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Skull Leader

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Posts posted by Skull Leader

  1. For me it would be between these:


    RX-79(G) Ground Type Gundam (WITH working lights in the storage rack)

    RX-93 Nu Gundam


    Gundam X

    Gundam X Divider

    Gundam XX

    Heavyarms Custom

    But I have to sat that a PG FAZZ or Gouf Custom would completely badass also.

  2. It is removable to display the Radar radome underneath. Unfortunately it was kind of added as an afterthought and the radome doesn't have much in the way of detail.

    If (*IF*) Yamato makes a 1/48 GBP kit, it will almost NEED to have the nosecone off in order to make it look right, the nose is really long.

  3. If taken on it's own merits, MII is rather enjoyable for the most part. It's best watched in japan as the dub is rather god-awful by comparison. I love the mecha (the UN spacy stuff anyway) and I love the music. While the characters are well drawn, I really don't like any of them, but that's cool.

  4. I'm still pretty amped about this man.... another addition to my Macross collection, and it won't break my bank, \/\/00+!!!

    Man, just hearing you guys..... I'm glad I'm not a toy manufacturer.. you guys are impossible to please. Seeing as how they're offering the ONLY VF-0 toy on the market, they could make it a lot worse and I bet people would still buy it!

  5. Only to a point, Yamato had to make certain alterations to make the design stronger as a toy (and even then were only moderately successful). I think they did well for trying to follow SHE's designs, but I think they might've been better off building their own from scratch.

    Remember, SHE kits look nice, but they aren't close to a toy in terms of durability.

  6. Prime was a firetruck in the "Robots in Disguise" lineup, if that's the one you're referring to.

    I really started hating transformers around G2 when they started going with the philosophy of "most transformation with the fewest parts moved"... 2 things moved and you've switched the transformer from one mode to the other (Wheelie is a prime example of this...and the list goes on)

  7. lol careful! You'll give someone the idea.... and I'm sure somebody SOMEWHERE will/has attempted such a thing...

    .... ahh yes, such is the vast stupidity of some of our natives. Our genepool DESPARATELY needs to be thinned out some... where's that damned Zentran fleet when you need it!?!?

  8. lol, it may have powerful guns in VF-X2, but it flies like old people screw.... slow and sloppy. I think in "Operation Pinnochio" (I *think* that's the half-underwater, half-ground level where you're required to use it), I'd rather have just about any other valkyrie. It looks cool as hell, and it's plenty powerful, but I'd HATE to be stuck with it in a dogfight... (then again, once you get the enemy in front of you, the fight would pretty much be over... IF YOU COULD GET THEM THERE....). They could've chosen a better paint-scheme to use (unless you ENJOY flying a purple valkyrie), but that's all my personal preference.

  9. No offense to my fellow americans, but I actually prefer how they do it overseas by putting more responsibility in the hands of the parents. Let's face it, if your kid is ignorant enough (at the age of 7+) to mutilate himself with his own damn toys, you've obviously missed something.

    By the same token, even at that age (back when people were still allowed to play with lawn-darts, and we did!), I never wanted to injure myself with my own toys. I'd say I take about as big a risk now hurting myself with my toys as I did at that age, and I never once hurt myself.

    (btw, if you didn't get to play with lawn-darts *also known as "jarts"* you weren't a true child of the late 70's-early 80's!)

  10. So basically, it's like a fan-custom then, something that will never be seen in animation? I've got to be honest, I hope Shoji skips this one and lets it stay on the drawing board... (it's just my opinion), but it looks rather outlandish.. makes it look more like the SV-51, which I cannot stand.

    Those drones look so VF-19ish it's not even funny....

    This loadout, while interesting, looks pretty messed up.... Give me the base-model VF-0 instead, less to worry about.

  11. 1/60s are every bit as much Macross toys as the 1/48 line.... for the size, they accomplish the job quite nicely. You can't expect all the bells and whistles of a 1/48 to be pulled off effectively on a 1/60... I love both and if I had the funds, I would actively collect in both (right now, I'm looking for a VT-1)

  12. despite what it all says, I just don't buy it. there would have HAD to be more... if we say there were around 150,000 survivors, it would've taken cloning on a scale that beggars belief to repopulate the species.

    I don't think it was quite the WCS... 60%-70% seems more likely.

  13. The main reason why areas like Qufim and Khazam are always under the control of the beastmen. :p Jeez I swear one of these days I'll just get a high lvl character and go to these places and just clear out the place of anything like that just for the hell of it.

    lol, you'd need to be EXTREMELY high-level to think such thoughts and not die for them... ahhh tales from teh dark-side, I am SO looking forward to my time based out of Jeuno.... (not?)..

  14. For the moment (because he happens to have everything I've wanted so far) I order exclusively from Kevin, and I always will pending he has what I need. I have never had a problem with any packing... my 1/48 AND the armor arrived pristine in their boxes (hell, I was afraid to touch the packing job because it was so nicely done ;) )

    I think you really had a one-in-a-million-chance accident with your 1/48, I hope this won't deter you from ordering from Kevin in the future... he's a fan and he does this for other fans, so he knows how to treat us right!

    I certainly won't turn you away from other dealers though... we're blessed to have as many people "working the corner" as we do... or else some of us might have to wait longer to get our valkyrie fix! :D Of all our mainstream dealers, I've never heard of one of them rubbing somebody wrong, so no matter who you go with, you're in good hands! (of course, the first time they jack somebody around is the last time they do business with us, as has been demonstrated!)

  15. The higher up in level you get, the harder it becomes to find a functional party... especially where you happen to be. Shigashi, as you get higher, there are fewer places you really "want" to be, so it becomes only slightly easier (and people are still hard to find)

    Bear in mind, it's not impossible, you just don't get picked up for parties like the lv.15-18s do in the Valkurm dunes. You sometimes have to wait and/or engage in other tasks until space or a party becomes available.

  16. Welcome to the ranks of the Macross elite (although, I no longer own mine, and it was much further from MIB than yours is...)

    Despite the advances in technology represented in the Yamato molds, the Takatoku line has a certain aesthetic quality that cannot be recaptured by anything made today. All the more so when it's still in the box.

    Still, if you decide to break the set, or even just wanna sell your grey, lemme know, I'd love to replace what I never should've let go!

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