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Posts posted by Ratchet

  1. First off all, I need to take photo classes, because I can't take pics for sh*t. Or maybe I need to get a new digital camera.....a pure digital camera that is. The one I'm using right now is an all-in-one video/digital camera which doesn't do all it's functions well(Jack of all trades , but master of none).

    Introducing my Macross World Quick Reaction Force(QRF) led by Optimus Prime:



    Ohhhh...if things go bad, my Burger King give away Super Saiyan Goku will transform into SS4 and blow all the baddies away with a kamehame energy ki wave!

    I need a freaking display case!

  2. I vote for the F-15ACTIVE beating even the F-16VISTA, as the ACTIVE has twin 3D nozzles and canards, which is far more than simply adding a vectoring nozzle to a single-engined non-canarded plane. Some say ACTIVE can out-fly the F-22. Supersonically I doubt the F-22 can out-do the ACTIVE.

    And it's very cheap and easy to add just the nozzles, the ACTIVE nozzle was designed to retrofit every F100 engine out there. So of course it never happened. (If you could get F-22 performance from old planes, why buy F-22's?)

    The Russians think they're slick with those SU-30's. X-31, X-29, and F-15S SMT/ACTIVE came first before all that Pucachev Cobra and swept wings came into existence.

  3. You guys ever read Day of The Cheetah by Dale Brown? BTW, that F-16 with the X-31 engines would fly rings around any fighter today even the SU-30MKI and F-22. Heck, it would probably fly rings around that fictional F-15 because the Eagle's got 2D TV engines vs. 3D of that F-16. F-16 and X-31 is a winning conbination. I'm surprised the USA and other countries don't build something like this based on a proven fighter like the Fighting Falcon. The F-16 is also pretty stealthy on it's own right if you modify it a little ala F/A-18E/F Super Bug.


  4. I actually got in on his Thanksgiving day episode thanks to Roger's invitation. We derailed his discussion with talk as to whether Protoculture is a solid or liquid. Also he seems to hate homosexuals. When I asked him what's wrong with being gay, he said, "Nothing! Except when a bunch of homos came in a gayed up The Shadow Chronicles." I also tried to grill him on Gundam Climax UC. That game is so awful I don't see how anyone can like it.

    You should have heard his giant rant about how nothing can beat the F-14 and how it's not outdated. Also the Auroran is the greatest space helicopter ever and can even beat the VF-1.

    Most cartoons and animes today are gay. Take Yukikaze = gay

  5. It's hilarious how he's pumping up the F-14 as an AIR SUPERIORITY FIGHTER (it's more of a CARRIER AIR DEFENSE FIGHTER if anything). The EF-2000 (one of the fighters he mentioned @ 08:47 minutes) will fly rings around the defunct Tomcat. SU-34? The Platypus's a freaking ground attack fighter akin to the Mud Hen. It's not designed primarily for AAC. The dude mentions the French Mirage delta wing fighters but doesn't bring up the Rafale?

    An Iraqi Mig-21 has shot downed an Iranian F-14 Tomcat in combat during the Iranian-Iraqi wars in the 1980s. It's not unbeaten in the air like the F-15 Eagle.

    What an a$$

  6. My cousin's a sculptor. But he's more into sculpting animals and all that. Still, he's really good. Too bad he doesn't apply his talents to our Anime/Sc-fi infatuations. I'd love to see him do a 1/6 scale Optimus Prime or Valkyrie in die-cast or brass (he works with metals).

  7. Obviously your income from your job(s), but what other methods?

    Me, I stick my money in short term investments(not years here people) and wait for the return. Then I take that interest earning and buy stuff with it. While all of this is going on, I'm saving whatever I can from my paychecks (after bills are paid off, of course) and I add this to my investment money so that my future earning returns are higher. So far, I'm getting about $100 every 1-2 months for Valk-Transformer-Hobbies addiction. I don't buy toys straight from my paychecks (I'm not that addicted). I'm not rich either (like some of you trust fund babies). I'm blue collar and Union all the way.

    The drawback is that your original hobby investment money is actually dwindling because the interest is going straight to your hobby and inflation is a killer to your paper dollar. Hmmmm...I should really buy gold to keep up with inflation. Real estate's pretty shaky in the Bay Area right now and now is the time to buy a house if you're into that thing and you live in my area.

    As for my future when I can retire? I've got pensions, long-term investments, and 403's from the government and my hospital. Hopefully SS will add a little dough to my monthly check if it doesn't run out when I'm 65. Yes, I realize this paragraph is totally irrelevant to the topic, but I'm just pointing out that I'm not totally stooopid when it comes to money. I read a lot of financial books. Hmmmm.....but then again, your collection is an investment. Just ask the people who have a 1st edition Low Viz like me :lol: I'd rather collect TFs and Valks (assuming you can sell the damn things in the future) than CDs, Stocks, Money Market, or Bonds any day. At least you can transform the toy, right?

    I also trade and sell my collection to get what I TRULY want.

  8. This crap reminds me of INDEPENDENCE DAY before it came out in 1996 (starring Will Smith, etc) and before the internet really took off (no investigating via Google or Wikipedia back then) as far researching movies. All we had were posters plastered all over BART and MUNI (public transportation in Frisco) that gave little hint as to what the movie would be about. I didn't even think of an Alien type invasion movie when I saw those posters, but it got me intrigued.

    The original poster of ID didn't have an Alien ship hovering over NY.


  9. I want a Voltes V GX-31, but my family comes first in the Christmas giving list. Any left over money I have won't probably be enough to get myself something. Only my brother knows I'm into robot toys, so I doubt anybody will get me anything robot related. I'll probably end up with clothing, DVDs, and books like always :lol:

    I love Christmas.

    Wait a minute.....I did order a bunch of stuff from BBTS last month...I guess that's my Christmas gift!

  10. Good f**king lord. Dont call me a racist. I have been on the receiving end of racism as I am Chinese when I was growing up and I grew up in the South. So dont go Holier than thou BS on me. All the sudden we go PC? So should I be offended if I am called an Oriental like oriential rug. You want to talk about offensive, you calling me a racist is offensive. Jap Zero was often referred in the WW2 videos I have seen. If I was really racist, I would rant on how the Japanese killed so many Chinese and now deny it. You think the Nazis were bad...

    Dude...I'm on your side on this one.

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