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Everything posted by vlenhoff

  1. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    My Vf-1D has this problem as well. Right foot won't rotate back. So Gerwalk poses and severely limited. I've been as gentle as i can, and it wont do it.
  2. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks SH9000
  3. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh I got the Hi-Metal 1J, but it is boxed... somewhere, and i could not recall if it had a strap or not. I fully transformed it once, and it went to Gerwalk for years. I need to find it now, that I have more HMR on display. The Regults and Glaug must be... in another box... somewhere.
  4. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    and this. Thanks @no3Ljm
  5. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Neat, thanks! BTW that DYRL beam cannons are vertical? Is this part of a custom? Too bad the HMR 1D has no hard point in the wings, bummer.
  6. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    damn, i would have bought it , but i am broke right now. Broke for all the right reasons, but I will have another chance. I really want to make a custom out of a HMR valk. Good things come to those who wait... or so they say... BTW watched Avengers End game, and it is all i wanted it to be, and more. You could only wish The last jedi was 1/4 of what this movie was.... but it isn't... I highly recommend End game, specially if you have kept up with the series.
  7. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    I saw SH9000 had them on his HMR, but i thought it was a custom job from someone here. I was disconnected for some time due to, Life, work, and expenses, so when i came back, the HMR line was well developed, and it had custom accesories too. I would def make a VF-1J CF custom battle damaged if mine goes Yellow. I might get me another HMR, who knows. All the releases i missed(nearly all) are getting pricey these days.
  8. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    I am terrible at paying attention sometimes. I learned FEXT existed like 2 days ago
  9. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Badassery at its finest!
  10. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Personally, i have always being in love with the SDFM paint schemes or liveries. I don't mind the DYRL liveries, but the others are the ones i always wanted, cough, vermilion squadron. Now we need someone to produce those seats for the rest of the H-MR and the new DX valks.
  11. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    There is some jealousy happening right now! OMG!
  12. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks! I was so jealous!!!
  13. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ ^ ^ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! ^ ^ ^
  14. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    All we wanted, ever since we watched that 2nd episode back in the 80s. Also, this group shot is something i never thought I would ever have. Thanks to Takatoku, Yamato, Bandai, and others who kept this alive. Specially thanks to all Macross fans who kept this hobby alive with their passion, and hard earned cash, over the years. Really, really cool stuff!
  15. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Sorry to hear this happened to you. So unfortunate
  16. The funny thing is i rarely noticed it, and now i can't unsee it.
  17. I think it is a plot by bandai not to give us perfect metal feet. It is a foot thing.... and a metal thing...
  18. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Hikaru looks great in his jumpsuit, even at this scale! I am so pumped, I am watching ep2, countdown right now... And to think i was going to pass on this. In fact, I got the Superostrich because was exited about this... and it was a good price.
  19. ok cool , it is a 1/48 custom, thanks.
  20. Yeah, what about it?
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