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Posts posted by Kin

  1. Ok, I've completed a system to get those leg transformed without "paperfatigue".

    I also managed to get some room for the cockpit compartement to fit into the empty space in soldier mode.. precise fit, canopy following the contour. There is enough space underneath for the pilot's legs. I guess that's the room where Stick gets additional displays by looking through the canopy window. The nose is fitted close to the back (against the back of the canopy) unlike Toynami, it's sticking out like a backpack.



  2. great news!

    I found out how to transform a legioss without the cockpit having to do a loop.

    1st pic shows that after the radar is deployed, there is enough room to move the cockpit diagonaly with a rail into the empty space. A part of the head can be empty to provide enough space for the rail without collision.

    2nd pic shows that there is a hinge that covers the top of the hidden cockpit and also the head is placed correctly and the nose is short.

    3rd pic shows that the lower part of the body retracts down. Instead of the original transformation, which the engines rotate only.... this time the engines and the hidden cockpit compartement rotates with a special flat hinge and the front armor shield also rotates to cover the front of the hidden cockpit.

    Ejecting in soldier mode is much much more sense now!

    hope you understand my idea! (sorry for my engrish) :)


  3. I must say, the masterforce version of prime doesn't look so bad at all... even it has a unlogical solution to get it both well proportioned in truck and bot mode. Compared to the masterpiece, the big plus is that it has side windows.

    Some little cosmetic tweaks and upgrade joints wil do tha trick.


  4. Hmmm.... if those are the ones I'm thinking of, I think versions were released for GoBots for the truck at least... orange truck with a transformation really similar to Primes except that the smokestacks became guns and it was one where the engine block juts foreward like modern semi trucks and the cab window piece bacame the head?  And the green Battletank, was it a big one that like folded in half and the turret becomes the head?  I have both of these but am missing the gun for the tank... it's a pretty cool fig tho.




    nope ;)

    Lol "Trim Sponsor" was "a childhood friend" of Motodrill in machine robo and he alsways stole his lunch......ehm, strange bulky Japanese robots with human thoughts. :lol:

  5. Really?  Huh... I did not know that there were pre-Gobots releases of the toys... guess I learned something new today and stand corrected.


    Oh man there were so many at that time... I remember in 80's they sold a very rare machine robo "trim sponsor" (orange truck carrying a green battletank) which was only seen in the machine robo anime. B)) I can't find any info about it on the net. :o


    that one pops up on ebay from time to time, usually goes for about 40 to 50


    WOW! thnx for the tip man! I found it's nickname "tank transer"! B))

  6. Really?  Huh... I did not know that there were pre-Gobots releases of the toys... guess I learned something new today and stand corrected.


    Oh man there were so many at that time... I remember in 80's they sold a very rare machine robo "trim sponsor" (orange truck carrying a green battletank) which was only seen in the machine robo anime. B)) I can't find any info about it on the net. :o

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