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Posts posted by MicronianDevil

  1. When the smoke clears, literally, I can't wait to see who in the Californian political community tries to explain why multiple C-130 fire-retardant capable planes, and marine helicopters were not allowed to help put out the fire when it was still young.... :unsure:

    From what I have read, the state has to literally exhaust its resources before it can ask for help from the military, federal gov, etc.

    So if political finger pointing starts up, I am going to be very disappointed. This was a criminal act (arson) from which no one could have predicted the extent of its size. So if anyone is pointing fingers, it should be at the damn arsonist who started the fires.

  2. Micronian Devil, I'm almost in the same area as you. I'm in Riverside, about 10 minutes away from the Waterman fire. Fires started last Tuesday and haven't stopped, its insane. Stepping outside, all you see is ash falling like snowflakes and the sunlight filtering through the smoke makes it look like a scene from Apocalypse Now...So crazy. Almost defeats the purpose of going outside to have a cigarette, I swear....

    LOL!!! Very true. I tried to go jogging about two hours ago, after running about two blocks, I had to stop. It seems to be clearing up a little, but the air is still very thick with smoke.

    Anyways, it's nice to see people here on MW from the Inland Empire. A fellow Pomonian, I grew up in Pomona, and someone from Montclair. (I work in Montclair. The Montclair Plaza to be specific.) Riverside, I have a friend who lives in Riverside.

  3. I live in Ontario. (About 15 miles away from the fires in Rancho Cucamonga.) Let me tell you...there are ashes EVERYWHERE!!! My car and all the cars on the streets are full of ashes. It is so bad that the ashes are coming in the house. Plus, my allergies are killing me. At times when I step outside I have a hard time breathing. I hope they contain this fire soon. Though I hear it is only 5% contained. :blink:

  4. The same usual Macross greatness, with much much more fanservice!


    I want to see a return t othe DYRL/Mikimoto style, regardless of the content of the story. I know Kawamori has said that he wants each Macross to have a distinct feel to it, but I think he's really passing up great opportunities by doing so.

    Yes. Agreed.

  5. They have some outrageous prices on some items. ($179.99 for a 1/48!!!) But then they have a good deal on the M&M Supers. Hmm...weird. Those of you that need the M&Ms better take advantage of the great deal.

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