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Valkyrie addict

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Posts posted by Valkyrie addict

  1. Avoiding the Cheyenne, Arcadia has finished the Zero lineup, just missing the obligatory Nora and CF releases and on to the next Macross lineup, they must finish the Plus lineup with reissue YF-21 and VF-11 but at Arcadias snail pace I'll be 50 before it.

  2. Happy to see this but its overpriced, non transforming and small.  There was a very very highly sculped kit made by a member here in 1/60 and 1/72, Arcadia must offer a very good gimmick or 2-3 Lancers together to justify that price.

  3. I think it would have been better as just a showpiece and no speaker at all, also the fact that is a robotech merchandise could explain the ridiculous high price thanks to HG licensing fees.

  4. Glad to see Arcadia is back in the game after almost all of 2016 in silence.  Any new release is good.  Specially if its in 1/60 and not any those dumb non scale fleet vessel.  I have no idea what the pixelates picture might be.   Hope is not to far off for release.

  5. Got my reactive armor on HLJ private warehouse, all my macross collection is stored for the moment :(

    A reactive armor assembly kit, can't say it won't make me happy, I'll probably get a couple if its priced accordingly, but if they can do this then I hope they release a damn VF-4G assembly kit soon!

  6. Glad this trainwreck is over, did not like it at all

    Talking......NAKED....head episode

    I have a very long list of everything wrong with this finale I was midway trought but deleted and just decided to sum it up here.... 'effing stupid., everything!!

    Altought the mecha action was mildly entertaining, it was mediocre at best.

    Where they 'effing sword *methaphorically dick* fighting ??'


    /sarcarm Glad Bandai can now sell the regular VF-1J and then the VF-1J Grim Reaper, regular SV-154 and evil white SV-154, regular Mikumo and bondage Mikumo, regular Elysium and DYRL style damaged sitting out Elysium. /end sarcasm

  7. You know, I really wanted and had good expectation when the show got announced, after the pilot episode I wanted to be wrong and see an awesome show.

    I would've put up with little to no mecha action as long as the story and plot was interesting, but no, if the character design was good, but no, if the characters personalities had some depth and insight, but no, if the direction of every episode left me wanting for more, but no, if they would've introduced something new and exciting for the Macross universe, but not. This show was just plain awful.

    If the basic premise of the whole show was to finally ascertain that "singing is a weapon" and reintroduce Megaroad-01 to us, they could've made this into a 3 episode OVA and would have done alright.

    Next episode is gonna be rushed as hell trying to solve plot points, mecha action, solve character development and answer who Lady-M is and will fail miserably

    *dips on Bandai VF-4 Advanced, CASH COW!!!

  8. This show is sooooooooo bad...

    The next 3 episodes are gonna be rushed as hell. I can predict the rest of the plot.

    - Roid will try to dominate the universe with Kumiko star singing abilities, we'll get some stupid Sharon Apple and Sara reference to get that "nostalgia factor"

    - Keith will find out that Roid and the dead king tricked Hayate father, killed and theb use his VF-22 to frame and deploy the dimensional weapon to unlock the protoculture ship, Keith will join Hayate and MIrage to stop them.but not before seeing Roid eyeglasses collection again before it's shattered.

    - They stop Roid by doing a lot of scissors and cobras and there's some sort of main character cliffhanger... wait for two Movies to "clean up the story" and save the ending.

    Sell a lot of DX toys and Walkurie figurines.

  9. giphy.gif

    I am personally enjoying all these posts far more than Delta at this point, keep it coming guys! :lol:

    HAHAHA!! Indeed!!

    I'm sure the mayor sponsors after seeing how successful the convoluted mess of the two Frontier movies were they just decide to do something more crappy, confusing and mindless to see how many merchandise they can sell out of it. Frontier was not good, it was succesful because people wanted new Macross and took whatever was thrown at them, and besides, Frontier recycled a lot of plot points from SDFM as "nostalgia" nods to the original, in the end, Frontier didn't make much sense at all´either.

    But the sad truth, Macross hasn't made much sense since Zero.

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