're being inconsiderate to Robotech

    (Macross) fans.

    : >So why dont you macross only fans start learning some

    : >maturity and quit with your immature and put down posts against Robotech

    : How about YOU learning not only some maturity but some netiquette and

    : stop trying to censor opinions that do not necessarily agree with

    : yours. Who the fart do you think you are?

    People here aren't trying to censor anything. If you want to talk

    Macross, there's alt.fan.macross I believe. No one here wants to get

    flamed for defending Robotech. Face it, we're not going to convince you

    that Robotech Macross is better than Macross and you're not going to

    convince any of us that Macross is better than Robotech Macross.

    : >and

    : >let us Robotech fans talk about our favorite show (which this newsgroup was

    : >meant for Robotech).

    : No one is stopping you from talking about Robotech. Where the fart

    : did you get the idea that anyone was trying to stop you from talking

    : about Robotech? Are you that farted up or what? YOU'RE the one

    : trying to shut people up by saying that only positive things can be

    : posted about Robotech.

    You've got to learn to stop insulting people and stick to the

    arguement. You personally insult people and then get pissed when they

    scream at you. And then you hide behind the cry of "censorship,

    censorship!". Whatever.

    : >"lets get on with it" Roy Fokker-Robotech Macross series

    : How about this one: "You empty-headed tin can!" - Rick Hunter,

    : Robotech Macross series.

    : And, yes, that was meant for you.



    I first started posting at this newsgroup way back in 1996?

  8. Actually I think its more of resentment towards fans always thinking Takara is our best friend and does everything in their power to do so compared to Hasbro, which isn't really true.

    There is resentment towards Takara's handling of the franchise, not so much the design aspect of the toys, nor their catering towards collectors(because they don't have many kids to cater to due to the dwindling birth rate). Takara made sure that the last 3 series were year long rather than seasonal. Hasbro did not want Cybertron to last more than 26 episodes, but due to Takara, they had to compromise. Since Armada, the goals of Hasbro always had to be compromised with Takara's. That is why a lot of people are glad that Animated will be written here to satisfy the target market here. The last TF story written for TV here was Beast Machines, and as bad as it was, many view it as a better written show than the Armada trilogy. Had Armada gone the way Takara wanted, it would have been a continuation of G1's "Rebirth" miniseries.

    In essence, its basically resentment towards Takara's handling of the franchise. Beast Wars is regarded as the last best TF tv series. No one really complains much about Takara's designs and aesthetics, its the companies they choose to write their stories, and there is a pattern of unsuccessfulness in that regard.

    Beast Wars > Beast Machines and Armada.

  9. I posted my 2 cents and somebody dissed me. Forgive me for responding in kind.

    By the way, atleast I'm serving my country and I will retire wearing my uniform. Yeah....I'm a disservice to my uniform, the patients I take care of, and my community.

    But you guys are right...we are getting off the subject aren't we?

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