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Posts posted by technoblue

  1. Why do people want a gloss finish?

    I think someone pointed out that there was one scene in the anime where the paint was glossy, but no one has expressed interest in doing that to the toy. In my mind, no gloss makes sense. It would be an odd gimic based on a few seconds of Isamu admiring the prototype.

  2. That's why I mentioned that the fan service is more direct in Arise. I'm a big fan of Ghost in the Shell. I have Motoko as my wallpaper. But in the movies the nudity had a point even if it was silly. Motoko needing to completely strip to use her camo. And her creation scenes. Even the stuff in SAC has an old school fan service feel. I have the uncut manga but I don't remember the homage scenes in Arise. What did you notice?

    The backstory about her military service record. However, it wasn't exactly how I remembered it because Batou and Kusanagi seemed to exchange blank stares with one another when first meeting in Arise. I thought Masamune Shirow had characterized them as being more familiar, even fighting together prior to Section 9, but I may need to reread the manga to refresh my memory.

  3. Oh, I agree. Mine was more turning a phrase: "Bow ties are cool," is a quote from the long-running British Sci-Fi show Doctor Who. Some may consider that a guilty pleasure since it was once a show for children. However, today it is more a show for young adults, although I still watch it with my niece and enjoy it because I grew up with the classic episodes. I turned the phrase to be appropriate to Macross since I liked Shaorin's photo and can see the irony in displaying transforming toys, which I also have. Hence "Valkyries (and bow ties) are cool." ^_^

  4. The only critique about the stand that I agree with is the one where someone pointed out that the "support" blocks the gunpod. That's a little strange given how nice the VF-1 mold looks from most angles. Leave the base alone or make it smaller--Arcadia should do what it has to do--either way the rest of the stand should get out of the way when posing the figure.

    That said, I'm looking forward to having option parts and waterslide decals, as these are nice extras for us late collectors. I think reconsidering the weathered paint jobs would be nice too since these seem to be limited pieces.

  5. I don't understand this paragraph at all.

    The second sentence lost me:

    Personally, I don't consider re-releasing Macross in different formats (OAV, movies, etc) any different than HG releasing the Protoculture edition and Remastered editions. Yes, they are very different things in terms of content but essentially the stories are the same.

    Wait. Your argument is that new shows (that is, new intellectual property) compare to HG's license? Are you serious? This makes no sense. Macross wins hands down.

  6. The only difference is they will include waterslide decals in addition to the stand. the valk itself will be identical. Mr. K on his twitter said all future releases will have raised prices to keep their business afloat.

    And hundreds upon thousands of happy wallets and pocket books suddenly cried out in fear...

  7. * The fan service is the most I've seen or at least more direct in this show too. We get Motoko in her underwear many times. Plus nude.

    But this isn't anything new for Ghost in the Shell. Did you see the first Mamoru Oshii film? Have you read the original uncut manga? Nudity and slinky clothing are both historically part of Motoko's character. In this first episode alone, I noticed a number of homages to Oshii's film and Shirow's original publication.

    Anyway, since Production I.G is doing this without Masamune Shirow (unlike SAC) I don't know how much of it is actually canon. Even though it is a prequel, some people are content to take it as an alternate universe thing. I'm holding off judgement until the end. I thought the frist episode was a little rocky because the writers were trying too hard to make these very familiar characters complete strangers. I'm not sure if that worked, but it was okay... Hm, I might have to watch the episode again.

  8. A simpler, business-minded explanation: he and co. set out to do something, made some promises to fans, and simply delivered them in a timely fashion most of the time. When they started something, they made sure to finish it. They didn't spend years making up excuses for project delays and unfufilled promises while moving on to other plans out of the blue.

    Also, it's easy to think a franchise is going through a dry spell when it can only operate freely in one part of the world thanks to harsh legal restrictions, as Zor Primus showed.

    True. And a good way to look at it too.

  9. Unfortunately my computer recently crashed. If not for my tablet I'd have no Internet access. I was just asking if someone could burn me a copy with proper subs. If not I'll just get a Malaysian copy from eBay in next payday.

    Oh! Never mind all that stuff then. I can hook you up. Do you have a PS3? If so, that will give me an excuse to apply the fix too. Anyway, PM me and we can work something out.

  10. I think we're like...the only two people on M-world to like Zero. But you're right, after consideration it's not a "guilty" pleasure by any means; I stand by 'Zero as much as people stand by '7.


    And as they should. I think Macross Zero and 7 are both deserving series in their own right. I thought the opening to Zero was incredible and the ending was appropriately mysterious. It's funny how anyone here on Macross World would rank any Macross show as a guilty pleasure. That seems more fitting to Robotech Valley or some similar site. I do think the Macross Zedro toys could use a reissue, but the shapes of the scuplts themselves are fantastic and the shows can be intense or fun while adding different perspectives to the mythology.

    Oh well, to each his or her own. I've enjoyed all of the Macross anime I've seen, and that includes Macross 7 Dynamite.

    * Edit an oops *

  11. My willpower caved and that extended teaser was fantastic!

    After rewatching the original series, I remember thinking that the politics between Deslar and Starsha were more played out off screen. It was a different time when I saw the show as a kid and I felt there was a lot of implied subtlety in their relationship until the twist at the end. I'm also still drooling over all the treatments that make 2199 its own show.

    It will be a long wait for the next Blu-ray release but, yeah, I can watch the teaser mulltiple times while I wait.

  12. Alas, there are no "official" subs for Macross 7. Everyone here is using re-timed Central Anime fansubs that are patched to the remastered DVDs. I believe these are the best for the moment. It's a simple process to add the subtitles; however, finding the files has become a little tricky nowadays. You will need the patches, the clean .iso files with no subtitles, some spare dual layer DVD +/- R discs and access to a computer (or a willing friend) to make copies.

    There may also be places you can go to grab .iso files with the patches already applied, or just straight .mkv fansubs. But, as with the other stuff, it's becoming difficult to find sources.

    The original DVD patches do have an issue displaying correctly on the PS3 too. The "how to" I wrote above summarizes all the steps earlier in this thread that one needs to follow to fix that issue.

  13. I also found my old Soundwave at my parents house. The door to the cassette player portion apparently didn't survive. He was always one of my favorites.

    Ugh. I feel your loss. Soundwave was one of my first G1 toys and he didn't survive the timeshift from my childhood either, although I rescued other Transformers from my parents house. It's surprising how well they hold up. My favorite method of storage as a kid was left-over shoeboxes, so nothing very sturdy. That said, I've had to go to eBay to track down a handful of lost pieces for the following figures:

    • Megatron
    • Optimus Prime
    • Starscream
    • Grapple
    • Metroplex

    Megatron is in the worst shape for accessories and aftermarket prices for parts are pretty wild.

  14. Okay, I think we are on the same page now. Thanks for that.

    Certain characters are worthless in the first film. The characters I was drawn to were not necessarily worth the investment. It can be a taxing film, unless you enjoy revenge fantasy. I'm not into that, but the movie was recommended to me. The plot of Kick Ass 2 being what it is, I'm worried that it will be more of the same. Again, not knowing the comic, I hope that Hollywood finds a clever idea in there, but that might be asking a lot out of Hollywood. Also, there are other movies to see...

  15. The Black Hole, it is a misfire of a movie to be sure but VINCent steals the show.

    This was one of the first movies I have a memory of seeing. I was living with my family in upstate New York at the time. We went to an outdoor theater and there were fireworks after the film. The Cygnus is one of the few spaceships that impressed me with its physical presence. I don't know if it was because I was so young, but few sets are as spooky as that one. It still gives me goosebumps today. And I thought the movie worked well as a Disney fantasy.

  16. The first movie is not a typical superhero movie. I didn't read the comic, so I do not have that as a reference. The characters are taken to an extreme and the violence is over the top. I thought it was a good foil to the usual fantasy-style superhero fiction, but I'm not sure if the director was making a commentary or trying to be funny by it. Personally, some moments shocked me and other moments made me feel squeamish. I thought it was worth seeing once. I'm not sure if it is worth seeing twice.

    I didn't see it in the theater, though. I saw it on Blu-ray some time afterward.

    The second movie interests me only because I want to see if the writers do anything different with the characters. If not, I'll be disappointed. Personally, I don't want more of the same nonsense violence.

  17. And as expected Cowboy Bebop is getting it's North American BD release soon courtesy of Funimation. They also picked up a ton of former Bandai licenses like Escaflowne, Outlaw Star, Code Geass and a personal favourite, the Crest/Banner of the Stars series.

    Come on Funi, give us Turn a Gundam next!


    Thanks for the news! I almost caved on that fancy UK Bebop set. I hope Funimation gives its release as much panache.

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