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Posts posted by Corrinald

  1. They added leg screw hole fillers too. Wonder if that includes the arm ones. They were a nice touch on the M&M releases. If the armor is installed they will be kind of pointless though.

    Still wishing for a PF set

  2. Got super excited for this until I realized it wasn't PF. More likely just trying to generate some easy income for them, but maybe the PF is to follow like they did with Max and Miriya?

  3. 57 minutes ago, F360 said:

    You can also try Whiterabbitexpress . The cost is $214 . 

    I posted a screen cap  and steps a couple of replys up.  ^_^


    I gave in and got one through Kurama Toys (Bandaionline) which I had forgotten all about. $218 usd...not a terrible price I guess.

  4. Ahh okay. Mine is still pending but I can't imagine it will go through. Will see if I get a response from them tonight. 

    That's nuts they reached their limit on something in a few hours that's open to preorders for a month .So much for TWE items being easier to secure in the early stages.

    Bandai is special.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Anasazi37 said:


    I've had them cancel a web exclusive order on me (Missile Set), but they did it pretty quickly (factoring in the time difference between Japan and here). They processed my request for a quote and asked for payment, then attempted to place the order after I paid, which makes sense. They discovered that they had already hit their ordering limit, imposed by Bandai, so they immediately refunded my payment and explained why. I've ordered a bunch of web exclusive items from them and have never had any issues. They tend to cost about the same, or in this specific case less, than other options like AE and NY. I'm still waiting for confirmation that order went through. They might have already hit their limit. If so, I'll just do what @Shawn plans to do: wait for it to show up on YAJ or Mandarake for a reasonable price after release. I don't feel like paying AE or NY prices just for the convenience of being able to push the purchase button today.

    Same situation for me. Waiting for confirmation from FJ. If not, they will eventually turn up for sale on the internet somewhere. Max VF-1As became quite plentiful with time.

    I will wait to see if and when NY ships me my Super/Strike parts before I give them any money again.

  6. Nice, Bandai is still kicking. I love Kakizaki and Max's DYRL schemes so I am excited for this one. Would have made more sense if it was his TV scheme instead but glad to see another release.

    The backward numbers thing is Bandai exclaiming 'We do what we want!'

  7. I dare say I like this thing. It would look really cool displayed with the Kitzconcept figures. Interesting to note they actually have the KC Rick figure up on the Kidslogic website now.

    But yikes the rivets and the glowy orange display screen.:bad:

  8. I love the DYRL schemes but it would be really disappointing if they never release a TV Kakizaki. If they only release a single VF-1S that's meant to represent TV Roy, TV Hikaru, and DYRL Roy (with all the pilot figures) I could handle it. An incomplete Vermillion would be a travesty.

  9. I am looking for a TV style head from a 1/48 Yamato VF-1A. These were only available on the Max and Kakizaki specials as far as I know. If anybody has one of those Valks in bad shape I could buy the whole thing.

    Did anyone ever do a recast of the TV style head?

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