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Skull Leader

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Posts posted by Skull Leader

  1. Ummm, a Hikaru super in the opening and closing sequence??? Where?


    The Hikaru Strike appeared for a brief instant in the opening flashbacks of "The fleet of the strongest women" M7 episode (standing next to Breetai, Max's 1S was there also)... but now that I think about it, I'm not certain if the armor is on or not.

    *edit* I just went and watched the opening of the episode "The Fleet of the Strongest Women", and the armor is not present on either valk. HOWEVER... it is a well-rendered screenshot and Max's 1S heatshield is clearly blue :D!!!!

  2. We've already cancelled our next-wave helicopter project.... now our next-wave fighter? I understand that the F-15, and for that matter, vitually ALL of our combat aircraft have phoenominal track records. But do we really want our forces relying on aircraft as old as it is? The F-15 is great, but many that are still in service are starting to get up in age. I know age can be a limited variable (I mean, look at the B-25.... I'm talking about a plane produced 20 years before I was born and isn't scheduled to leave service until about 50 years after I die!) But nevertheless... we put our fighters through extreme paces sometimes... and I'd feel better knowing my tax money was going to make sure our guys get the latest and greatest hardware to fly... and KEEP them flying. I don't think any more forces in Iraq are going to make much difference... in fact, I wouldn't count on hostilities coming down until we start shipping our boys out of the region. MORE people there certainly isn't the answer, and it's very much against popular opinion at this point.

    Come on, Department of Defense... don't let them take the Raptor away from us!

  3. Where does it appear in DYRL? If it's in there then it's macross but only because it's in there not because Studio Nue drew it or its his favorate plane.

    Is there a problem with us discussing the XB-70? It was what inspired Shoji Kawamori to do aircraft design. Had he not done that, he never would've designed the VF-1.

  4. *to totally butcher a well-known prayer*

    Our Father, who art in Japan,

    Kawamori be thy name.

    Thy Macross come,

    oh it will be done..

    In the United states,

    as it is in Japan.

    Give us this day, our daily Itano Circus.

    And forgive those fools at Robotech.com

    because WE won't forgive them...

    For thine is the fighter,

    the gerwalk,

    and the battroid. Forever and ever.


  5. Dude, mass amounts of hard facts just aren't available.What do you want? A friggin Takatoku biography???.. if you really wanted the skinny on the situation, you'd probably have to talk to someone who worked on the Takatoku project.

    I'm with Blaine.... I've heard it said that Bandai let their contract drop, but anytime someone asks, people say they heard it from a "friend of a friend" or some such BS. Show me, IN PRINT where Bandai has let it go (and if the word "rumor" or "Macrossworld" is in the document, then it's far from official)

    That being said, I doubt Bandai will make any more. They for some reason saw fit to discontinue their re-issue line when they still had plenty of money-making valks left to reproduce. It's time to embrace the horror: the 1/55 is past it's (production) time. The world has moved on to bigger (or smaller) and badder things. It's over and no amount of whiny fanboyism will bring it back. B)) I love the 1/55s as much as the next guy, but it's time to MOVE ON...

  6. my advice to you... BUY the soundtrack, since it can be bought, in it's entirety- legally. Check with places like www.animenation.com they usually carry it and the three-disc set ("Macross: The Complete") has it all, both the TV series and the movie.

    We have an unwritten policy not to pirate anything here that can be bought through legal means now.

  7. i got a lot of faith in what matt alt says. Hes a respectable dude. I see him as the graham of japanese toys in general where as graham is the almighty yamato macross dude. it makes sense to make a koenig monster and its appeal to me is immense, god know sit will look badass,. come on its yamato we talking about here. something tells m they said screw escaflkowne nad worked on this more.

    I have no doubt at all that he's a good guy... I'm just saying I don't think he knew what he saw... but believe what you will.... just don't say I didn't tell you so when it turns out to be a flop.

  8. I highly discount this being true..... the foot in the magazine picture looks nothing like the foot of a VB-6 for one thing, and second of all, we would've heard something by now if one was going to be released...

    sorry fanboys, you'll have to be content with the standard HWR.... I don't think the VB-6 is coming to Yamato any time soon, in fact... I'd bet the house on it. To be any kind of scale worth owning, this thing would have to be HUGE. Make it transformable and add any level of detail or realism to it? You're talking AT LEAST $500, if not more.

    It's amazing at which the speed of ONE PERSON saying ONE THING can send this entire forum into an uproar of rumors... one person will say that 'somebody said something was coming out' and the next thing you know, someone else is saing 'yeah, I heard it was gonna be this scale...' and so on and so forth. You guys are entirely too quick to believe everything you hear. Hate to say it, but it's a pipe dream, and you all know it.

    HAVING SAID THAT...... even if the guy was wrong and it was a proto of the standard HWR Monster, that would rock ass... they've been due for one for quite a while.

  9. SHE made a Full-Armor VF-11C kit, which many consider one of the holy grails of Macross model collecting. Damn near impossible to find (and when you do, prepare to sell your soul to get it) and even more impossible to build.

    Bandai made (makes) a 1/144 scale VF-17D,VF-11kai MAXL, VF-19kai, and VF-19S kit, these aren't transformable but include a model each for fighter mode and battroid mode.

    With Tect conversion kits, the 1/144 line can be made into gerwalk mode, add soundforce boosters, and there's even a kit to transform the VF-17D kit into the VF-17kai used by Ray and Veffidas... Check the Macrossworld model section for more details. These kits are very hard to find, but I believe someone (Valkyrie probably) was recasting a few of these.

    Bandai also made a 1/100 transformable VF-19kai Fire Valkyrie kit, I don't know if a VF-19S kit was ever made or not

    The only mainstream VF-22 kit out right now is made by Hasegawa and is fighter mode ONLY. There may be a resin kit or two out there for the VF-22, but I do not believe, as of now, that a fully transformable VF-22 kit has been made.

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