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Posts posted by RDClip

  1. So since we have threads for general discussion of sci-fi, anime, and other genres, I figure why not have a thread for martial arts movies?

    Come talk about any good asian martial arts movies, from hong kong, japan, korea, thailand, etc.

    Yesterday, i watched Azumi, a great samurai/assassin kinda movie set in japan in about the 1600's. Really cool sword fights, great choreography, good cinematography, and a super cute assassin girl. I would describe it as a live action anime. I've loved this movie since i first saw it a few years ago and developed a huge crush on Aya Ueto because of it. So, if you can find a copy of it i highly recommend it.

    For anyone just getting into hong kong action movies, I really have to suggest my favourite kung fu star, Donnie Yen. He's a guy that never gained the recognition in the west that his peer Jet Li has, but I believe that he is as good, if not better, than Jet. He has the skill (just as Jet does) to make the fighting style of each one of his characters different. Watch Flash point to see MMA inspired fight scenes and Ip Man for Wing Chun. He is also one of the best fight choreographers in HK cinema, working on the action scenes in Blade 2, the Princess Blade, and Highlander Endgame.

    Some good donnie yen movies:

    Sha Po Lang

    Ip Man

    14 Blades

    Iron Monkey

    Flash Point

    Legend of the Wolf

    Hero (he has a great fight with Jet Li)

  2. seems like most of those guys are cameos...

    I wanna see the list of bad guys to look like this

    Alan Rickman

    Alexander Gudonov (I know, he's dead)

    Michael Wincott (bad guy from the crow)

    Fat Freddie Mercury from Commando

    The Kurgen

    Curtwood Smith (Clarence Bodicker)

    Billy Drago

    William Sadler

    and the of course the meanest jerk of all....

    Christopher McDonald

    You forgot Gary Olman and Rutger Hauer

  3. So RahXephon, I understand there's a compilation movie, right? I doubt I could get the rest of the crew to sit through an entire series but we could probably do the movie. Is it any good?

    And we are definitely going to do some more John Woo stuff, but it had been a while since we did much anime so we're devoting some time to that for now. I do want to do more live action asian movies soon. I've been jonesing to do some yakuza movies (Beat Takeshi stuff, Kinji Fukasaku stuff), and that would be a good place to get our John Woo on. Do you have a particular John Woo movie you'd like to see us cover?

    Unfortunately, the RahXephon movie completely changes the plot, but uses the same footage. So the movie feels kinda glued together. TV version is much better.

    My favourite Woo movie is the first A Better Tomorrow, it was Chow Yun Fat's break-out role. The 2nd movie is good although the plot is kinda absurd, but it does have several inadvertent moments of funny.

  4. Wow, Seto is so EVIL. Those RT fans are just trying to live their lives in peace and you come in with your evil flying battle fortress powered by rationally and proper spelling and bombard them with reasoned arguments and facts. Then you fly back to your Skull island to your Maniac Association of Cantankerous Robotic Operatic Sooth Sayers or M.A.C.R.O.S.S. and laugh maniacally as the RT fanboys lament.

    I think we have the plot of the next robotech movie, Robotech: the Wrath of Seto!!!

  5. I agree with Jeremy that people look way too deep into the religious symbols used in Eva.

    As for the format of the show, i like how DAPDX is more about goofy fun than serious in depth analysis (though sometime you do go that route, like with the Existenze episode)

    P.S. are you guys ever gonna cover RahXephon? Or do more John Woo movies?

  6. I just finished a crane thingy to hold my recently finished VF-1S super. Its about a foot tall with a swinging arm at the top with a claw to hold the valk. Made of all cardstock with some bamboo skewers to reinforce. It turned out too top heavy so i glued a bunch of pennies to the base to weigh it down. It'll look good in my future project hanger bay for my papercraft valks.

    If i can borrow a camera, i'll post some pics.

  7. I just finished a VF-1S super with full cockpit and pilot. I used plastic from a water bottle for the canopy, so it isn't perfect, but it looks good enough for me. I'm hoping to start the large scale SDF-1 Macross by Thunderchild soon. That should be a long fun build.

    Sorry can't post pics, no camera.

  8. Macross Frontier

    You can get many opinions easily here, by looking at the old threads. Overall, i really liked it.


    Decent fantasy story, with a disappointing ending.

    Desert Punk

    Never seen it.


    Good, mafia story about how a guy went from street thug to top hitman. Then theres some crazy zombie stuff

    Ah! My Goddess

    Good, if you're into shojou romance.

  9. WAY faster than expected, my next 2 Revels arrived. AV-98 Ingram (Movie) which is #42, and Protect Gear, Red Spectacles edition # 61. Havent opened either yet, but just based on looking at them in box: The Panzer cop looks almost a head taller than the Ingram, which is a little odd.

    The line in general is way out of scale. My Saber is huge compared to my Revy and Dante is also smaller than he should be (unless a big muscular tough guy is supposed to be as tall as a little chinese tough girl)


    Dough Bendo?

    As in Dough Nut Bendo?

    Makes sense. He sure doesn't act like a rational person.

  11. That Macekre.

    I think Harmony Golding should mean buying something and then claiming you automatically own everything that company ever made.

    But Roboteching...that's a tough one. I'm not sure what that should mean...thoughts, anyone? ^_^

    Well then how about Roboteching meaning having a bit of success for a short time from using other peoples hard work then doing nothing for 20 years but brag about it.

    Wait, i suppose that could be Macekre as well.

    How about having success from other peoples work, doing nothing for 20 years but brag, and then when you do something its crap.

  12. Oh, and the most important thing I learned from it, "I really like that little skull on your uniform."

    Aww man you just dont get it man the skull like represents like the ah thing yeah man it like represents...a skull!!! B))

    Maybe RTSC would be much better if i was really wasted when i watched it. :lol: Anyone have a good SC drinking game?

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