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Posts posted by RDClip

  1. 2.) There's no evidence that the VF-1 and later model valks lack the eye tracking system in their helmets they just aren't explicitly shown. We do see them shoot down incoming missiles in the exact same manner as Roy's VF-0 so there's no reason to conclude they don't have the same or similar system installed.

    I agree 100% on that. That is pretty much the best way we can answer that one. As for everything else, the level of technology of the VF-1 was dependant on how much money Studio Nue had to animate with and the animation technology at the time. SDF Macross was made on a bare-bones budget, a very limited time frame and (by today's standards) primative animation. I'm sure if they had millions to spare, an unlimited schedual, and 21st century animation technology; the VF-1 would have had much more cool features.

    Case in point: the Valks look much more advanced in DYRL than the original series.

    As for the taller VF-0, i can buy the explaination they gave in Zer0, pretty easily. It doesn't sound that implausible.

  2. In mac 7, where are the rest of max n milias kids? Granted im only about halfway thgrough the series, but surely we'd have seen the rest if they were on board...

    Pretty much all the other daughters are adults now, Miranda is the 2nd youngest at 5 years older than Mylene. There's a chance that the older ones just didn't go with the M7 fleet because they were adults with their own lives. Miranda may have gone with her parents and just went back to Earth or somewhere else (there must be someway to get out of the fleet and back home)

    I do believe I've read that Komillia became a fighter pilot, herself when she grew up.

  3. Let's see...The big thing that i thought would have been better was if they had a funeral scene for Roy. I would have put some more emotion into one of the main characters dying, i don't think they spent enought time on it.

    I also would have like to see the Max/Millia storyline extended. I always found it much too short.

  4. Gamlin's grey hair and receding hair line indicated to me that he may be older than 18 or 19.

    But I also thought Gapelnitch was a female until the last few episodes so what do I know?

    Gamlin had pinkish purple hair.

    Anyway, i agree that Basara probably just saw Mylene as a sort of little sister type. But, i also have to say that even if Basara did have feelings for her, he probably would be a pretty crummy boyfriend. I always got the impression that Basara was kind of selfish. It seemed to me that pretty much everything he did was to satisfy his own ego.

    The reason why he sing is not to 'stop the fighting' or 'bring peace' it's to see if his music can do this. At least Gamlin showed guilt and regret for not being able to protect his fellow soldiers and held stedfast in trying to protect City7. I didn't really see Basara trying to protect everyone (obviously he protected people right in front of him), more just to prove something to himself.

  5. i dont have any MPCs any more but I think the look of the MPC is

    much better than the 1/55. the accuracy is higher . To me the

    biggest difference is the choice of plastic used. the 1/55 are

    much more durable. the MPC feeel cheap and fragile.

    Thanks for the reply.

    As a matter of fact i just bought the Max and Miria MPCs pretty much for the sole reason that i couldn't afford $400 for the Yamato Max and Millia 1/60s strike VF-1Js. $60 shipped each i reckon is a pretty good deal for the MPCs.

  6. Alright, I propose we send out strike squads to make sure that Uwe Boll, Michael Bay and their like come nowhere NEAR this project...

    Good idea!!! :D

    Well, since GiTS is one of the most popular anime in the US, i don't think they would be willing to take as many 'liberties' with it as most videogame movies out there (not many anime-turned-live action movies out there).

    Considering it could be a potential huge blockbuster, i doubt Uwe Boll would be able to get it. If whoever gets the movie rights wants to conserve the depth of the source material, i doubt they would get Bay (he's pretty much 'nice explosion guy')

  7. Well she is a child age 14 i think and basara and gamilin are fully grown men.

    if thats not weird what is? And her parents were of a similar age, though its still weird

    She does turn 15 near the end of the series...

    And Gamiln and Basara's ages have never actually been said, but i've read that they are probably 18 or 19.(depending on your definition of grown men they are or aren't)

    But the one very obvious thing about Macross is it's youth worship (well anime in general). They tend to have teenaged characters doing things that normally only adults do (because it isn't legal for them or they aren't mature enough). Really, should 16 year old Ichijo Hikaru be piloting a walking/flying weapon loaded up the whamzoo with explosives and powered by a nuclear reactor?

  8. Mylene is still a child, and should still be at school instead of thinking of engagements and singing :ph34r:

    Well, her mom was 15 and her dad was 16 when they got married. So i guess in the Macross version of the future it isn't that weird.

    But, back to the main topic. I chose Gamlin. I do like him much more as a character than Basara, but I do think he would be better for (and to) Mylene. Mylene had all her sweet moments with Gamlin, I can't really remember any moment in the series where i saw any mutual feelings between Basara and Mylene. And lets face it the only good points of Mylene Basara brings out is her talent in singing and music. After Gamlin knew everything, Mylene seemed comfortable with him and she could confide in him. And the big point is that, of the two guys, Gamlin was the only one who had romantic feelings for her.

  9. So anyway, i'm new here and i'm currently rewatching M7 and there's a few things bugging me: (they contain spoilers so if you haven't seen it, don't read any further)

    1. First and foremost is about Physica family. When Gamlin went to see them after Physica's death, there was some other guy his kid was calling 'daddy'. So, does that mean that his wife left him and he didn't tell Gamlin or his wife was seeing this other guy on the side?

    2. If Basara can fly so great in the other 2 modes, why doesn't he know how to pilot in gerwalk mode?

    3. Mylene is 14 and she's driving?

    4. Is Gamlin his surname or first name?

    Well, just some ponderings. The first question is the only one that i really want to figure out.

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