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Posts posted by MicronianDevil

  1. Well those who donate can remain anonymous (sp?). Also the amount they donate. That way no one can say "I am better than you because I donated more."

    Also, think about it this way, I believe I read somewhere here that there are 600 or so active members. If these active members donated even as little as $5 it would help out Shawn alot.

  2. Millia VF-1A with super packs in red trim TV Style

    Looks great. But to be honest, for a Millia 1A, it has way too much red. That is assuming you are modeling it after Max's TV 1A.

  3. I love the Bandai 1/55s. I find it sad that since the 1/48s came along the love for the 1/55s just vanished. Oh well...watcha gonna do?

    Personally, I would rather pick up a reissue of the Bandai Strike, Elint, and Super O than a 1/48. I dont think Bandai will reissue them though.

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