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Valkyrie addict

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Posts posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. And here I thought they'd use new battle animations after so long and not the same valk dance and cobra maneuver from every damn episode thereĀ“s ever a battle. They even recycled the Frontier Monster scene from almost a decade ago...seriously!! Story wise, everything is still going as dumb like the beginning.

    And of course, the stupid way Windereme battle always goes:

    - We're gonna kill them all!!!!

    - Cobra maneuver

    - Wind something, we got them!!

    - Cobra maneuver

    - Oh look, valks are hugging, let's just stare at our runes and not shoot them down, wind something...

    - Cobra maneuver

    - They're no longer doing puppy eyes to each other, LET'S KILL THEM ALL...

    - Cobra maneuver

    - My lifespan is done, time to go...but fisrt, let me die doing a........

    - Cobra maneuver

    - Well, well, the transport shuttle is downed like a sitting duck, our enemies have landed and are just staring at our fallen comrade helplessly, let's do nothing...

    - You know what, episodes ending, let's RTB, i want to polish my rune with apple juice while the wind strokes it

    Screw this show!! I'm gonna cleansed my eyes watching robotech!!

  2. It amazes me how they've taken the last 5 episodes for some sort of "character development" and "plot advance" and yet, next to little of this has been properly done. The love triangle is ridiculously one sided, WIndereme plans make little sense at all, Hayate and Freija are still the little kids from the 1st episodes, MIrage is still the insecure introvert, stupid hacking and Mikumo is still a "mystery", also NUNS, why introduce a shady corrupted NUNS for then to just be toss aside? Pretty much the only thing interesting is the arms dealer who works for both sides.

  3. Interesting episode, enjoy it since it dwell more into the background of everything going on and, of course, always enjoy some protoculture stuff, just two observations
    - Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but how ironic for the two characters who appear to be lesbian to be expert at "penetrating" defenses, no offenses to anyone
    - Aren't first born descendant the rightful heirs of things, not the last, so the Windermere logic is a bit off

    Guess next episode we get more character development from the 3 captives, specially Freija when they find out she's a Genius culminating with some crazy valk rescue after Walkurie eradicate the Var

  4. The core problem is that Arcadia is repeating the same mistake it already did in its Yamato days, the market is already saturated with the VF-1, everyone was expecting/hoping to get the FP released on its own to go along with their Arcadia pinkish VF-1S instead of a bundle or to complete part of their collection. Most don't really need another VF-1, some do but its the minority and it will most like reflect on their sales this time.

    If they would've released it alone Id be getting two FP go with my Roy and Hikaru 1S instead of having to get another Roy 1S.

  5. SDFM was a bit silly in certain aspect, but the core of the show was very mature and that's what most people enjoy about it. You could enjoy it as a kid seeing cool giant robots in space battles and as an adult understanding what the characters are going trough. Yes, the premise was over the top, transforming aircraft designed to battle giant humanoid aliens that were ultimately defeated by "feelings" from a song. But deep inside it dealt with commitment, maturing, tragedy and love within a war, keeping it somewhat hone in a kind of real world within the fantasy.

    I understand such formula for a new Macross show may never be made again, but saying SDFM was silly so any future Macross show has to be silly and I just have to accept it is exaggerating the issue. My POV with this show is the same as with Frontier, the show is being sponsored by Bandai and is made ultimately to sell lots and lots of toys, I will accept this new show as it is, I doubt it will be another SDFM/DRYL hit story and character wise but I have an open mind to enjoy new things, I will probably not be getting any merchandise from the series either or be rewatching this like I sometimes do with SDFM/DYRL/FB2012/PLUS.

    I'm just happy there's more Macross to see and enjoy and will always keep the hope that an OVA would be made in the future with a more mature premise.

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