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Everything posted by briscojr84

  1. http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF32557 I ordered this book from HLJ when I ordered the Shoji book, does anybody know what is in it, how many pages etc. I figured since it was less than 9 bucks I would order it.
  2. Ordered my copy earlier today from HLJ hopefully it doesn't take too long.
  3. Okay, volume three is uploaded.
  4. That would be great, but not if it's going to put you behind on your own schedule.
  5. Hope you got some dolly's to move that stuff, moving is never fun. Sorry about the delay on volume three I've been on a reading binge lately. Thanks.
  6. Slight update, majority of Zolan files are at final stage. Oh, Seto, I'm going to try and get volume three scanned in today or tomorrow.
  7. Still takes me quite awhile, the only reason I get so much done is because I work 13-15 hours a day at a comic shop. I wouldn't even know how to begin to learn how to use iframe or flash.
  8. I know I'll probably change it back to the old background saturday night when I get home, my HTML skills suck.
  9. Not a problem, computers do have a nasty habit of dying on you when you least expect it, I do have the link up for it already on my links page, a banner will definately make it look nicer though. *crosses fingers* hope no more computer go down. Thanks.
  10. Ouch, hope he didn't lose anything important, no hurry on the reviews I was just wondering is all, oh, do you have a small link banner for your site yet. Thanks.
  11. Does anybody know of an English language site that has this listed yet.
  12. Thanks Seto, and thank your guys for me. Any word on the reviews yet. Josh
  13. Slight update, finalized the majority of Varauta files, added more images for other anime pages.
  14. Okay basically since I've got tons of space and still not knowing what to do with it, if anybody has, knows someone, or knows of a page whether updated regularly or not or even no longer kept up but still has great content I'm wanting to start a Link archive on web space to allow people more variety and to let those people who are justing starting up a page or not a widely known page. Either reply in this message, pm me or e-mail me at briscojr84@hotmail.com. Oh also a short blurb about the page would be great, mainly macross related or giant robot/futuristic armor ship type of pages, but personal pages and others are okay. Thanks.
  15. I know this will probably be deleted from here, but also not everybody goes to the Homepage forum all that much. Okay basically since I've got tons of space and still not knowing what to do with it, if anybody has, knows someone, or knows of a page whether updated regularly or not or even no longer kept up but still has great content I'm wanting to start a Link archive on web space to allow people more variety and to let those people who are justing starting up a page or not a widely known page. Either reply in this message, pm me or e-mail me at briscojr84@hotmail.com. Oh also a short blurb about the page would be great, mainly macross related or giant robot/futuristic armor ship type of pages, but personal pages and others are okay. Thanks.
  16. Well if you are looking for inexpensive, try sundevildvd.com, I know they have Macross II the movie [different ones actually] and they did have I believe the Macross 7 Perfect collection or whatever it's being called this week.
  17. Okay, not much of an update really, escept for the addition of more stuff to the non-macross databases. Most of the Macross databases will just be me finishing up the files that are there. Enjoy.
  18. Thanks for the help, if there are any other sections you would suggest let me know, I've been thinking about also adding brain powered, Nadia, vandread, and BGC tokyo 2040.
  19. Thanks for the snippet, I'll see if that works better, as for the applet, I'll drop the scrolling marquee and see if that helps, although so far every computer I've checked it from myself seems to load just fine even AOL didn't have any problems.
  20. Slight Update, added drop down menues to the AUN, they act kinda buggy occassionally. Enjoy.
  21. Thanks, I'm going to be slowing down here a bit though to get some other stuff worked on plus I need to got through and organize some images.
  22. Okay I just totally revamped the index page, tell me what you guys think.
  23. I'll send you a little code snippet I've been using for that later tonight. It works wonders. 371237[/snapback] Thanks I appreciate it, now does anybody know how to get the bloody counter working. Also if anyone is interested in helping me with the page I'd appreciate it, I've got tons of extra space is someone needs room: If anybody can do the following let me know - shading, mechanical plan views, uniform drawings, RPG stats for D20, Fan Art, Fanfics and others let me know I can use all the help I can get, also if anybody wants to do reviews or article let me know.
  24. I know it's hard but right now I can't find the proper HTML stuff I need for a drop down menu to work.
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