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Posts posted by miriya

  1. i don't know what you expect to hear...

    I dont know. I thought that someone on the forum may think it was cool or stupid or have something to say like, "amazing" or "I have been doing that since 1983" or "I can do that faster than you" or "you still play with those things" or "why aren't there any girls at your party" or anything really. I guess it is not very interesting. Oh well.

  2. Hi macrossworld

    I brought three 1/55 scale bandai macross valkyries to a party and my friends asked me if I could transform one with only one hand. Feeling a bit tipsy and proud I said I would do it with my left hand having never done it before and I pulled it off. Then they dared me to do one per hand and this was my first try. I can do it in much better time now and will post a better video that is not completely sideways with me doing it faster when I get a chance. But this was my first go at it one per hand. When Mitch said I have gotten better in one extra time he was referring to my first time being the one left handed one. This was my first time doing one per hand.


    Sorry about the video being sideways it was from my buddy's cell phone. Also there is some R rated language.

    I have been practicing a bit and will post a video of me doing it much quicker with better video quality when I get a chance.

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