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Skull Leader

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Posts posted by Skull Leader

  1. Unless I am mistaken, all of those albums (plus one I dont' see there) are compliled completely on "Macross: The Complete". The "Miss DJ" Album may not be on there though.

    I'd love to get that MP3, unfortunately I don't use AIM or Yahoo..... just MSN. :(

  2. I mean no offense or disrespect to you Abombz, but I feel compelled to ask you a question:

    If you have so many complications with this game (it's players, it's programmers, etc), WHY on God's green earth are you still playing it? Again, no offense, but you're standing over a VERY dead horse, beating the holy crap out of it with a shovel. You need a vacation or something man.... some ritalin to take the edge off, ANYTHING!! :D

    It sounds to me like you've pretty much played FFXI for everything it's worth and now it's time to move on perhaps? Maybe apply to be a GM? (as if you really wanted to spend time wallowing in other people's stupidity, right?) All I know is the vibe we're getting from you is that the only reason you're playing this game is because someone is holding you at gunpoint to do so (it's a metaphor, but it pretty much sums up what I'm receiving)

    Obviously you must enjoy the game on SOME level.... what was it that attracted you to the game originally? Would having more of said-idea improve your interest? I don't work for square-enix or anything, I'm just trying to get a full feel of where you're coming from.

  3. As a free MMORPG, Ragnarok has it goin on, but let's be honest.... they have a LONG WAY TO GO before being an MMORPG worth paying to play. I had a character for about a month and I just couldn't get into it (I too, chose FFXI instead)

  4. lol, I JUST reached lv. 18 last night (I finally landed a kick ass party that got me 3 levels in one night!) even though I've had the subjob items ever since about 13 or so. I'm gonna do a brief stint in the dunes helping others to get their subjob items (the way I was helped) until I make it to 20, and then it's off to Jeuno! After that? Only my destiny as a Dark Knight awaits me.....

  5. Most of that can be put down to coloring errors (much like the famous "yellow" roy heatshield, or the absence of color from heatshields or elsewhere at all)

    It is accepted that Skull squadron bears the following colors:

    Roy: Yellow

    Hikaru: Red

    Max: Blue

    Hayao: Green

    This is what was intended (it was so approved for the Hasegawa VF-1A lineup by Big West itself), regardless of helmet color or anything else (Hayao Kakizaki's helmet in the tv series was yellow, but his valk was brown and white, he was always the one that broke the pattern of helmet/valk color being the same)

  6. item 2 is the best version of macross DYRL you can buy. it has beter everything over the first one.

    Not so. Both are good for different reasons...

    #1 Has the most accurate translation of the script to date. If you want to know EXACTLY what they're saying, get this one. It's by no means bad.

    #2 Has revamped resolution and everything... colors are much brighter, but two problems with the dialogue. (1) They don't subtitle the songs (which I hate), and (2) They paraphrase a lot of text (for example: Misa specifically mentions "Skull, Angel, and Apollo Squadrons" in the audio, and the text just says "attention all units". If you're a text-nazi like me, this gets really figgin' annoying.

    Bottom line? If you want the most correct presentation of the story, get the first one, but if all you care about is pretty pictures, get the second one.

  7. Yeah, I just ran Disc 3 through.... the one version on there is very similar, but it isn't teh whole song (for those who have seen the video, everything from the point where Roy dies isn't in the track... my favorite part!)

    Lol, I could make an mp3 of my VHS copy of a copy ;)

  8. Really, BMWs are hardly flawless, they have many QC problems and are known for their electrical problems... owner reviews on even high end BMWs are mixed.

    And regardless of how you feel about BMW my analogy was that toys, in this case the Yamato Queadluun-Rau, are luxury items, and that manufacturers are entitled to charge whatever the market will bear... just like car companies, like BMW.

    If you are saying that given the design and quality issues of the average BMW is considered to be "flawless" than I would say that a Yamato 1/60 with it's know issues are equally flawless. Both have minor issues but in neither case do these issues become an issue that Merriam Webster would define as "detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness."

    If you wish to define flawless as being without any defect, then nothing is flawless and your point is equally mote.

    with all due respect, of course.

    Dude, you SO need to join me in my Logic-debate class...... :D

  9. Why don't I call the WAAAAAAAAHmbulance!! <_<

    Jeez guys.... What you don't seem to realize is that Yamato currently has the market cornered on Macross Badguy mecha... they can charge whatever they see fit to charge and be done with it. If you want it bad enough, you'll buy it... if not, oh well, you're out of luck. Just because you may want an original Takatoku 1/55 Super Valkyrie doesn't mean you deserve to get one for $19.99.... people have to pay out the ass for things like that, and some people are willing to do so... newly produced OR produced 20 years ago.

    I think this is more than we ever could've asked for in a first run for an enemy mecha. I hate to say it, but by and large Zentran/Meltran mecha don't have too many gimmicks to them. I think they've done an excellent job in repoducing the Q-rau... even if the cockpit (c'mon guys, let's not be TOTAL a-holes...) isn't exactly like it was in the movie. So what if the pilot isn't posable?? We should be damn lucky they chose to include one at all. It looks damn solid and sturdy, so you can probably count on almost nil-breakage (unless you're a 'tard and drop it on something) and what's more, it's a collector's item. Pay up or shut up, and that's the bottom line. :ph34r:

    That being said, I'm not getting one. Not because I think it looks bad, but because I don't like enemy mecha enough to pay $100+ on them. And that's cool, because that means there will be more for the diehard collectors to get. I hope they enjoy them and perhaps I'll change my mind on down the road. B))

    Well done Yamato! Now gimmie a Tactical Regault Pod!! [whiny sarcasm mode] (and make it $19.99, solid diecast, with total panel-lining, all missile options, a fully posable pilot *with name and date-of-cloning*, oh yeah... and it has to be transformable somehow! If you can't do all of this for me Yamato, you guys absolutely SUCK!!!!![/whiny sarcasm mode]


  10. The topic about "My Boyfriend's a pilot" got me thinking. I know it's been discussed before, but I can't find it. Was there an album that featured the FB2012 version of "Love Floats Away"? (for those who don't know, the FB2012 version used in the Roy Focker tribute features a march/fanfare style ending.. the regular version has a soft ending)

    It's not on "Macross: The Complete"..... was it anywhere else?

  11. I rather agree with Abombz and company, that song blows choads regardless of who's singing it. I couldn't stand the "jr. high" sound of most of her songs... (as a matter of fact, only "Angel's Paints" and "Do You Remember Love?" are really worth listening to IMHO.. MAYBE "Love Floats Away"...) and someone else singing it makes it exactly ZERO better...

    It's already common knowledge on this board about my opinion of Reba West's singing (it could wake the dead), but you have no idea how happy I was that future installments of Macross (ALL of them) featured far better pop music.

  12. I wouldn't call it any sort of "aggressive" reconnaisance, but you can almost bank that they have someone make a pass through these boards once in every great while (or as I speculate: anytime Graham points something out to them that may be of interest or concern)

    In fact, I believe in years past we've discovered for a fact that they DO look here every now and then.

  13. Bandai recently recasted these models and put them back on the market... they may have stopped again already, but either way, they're far more common now than they were a couple of years ago (if you had one you were awesome... if you had two... one of which was built, you r0x0r) I keep meaning to pick one of these up, but I'm still working on my YS 1/4000 scale Macross Storm Attacker and I vowed not to start a new model until I finish this one...

  14. au contrair. Such a beast DOES exsist (and it was a noble thing, before HG raped it of all decency)

    the VF-1R Kai was the valkyrie series from the PC Engine Macross games.

    Seek ye the truth here: VF-1R info


    yeah yeah, the info isn't truely accurate, but it at least gives some idea (I can't translate my game manuals, so this will have to do...) I really only kept it for the Magazine picture.

  15. I think that unit is in the Macross II timeline and is the VF-2's predecessor.

    well, there's no DIRECT evidence of that link (it has never been confirmed that the PC engine games are part of the MII timeline), but it *is* popular belief. Supposing that were true, the 1R series (along with the VF-4 Siren, the other slightly different VF-4 version) served the UN Spacy well until the development of the separate VF-2J Icarus and later VF-2S Space Valkyrie programs.

  16. I, for one, am pretty excited about the VF-0... sure it doesn't look perfect... even if it isn't the final sculpt, I'm sure people will find a million and one things that they dont' like, but I still think it's gonna rock....

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