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Skull Leader

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Posts posted by Skull Leader

  1. You're not making any sense. DYRL had a soundtrack all it's own, but it also featured music from the TV series, is that what you're wanting to know?

    The 3 disc set (Macross: The Complete) is currently thought to possess all music from the movie and series minus 2 tracks. (1) the guitar-theme version often played at the end of episodes, and (2) the full FB2012 version of "Love Floats Away"

  2. I've only had the chance to play through the first two chapters, but I can honestly say that it is the storyline that keeps this from being a mediocre game. Gameplay is pretty straightforward, and the graphics are decent (not groundbreaking), so it is definately the story that makes these stand out.

  3. LOL, and then Arihiro Hase says "Thank you!" in english and it sounds like he sneezed :p

    The girl that announced the red alert (with all the pilots rushing out of the barracks, one with a sandwich in his mouth) obviously spoke english as a second language, but others sounded pretty natural. It really lended an international air to Macross I think.

  4. Just because I'm not a fan of low-visability paint-schemes, I obviously prefer the lighter colors of the M7 VF-11C, although the dark grey of the M+ 11B isn't too bad.

    Given as rare as the VF-11 SHE kit is, I'm not surprised that Fast Packs would be as hard to come by as they are.

    VF-11's were never featured in skull squadron colors, but the Blackaces paintscheme (seen in Macross VF-X2 game) comes pretty close

  5. It's been argued at length previously. The arms of the 1/48 are rather skinny, while the cockpit of the 1/60 is somewhat short and pointy.... both have their flaws, but in different instances, both are very well proportioned.

    It strikes me that the 1/60s were designed to look best in battroid mode (in my opinion they do) while still carrying off a competent fighter/gerwalk mode.. my only true complaint being the raised back-pack in gerwalk mode)

    The 1/48's really shine in Fighter and Gerwalk mode. The battroid mode, while still totally owning, is the least-awesome of the three (but still damn good, despite the undersized hands)

    With this, you dive deep into one of the largest areas of comparison here on Macrossworld, and you'll find staunch advocates of both classes. My preferences aside, I think you'll be happy with either type. Nightbat was correct though. An accurately proportioned version of the VF-1 (capable of transforming in all modes with no part-swapping) cannot exsist. It's pretty obvious that in battroid mode, the arms grow (probably the head too) and the nose and wings shrink.

  6. I swear... you guys have 1/48 on the brain... who f-ing cares if they're in 1/48 or not?? I love the detail, these things are really great, but they eat up a LOT of shelf-space. There are plenty of other effective scales to make future products in. 1/100, 1/72, and 1/60 are all just fine, and probably a HELL of a lot cheaper.....

  7. If it had a rapid-fire weapon of some sort (besides a harpoon gun), it could serve as a coolant tank for heat diversion I suppose, but that would be an awfully large tank for such a job. I'll grant that it's possible, but it seems highly unlikely. Coolant for heat exchange in the engines would also be possible, but again; unlikely. Still no concrete idea here.

  8. It strikes me that if you've worked with resin kits before you have an obvious leg up. The real trick will be in dealing with the screws. I have never EVER had to drill a joint before, so I have no idea how difficult that can be. It *seems* pretty straightforward though.... sure wish other, less expensive companies offered kits with screws to practice on. Many consider that VF-11B kit to be the motherload of all IHP production-level kits (this is, of course, not taking the limited production VB-6 into consideration)

  9. It would be easy to write that off as a personal storage unit... but so far away from the cockpit?? The fact that it's externally/pylon mounted makes me question. Still, I don't see what else it could be. I suppose it could serve as an external drop tank for extra fuel/reaction mass. Maybe it could contain some of that goo that the Zolan defense forces used in their guns? The only other thing I could think of is that it would hold extra gunpod ammo.

    Sorry WJ, I'm pretty stumped on this one. :rolleyes::unsure:B))

  10. Unauthorized breeding with a meltran!

    If it's a girl, she'll have pink hair and grow up to join a flying rock-band on a colony mission.....

    LOL, should I expect my 1/48 fastpack order to be set back? :D

    Congratulations Kevin! B))

  11. They're probably doing the Final Fantasy Symphonic suite (the first two movements of which pretty much suck ass, but the last five more than make up for it!)

    I have this on CD, those of you in the LA area are in for a treat... wish *I* were gonna be there. Jeff Reynolds is their Bass trombonist (I play Bass Trombone) and he r0x0rs.

  12. lol, or give us a separate movie with JUST the colonial marines!

    Early on, I was pretty apprehensive about this movie, but the more and more I think about it, the more I'm willing to let it play out and see how it does. I guess the idea has grown on me. I STILL wish they'd stuck with the original script from the 1990's (which DID call for Colonial Marines to save the day)

  13. *and the smack is layeth down....*


    Have you tried putting a very light coating of clear fingernail polish on the swivel bars of the tail-fins? It may prevent a "smooth" swivel, but it will at least increase the surface area in friction and perhaps keep them from moving around.

  14. Shaddydog and APU have a combine 90+ posts.

    They also have a nasty habit of defending Robocrap.

    hmmmm...not regular posters like us.

    Remember those Germans posing as MP's in WW2 during the Battle of the Bulge?

    Joon's are pretty cool for bootleg valks... for a while there, they were serious life(wallet)savers for those who could not afford the astronomical prices for original valkyries (and with prices like those, we were willing to look away from bootleg items). I've had two or three of these at one point or another and I liked them all. Even if they are a shade lower in quality under a Takatoku, a casual collector wont' really notice any difference. Not as sturdy as said valks, but damn good considering! The Green one (many consider this what Kakizaki WOULD have flown if he had made it to a VF-1J) fetches far more than the rest on the market and is that much harder to find.... Regardless of the box type, I highly reccomend picking one up if you find it.


    I don't recall any of us voting you as the Macrossworld representitive. I would very much request that you THINK about what you're saying before you use the words "US" or "WE" when referring to MWers. THere are a considerable number here who don't hate Robotech to the level you do (or if they do, they at least have the DECENCY to keep their mouths shut). You certainly don't stand for my opinion, and even if you have more posts than me right now (not sure, and I really don't care to look), I've been a member at Macross world ever since the 1998 or so, and the forum was one page with posts of every type and you had to type your name in manually every time you posted. You are absurdly young as a Macrossworld member and you assume a great deal more than you should. Your comments have come dangerously close to getting posts closed again and again. Please, PLEASE stop and think before you let your keyboard do the talking again. I hope you take a bigger care in your primary MOS (if indeed your signature/name is genuine) than you do with your mouth. <_<<_<

  15. Most expensive toy I've ever bought would be my Yamaha YBL-613G Independent-valve bass trombone, (weighing in at $3500), it's my livelyhood, but it's also my toy ;) (Her name is "Emily")

    Most expensive "toy" toy purchase would have to have been $350 for a plain VE-1 Elintseeker (I later sold it for $800 after I got some armor for it)

    Most expensive Yamato Purchase would have to be my new Hikaru VF-1S 1/48 that I got from V-exchange... right around $150 after shipping, and I love it!

  16. It pays to remember that regault pods had paper-thin armor, thus it took very little ordinance to breech the interior. When you take into consideration the size of the pilot and the size of the cockpit, virtually ANY torso hit on a regault more likely than not proved fatal, or at least dehabilitating.

    Knowing that, a good valkyrie pilot could count on a little going a long way (unless you pull a hikaru-episode#2 and completely unload the thing). Those things are pushing some pretty high-caliber ammunition.

  17. Man, it just goes to show how different each server is. If unicorn is as hard on DRKs as you guys say it is, I'm glad I'm not there anymore. On Pandemonium there never seem to be ENOUGH DRKs (and this coming from my predominantly Japanese LS), quite the contrary, there are SAMs and DRGs behind every bush and tree.... they usually line up in the zones, waiting for a party (and wind up spending most of their time there).

    On Pandemonium it's all about DRKs and RNGs... evidently there are enough tanks to be found in PLDs and WARs, because I never hear about a shortage from my higher-lv. friends (a lv. 45 WHM, and 42 SAM). I plan to do a stint as every job available at some point or another, but I greatly look forward to the level of punishment I'll be able to deal out as a DRK/WAR. When I first saw all of the high-jobs that were available, DRK was the first one I decided that I want to shoot for, and that was without setting foot in the game. Their skills in Greatswords and Scythes greatly rock once developed.

    I'm currently enjoying the benefits of being a WAR/MNK..... not much in extra abilities (boost is kinda nice to have), but the extra HP are nice to have in the tank role.

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