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Posts posted by miriya

  1. I probably said this somewhere else but for the 30th anniversary I would love to have Bandai put out a 1/55 VF-1D as it is the first transforming valkyrie that we see in SDFM. That would be the most appropriate homage in my opinion. Plus it would be awesome if they did it with a dual cockpit and for the first time put little figures in the 1/55 but kept the rest of the figure true to the original stlye/design. The durability of the 1/55's have made them my favorite valk ever and favorite toy ever because of the playability. I have been transforming my bandai reissues constantly, right handed, left handed, eyes closed, drunk, dropping them, still totally solid! Best toy ever! Since the VF-1D is the first time we see a macross valkyrie transform it would make since right? Not like chewbaca on endor.

  2. I dont mean to be spammy but if anyone is looking for a VF-25S renewal version from a trustworthy US seller.... I just posted my unopened one on evilbay. I really wanted to own this toy but I simply can not afford it right now. I did not even open it and play with it any which is maybe stupid. However it is a great testament to my will power (not to brag). Thinking about it makes me really sad actually... What am I on about? I think some Yoshinol will help drown my sorrows.

  3. I hope this is allowed behavior. If it is not please excuse me. I think I have seen other users post to here to their ebay auctions.

    the VF-25s renewal version just arrived to me today from HLJ and unfortunately I simply can not afford to keep it. My son's birthday is this weekend and I need the extra cash so I have posted this up on ebay on a five day auction. It is item number 170785383305. And hopefully this LINK will take you there

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