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Everything posted by Blaine23

  1. Dell is just a great company. If you want an affordable, easy to use, out of the box system - go Dell. My company has purchased about 12 now and I've had almost no problems whatsoever. When I have had an issue, their tech support is really easy to deal with. Personally, I'd never have one at home - I build mine with one upgraded component at a time for about 10 years - but for work or for a non-techie friend needing a reccommendation - I'm all about the Dell. F360 - I feel your pain. I *need* a flat screen monitor like nobody's business. I'm personally thinking of sabotaging an older box here at work, just to get the hookup on a good flat screen in the process. Okay, I'm not really... but if one the older boxes even hiccups, that computer's going the way of the buffalo and Daddy's taking home a 20in. Flat
  2. It's not that I'm not interested, Chowser... but every time someone mentions a game to me all I hear is "blah blah blah Not Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas blah blah Not Halo 2 blah blah" Still, you could be a bit more descriptive about RT: Invasion. What sucks about the demo?
  3. my brotha! i stand united with you, our solidarity against sh!t movies while the rest say "i hate it, but i'll be in line when it hits theaters and buy the boxed set when it comes out" you and i will be standing strong in defiance of utter crap. I didn't see it either! Just like I didn't see Freddy vs. Jason. The only vs. I like in my life is Red vs. Blue. I love Spy Vs. Spy. I used to have a big collected version that I would just pore over every day and laugh and laugh... for the record, I always preferred the Black Spy. But that's just how I roll. And I can definitely say I did my part by not going to see AvP. Not so much for any high moral ground other than everything I saw regarding the movie looked like ass. I'll go see another Aliens film if they actually hire some talent, not this hack. Pretty much the same route I've taken with Bond and Star Trek movies over the last 10 years or so. So far my track record's good. The ST movie franchise sleeps with the fishes and Bond is headed that way in a hurry. It just takes the rest of the world a decade or so to catch on and join me in my passive boycotts. I'm like a little Gandhi of american cinema that way.
  4. Hmmm... I got to give the best to Predaking, as it was just a gigantic f'ing toy. And it looks tough as hell to boot. Devastator... while I like the 6 robot format, was a weird looking robot. All of the other transformer ones I can think of were all pretty much interchangeable - Superion, Menasor, Computron, Defensor... not much exciting there. And to be truthful, I don't really know enough of the old school anime ones to vouch for any of them.
  5. Normally, I wouldn't post a thread for this, but $14.99 is way cheap. Basically Amazon.com is offering all of Fox Season 1 TV shows for 14.99 - Including Simpsons Futurama Angel Buffy 24 Roswell In Living Color and more... Don't have any idea why, except just to promote it. I bought 3 sets myself for Christmas presents. Amazon.com - $14.99 sale on Fox Season 1 DVDs. Thought you folks might want to know.
  6. Heh... awesome pic, >EXO<. The funny thing is I can so hear Sam "The Man" Jackson saying that.
  7. Only if you agree with me that both sides talking heads - such as that horrendous shrew moron Ann Coulter and pill-head lardass Rush Limbaugh deserve the same fiery death, then we're cool. Otherwise, you're basically hating a guy for doing the same thing they do, albeit more successfully. The obvious answer would be to make fun of how gay puppets are. To me, that's funnier than any more of this barrage of partisan political crap. I'm so ready for this election to be over.
  8. Are they really commies!? I mean did they say that? I know MM is. Personally I feel that a Comunist is worse than a Nazi or a Satanist. Pinko Commie? I wasn't aware the world still used this phrase after the '50's. And really... I wasn't even aware communism was still such a threat. Thanks for the update from the cold war!
  9. I like gta for the car chases and jumping off stuff, and general exploring. my roommates can sit there for hours chainsawing people and fighting the cops. i don't. Puh-lease. GTA is a videogame with the primary selling point of senseless violence? Yeah. And so is pretty much 99.9% of every video game on the market... what kind of point is that? I love the exploring as much as I do occasionally having fun and trying to see how much havoc I can wreak. The great thing about GTA is that you can do either. Most games you're lucky if it's even got one redeeming quality. The battlesuit game sounds fun, but I've read a ton of fun descriptions about some really terrible games. It's all about whether it's any fun to play.
  10. This makes me quite sad. Not so much because he was Superman to me as a kid, but because of the courage and strength that his life has shown in the years after his accident. It's a sad day.
  11. You want to watch Michael Moore eat poo? That's pretty sick, dude. I'm just not sure if it's more sick or less sick if it's just a puppet version. Any more you can tell us about the film, Ladic? Was it pretty much trashing both sides of politics or did it lean more left or right?
  12. Because a Grenade Box would die swiftly if left without a Protector to gather food and keep away predators.
  13. Because in the brief moments between pointing at Castle Greyskull and shouting "I have the poweeeeeer!", Adam runs off with the Queer Eye Guys for some "me time" at a sunless tanning salon.
  14. That's good news. Makes me wanna shout "HBAR!" to everyone I see today. I hope not too many people got burned in the price raising in the interim. If you did, may I suggest hitting eBay now and hope the news hasn't travelled fast yet? You could probably still sell one for a pretty high price and recoup some of your losses. I still think it would be kickass if they'd rereleased with FAST/Strike packs.
  15. Huh? The QC on my 1J's is just as good as any of the earlier 1/48's. The only slightly valid complaint I've heard is that the paint was fuzzy on some, but I didn't notice any drop off in quality on mine. The joints are plenty tight - in my opinion the 1/48's have gotten better with each release. In my opinion a crooked Skull insignia and a nose cone that falls off is waaaaay worse than any proof I've seen regarding a possible fuzzy paint line on the lower leg of a Max or Millia.
  16. That is awesome. Totally would've made Sunday School alot more fun.
  17. Heh. When I was a kid, my older brother had tons of Star Wars toys - but I'd never seen the movie, as I was about 3 when it came out. I remember making up the story as I played with the action figures. At one time, the Stormtrooper was my hero, Darth Vader the bad guy, and Luke Skywalker sold guns to the others. I also seem to remember Hammerhead and Chewie being my Stormtrooper hero's boon companions. Then it got rereleased and my folks took me to the drive-in to see it. I was so bummed that so many of the action figures barely got any screen time at all. I was still surprised when the Death Star was a sphere instead of a 3 levelled playset.
  18. Eh, I was actually glad Jacky-boy didn't show up. Ted & Dinky made sense, but too many "guest stars" and you got cheeze-whiz. As for the kids freed by Jack and the Thunder Five... my guess is also that they were Breakers from another beam. It would only make sense that Breakers would be located under whatever Beam they were destroying. As for the guns and fingers - yeah, he's restored when he reappears in the desert - but I would have liked to see him use them one last time. 'Twould have made a more traditional climax. Ultimately, you are correct by saying that the CK wasn't his nemesis. Really, for that matter, neither was Walter. Seems to me that Sai Roland's nemesis was himself. Time and Distance were his only true obstacles.
  19. Depends on where in the left coast ye be. Apparently I'd have to travel around 500 miles to find a suitable store. Bummer.
  20. I gotta admit I love those. Of course I still wear my original Vans when I mow the lawn, so I shouldn't be too shocked. Anybody here name a good site to get these from? I really don't feel like scouring skate shops.
  21. Hmmm... my reaction was the exact opposite. Of course, I was at that age where He-Man could never be cool. He was just a weird crappy overdeveloped fruity type. GI Joe was far his superior. But when I heard the news I thought - "man, that will suck." And "John Woo has officially hit the crapper, hasn't he?" And then, "Will He-man face Skeletor at swordpoint, having a long discussion about how they are essentially the same and revolving before fighting like ballet dancers when doves are released in the background?" Ew.
  22. 10 minutes and it's ass as opposed to "ownage." Sorry. Just continue watching the old shows and let those who want to enjoy it giggle at you. Or you could become obsessed with it and dog it constantly like AgentONE. It's hard to say which path you'll choose... but I can tell you that the Agent has pretty much got the market cornered on M7 hate. Nobody does it better, indeed.
  23. After a long year of exercising it's right to drink, the Macross TV series is now officially trying to finish college and get laid. Ah, 22... a wonderful age. Congrats, Macross.
  24. Cool! Wish I'd been there! Any chance of some closer pics of those heads?
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