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Everything posted by Lonewolf

  1. Lonewolf

    VF-0A poll

    I'd love to see a Reactive Armor set for the VF-0, but I'm not holding my breath on it happening anytime soon. Thanks for the comment doodler7, but the main problem in repainting a figure is that it looses all of it's value. Anyhow, I still have time to think about it.
  2. Lonewolf

    VF-0A poll

    Well according to Kawamori-san, the VF-0A that's currently available IS the proper version of the Cannon fodder.
  3. Lonewolf

    VF-0A poll

    Actually, I like both equally, I just thought knowing what other people thought about each version would be interesting. Besides, there's nothing wrong in asking other's opinions.
  4. Lonewolf

    VF-0A poll

    Aside from the accessories, why do you wish you had waited?
  5. Lonewolf

    VF-0A poll

    Cannon Fodder VF-0A http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/vf-0a/vf-0a.htm Shin's VF-0A with Ghost Booster http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/s...a/shinvf-0a.htm The main difference, is in the accessories. Other than that, Shin's version has a white stripe on the chest which the CF version doen't have. Also the CF version has sexy grey stripes on it's wings which Shin's version doesn't have.
  6. Lonewolf

    VF-0A poll

    Hi, I'm a bit uncertain as to which version of the VF-0A to get. I like the cannon fodder's missile accessories, but I like the bonus Ghost fighter of Shin's version. Since I can't afford both, I want to know which version you guys from the board like the most. Thanks for voting and hopefully it'll help me choose.
  7. I've scoured this board and I've done a lot of searching on the net, but I've been unable to find any headshot for the VF-11. Has anyone got a good one ? Preferably a drawn one would be nice. I've seen tons of pics from the toys, but nothing really great. If this is not the right place to ask, please feel free to move this thread.
  8. Let's just hope it comes with the fast pack if they release it.
  9. Great review Graham. I can'T wait to get my hands on this beauty.
  10. Hi, I know the VF-0A/Ghost bundle comes with extra dorsal fuel tanks with dents in them for the missile pods, but does it come with undented dorsal fuel tanks if one would like to display the Ghost and VF seperatly ?
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