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Everything posted by SpacePirateNeko

  1. I think the gamespot servers exploded =) If anyone is able to catch this thing can you post it up sopmewhere? its a pretty hefty file
  2. hmm lookie here what i found ...links dont seem to be working for me anyone else have any luck ? Battlefield 2 demo
  3. isnt that special ... battletech mod for bf2
  4. A little blue bird told me that the demo will be released noon today or tomorrow
  5. Thats a really cool ship design is that from sf3d series ?
  6. nope , THIS is creepy : what is that from? Trainspotting
  7. im still hoping someone will throw one of these together as a project at 1/72 it would be huge
  8. Oh yea and another cool thing about this game is that they are giving this game heavy mod tool kits. There is at least 15 great mods already long underway inluding some very cool ww2 mods.
  9. Joint Op has been my game of choice until this game arrives. I wasnt as big a fan of the older battlefield as i am of JO but ive been looking forward to this game for months. One thing that bothers me was at E3 all the enemy players had tags like the old BF which was really weak and made camo and carefully advancing infiltry rather pointless to just going out and playing rambo. Now i understand this will most likely be an option that can be turned off however if its set to default most of the heavy servers are going to have it on which will diminish gameplay ( for me at least ) Besides that everything looks good and ill be picking this one up. Im suprised no beta has been released this close to actual release.
  10. I dont understand the cockpit on these two..is it "inside" that dark tunnel? If so wouldnt that be horrible visibility or do they mostly rely on cameras / video screens? THEY - ARE - UNMANNED!!! That's why there are no cockpits. /shrug wasnt mentioned in original post i still think they should stick someone in the tunnel...just for fun Besides how are you gonna make an Ace Combat 6 stick one of those in there and add pilot drama with no pilot???? Whats the military thinking !
  11. I dont understand the cockpit on these two..is it "inside" that dark tunnel? If so wouldnt that be horrible visibility or do they mostly rely on cameras / video screens?
  12. hehe i bought two mikimtoto books back by the way you didnt happen to name yourself after the t rex song did you?
  13. Heres some of the items i picked up on my recent trip to Tokyo And yes...i became addicted to UfO machines like crack i was able to pick up a whole set 999 figures which are very nicely detailed for gashapon and of course theres a minnmay watercolor figure =)
  14. This is what im currently working on. Ertl AT-AT. The first two pictures are just a prime with a pre wash ...i use black oil paints for washes. The second two pictures are an attempt to do a first coat of airbrushing ..as you can see the paint came out speckled and not very smooth however it came out alot better then any previous airbrush attempt thanks mostly to This website Thier tips on thinning and using alcohol helped alot. I think if i eliminated the speckling this would have been an amazing job...of course until my airbrush decided to stop releasing liquid
  15. Well this is what i worked on last ...it was all hand painted. I used just the primary colors + black and white tamiya acrylics and a chrome color to make the 20 some different types of metal. I didnt know the difference between most metals so i used the box image as my best judegement for what colors to mix. Of course in teh end the intricate motor was covered completely by the see through green plastic. Anyway im pretty proud of this one and theres only a few i can say that about.
  16. sort of like this one but an older model is what i use...i have to attach my airbrush hose to the air compressor hose since the hose outlet on the compressor is too large For those in the cali area maybe we could set up some workshops at the next mwcon ....its easier to learn from the masters when its in person
  17. everythings thinned properly ...ive had the brush for two years and ive always had that effect ive tried every thinning mixture possible and a wide variety of paints zentrandude might have hit on it though ...the motor running ..my compressor runs out of air too fast so i usually run the mototr at the same time either way only air comes out now so ...
  18. Ok enough is enough ive had this airbrush for two years ( a pasche duel action ) and ive tried every solution possible. wether it be huge speckles . chunks of paint or whatnot tonight was the last straw. Working on an at at that ive waited forever to finish....and then the paint decides to stop coming out. Tried everything , took it apart ...the thing is i dont care anymore. I clean and run the airbrush the way it should be maintained. Ok so whats a decent dual airbrush i can purchase in the 150ish and below range
  19. i just got back from e3 yesterday zelda wins however insane amounts of fun things on the way ill talk more later
  20. Wow you gotta be kidden me games are so cheap these days compared to what they once were. I remember it being a big deal getting mario bros 2 back in the day because of its 55 dollar price tag. Later on in the snes days i saved up enough for the release of ff3 ( 6 ) and then when i got to the store it turned out to be 80$ because it was a rare initial low stock release...i had to borrow 20 bucks.....was still worth the price at the time i payed 75 for ocarina of time when it was released ....was a last copy and no more were to arrive until after christmas and that was over a month and a half away I dont know i see many new releases going for 40 bucks these days and i can generally walk into a gamestop or EB and pick up a game thats only a month or two old for 20 bucks... 4- 5 months old for 15 bucks its funny though when you think some of these games you can now download in seconds and emulate once cost 50 bucks each back in the late 80s imagine paying 50 dollars for balloon fight
  21. It will be a live action version of the old DROIDS! cartoon and comic! actually if it were i wouldnt mind.i think it would be quite interesting and youd be able to include innumerable stories and story arcs..star wars was always intended as the story that takes place around these two out of place droids
  22. I always like hearing what Jemstone has to say actually , i dont always agree with her statements but they are always well thought out and from a unique perspective. Btw why do people keep calling her a hippie , hippies believed in free love and non censorship , her ideals were conservatalist in nature Anyway heres a picture of salad fingers for no apparent reason Salad Fingers
  23. mindblowing This WAS sin city This wasnt a movie it was a living breathing comic book Of course i agree with the statement that the movie was filled with beautiful women but what i really loved was how powerful some of the women were Albas character included
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