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Valkyrie addict

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Posts posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. I just bought mine on ebay, after I get it shipped and built I'll post pics of it, I've been fathoming the idea of perhaps custom painting in a 'stealth' scheme since I already have a Yamato VF'0S, but I'm not sure it could look right...

    it's been such a long time that I've built a scale model, hope I'm not rusty, I'll do my best since it was NOT a cheap product

  2. so, I was searching and reading through a lot of the old macross world posts and read about who killed Roy Fokker were it is a common mistake to think that Milia shot Focker, althought it is never seen

    I always knew that Roy Fokkers death was reminiscent of the Red Barons death (Manfred Von Rochthofen) in WWI, where he was in a routine mission with his flying circus, engages some Canadians aircraft shooting down a few while he fend off some anti aircraft artillery also.

    The red baron is shot but manages to land his aircraft in a field, when his aircraft is found by local farmers they find his dead body shot right trought the chest (supposedly trought the heart itself), but still manage to safely land his focker tri-plane, thus never getting shot down.

    History counts the mortal shot to a canadian pilot who engaged him, but recent investigations showed that the canadian aircraft had no way to get a clear shot of the red baron and new evidence showed that he was probably shot by an unknown AAA operative (lucky shot), thus, making his death a mistery as to who killed him...

    much as in Roy Fokker case, we never see who shoots him, and it could not have been Miria since she was deeply engaged against Max, and we do get the refence of him getting mortaly shot and still managed to land his aircraft and die later, thus never getting shot down, which if i remember correctly, it was something Roy himself was very proud off

    let's not forget the reference of his name itself, Roy Fokker, the red baron flew Focker airplanes, and of course at the ending of the episode itself were Misa tells Hikaru that Roy is dead and he drops the little model aircraft that Roy gave him, whoch was, of course, a Fokker aircarft with Luftwaffe insignias

    so, anyone else has any other Macross reference to real world historical happenings?

  3. so...in the original Macross, we ge to see that the Macross had to undergo a transformation to fire the main cannon 'cause the it has undergone battle damage and the pin point barrier was interfiering or something like that

    but why did the Battle 7 had to transform every time to fire the main cannon?? I don't think it was ever explained in Macross 7

    and the VF-17 was inspired in the F-117, so was the VF-17 stealth also or what?? B))

  4. ok...so basicly, what's the most logical solution is

    1. Pre-SW1, The Zentradi just went back to their base and swith into new equipment (built by who?)

    2. Post-SW1, Zentradi learned to built and repair stuff and could reuse and repair their old equipment

    3. Post-SW1, new mecha for the Zentradi were probably upgraded by human cultured Zentradi

    ok, I got a new question about the Zentradi

    according to the TV show, if Zentrans and Meltrans were not to correlate between each other, how did Lord Bodolza gave orders to the Meltrans and how could they report back to him???

  5. so...I was wondering, the Zentradis are supposed to be a race that can't fix their technology, so, then, who built all their ships?? and if they can't fix things, it means they can't upgrade their technology either, so then, will they use their same ships and weapons forever?? we did see a different zentraedi suit on Macross plus, so then, what's the deal??? :wacko:

  6. maybe, since in Macross Zero the whole visor HUD stuff is new cutting edge technology, they sorta needed to show it off explain it how's all done and happens, I mean, we get a nifty sequence of how the Valkyrie goes from fighter to battroid in a detailed matter, never in Macross TV series, Macross Plus or 7 we get shown how it all happens, we just know it do it

    perhaps since in Macross TV and beyond is common tech, it's assumed to be there and doesn't need to be shown off ^_^

  7. I like the ending of Macross, compared to most TV shows on this era, either they tell you exactly what's going to happen, or they you just don't tell you anything and leave you with more questions than answers

    the ending of Macross reflect the beginning of the series, on the beginning, we meet a young man who only cares about flying his fanjet, a young woman who only cares about her job and a little girl full of dreams

    the show ends with a young man who has grown as a person by lost of his friends and comrades, learned about the tragedies of life and that he has a world that surrounds him and most of all, learn to love, same with Misa, and of course, Minmey who has also grown up, realizing her dream has come true and that her dedication carryed the world to go on and not surrender

    and it leaves us telling us the love triangle is resolved, the war is over, but they will continue living their lifes filled with the daily day tribulations

    that show ruled!!

    a bit off topic

    anyway, on the subject of Anime usually being 20-40 something episodes, what is everyone take on shows like Dragonball, Pokemon and Naruto to name a few, that have gone off forever....it's just meaningless fighting, what's the deal?

  8. Hi, new here, great forum guys!

    I was under the impression that the VF-1 was designed by Kawamori first as a fighter, and then he would figure out a way to make it turn into a battroid

    besides, I agree with what most people have said, the VF-0 y basicly an updated design on the VF-1, how would you feel if you put your spanking new Macross zero DVD and saw a square aircraft flying around, it would just look odd

    besides, if you want to go technical, you don't need a highly aerodinamic craft anymore, with today technology, planes are designed to be aerodynamic inneficient making them more agile, and the stability controlled by fly by wire tech' (as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong), so, the VF-0 or VF-1 don't need to be too sleek

    and also, the VF-1 was mostly designed to space combat, so, aerodynamic efficiency isn't a big deal

    just my 2c :lol:

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