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Everything posted by mitch

  1. That is a really sweet looking 19! I saw the pictures Valkyrie Addict posted a while ago, and I was so impressed that I used the scheme for my first attempt at a customized valk. The end result doesn't look quite as cool, but I did use the 1/65 figure instead of the kit. I filled in some of the holes on the legs and shield, as well as adding some detail to the shoulder-vents. I also used the swept foreward wings and dorsal stabilisers of Basara's 19 because I personally prefer the way they look. Thanks again Valkyrie Addict, that kit looks awesome! keep up the good work!
  2. Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good holiday season. I’m back in LA now, and I’ve started work on my project. I’ve got quite a bit to do for this custom, so it may take me some time, but I’m determined to see it through. I’ll be able to post about once a week as I don’t have regular internet access, but please bear with me. Okay, here we go… Here’s the Pilot. As I posted before, it’s a recast of a Toynami 1/55 pilot. I then used Miliput (a 2-part epoxy putty) to sculpt the shoulder-pads for the suit as seen in DYRL, and then added the disc on the chest using Styrene. I primed it with Rustoleum Plastic Primer, which seems to take a few days to dry completely for some reason. It was still early in when I got this picture taken, so I’ll get a chance to smooth off the areas with the bumps on the helmet and shoulder (they are hardly visible really, it’s just that this is a close-up). I’ll attach it and then paint it once I’ve opened the fuselage on the valk I’m using as the base for the custom and had a chance to remove the cockpit. Since then I’ve started work on a new head. I can’t sculpt well enough to make one from scratch, so I’m modifying the head from a beat up old Takatoku. I’ve rounded the corners on the front of the face, cut out the visor, lightly drilled the barrels of the head guns, brought out the brow more to improve the profile, and sanded down the base of it’s neck. I’ll have pictures of it next week. Also, here are some pictures of the project I worked on last year (and my first Macross custom). A while ago I saw the pictures Valkyrie Addict posted of his VF-19S painted in the Ichijo Skull-1 scheme. I thought it looked so cool I decided to use this scheme for a custom of my own. Mine doesn’t look nearly as good, but like I say it was my first transforming robot custom, and of course, I used Bandai's 1/65 figure as opposed to the kit. Although this line of Valks was disappointing in many regards, I still admire the engineering that goes into any transforming toy, and they are at least sturdy. Another thing that separates them is that I wanted my one to keep the front stabilizers from the Basara '19C, as well as the forward swept wings, simply because I prefer the visual aesthetic. I also added detail to the shoulder vents and filled the holes on the legs and shield.
  3. I'm disappointed that there's not even been any word at all about a full armor pack, since the main design impetus behind the 25 series was to be the first variable fighter that allowed for complete transformation and functionality while carrying reactive armor. It's good to hear that the Quarter is on the drawing board, but still no 27 or 171 EX.
  4. I'm not sure it is. I heard that they would be selling it here at the MW forum, so I e-mailed them to ask how much it would cost. Just go to their site ( www.over-drive-inc.com for those who don't know it), and click on the 'contact us' tab at the top of the page. Let them know what you are after and where in the world you are so that they can figure out how much shipping would cost, and they will get back to you. I've not used them before now, but I found them quick to respond and very helpful, so I may be pre-ordering the 25G off them. Also, in their latest newsletter they said that because of the national holidays in Japan they would not be open for business until the 5th of January, so I'm not sure if it's technically the 5th there yet because of the time difference, but either way they will be able to help you in the next 24hrs or so I imagine.
  5. Overdrive quoted me $72.00 for the Alto Super Parts, plus $24.00 for shipping to the US via EMS, so $96.00 It's not cheap, but I'll bet that it will be more if you wait for the Super Packs to hit ebay, or you can play the game of bandai-roulette and wait to see if they do a re-release with the 'pack. I bit the bullet and ordered through overdrive, and resigned myself to the notion that I would buy the F and S again if they get released wit the Full Armor pack down the road.
  6. A happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year to everyone here at Macross World!
  7. Cool, thanks guys. I'm kinda surprised that the article had inaccuracies, but we took what we could get in terms of anime and manga coverage in England in the early '90s (still, with about 3-4 different UK publications back then there was more info on new releases back then than now). A lot of character names in later issues misspelled character names from M7 in later issues, but this was back when it was still airing on Japanese TV, and that was the last a lot of people heard of it I imagine, since it has never been licensed in the west. Bionoids was what got me hooked on Macross back in the day, and like the 'Warriors Of The Wind' release of Nausicaa that got me into Anime proper (albeit in a slightly mangled form) it opened my eyes to what animation was capable of, and now Nausicaa and DYRL remain two of my favourite films ever. Plus, the dialogue still cracks me up (Roy: 'you can still fight when you're drunk!' ). Hell, I would gladly watch Bionoids on my plane flight back in a few days! I've got to start booking my flights with Japanese airlines... Speaking of Miyazaki films and 'plane flights, I think I remember reading that Porco Rosso's first dub was made for 'plane voyages, and I still prefer that version to the dub put out through Disney a few years ago (and Jean Reno played Marco in the French version if I'm not mistaken). Of course, please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this - we are a simple folk in England
  8. Hey everyone, While I'm home at Christmas I was looking through some old anime magazines and found a few articles about Macross. In issue 3 of Anime UK (the May issue from 1995) I found some information on the DYRL film that was dubbed and released as 'Clash Of The Bionoids' by Kiseki films here in the UK. I remember a while ago reading a thread here about the dub and having a chuckle about some of the dialogue and cheesy voice acting, and thought I would share what I found here. * If this has already been posted somewhere before then I would humbly ask the site administrators to move the post or confine it to the limbo where all obsolete topics go. * SUPER SPACE FORTRESS MACROSS Japanese English-dubbed version of MACROSS THE MOVIE aka CHOJIKU YOSAI MACROSS : AI OBOETE IMASUKA (SUPER DIMENSIONAL FORTRESS MACROSS : DO YOU REMEMBER LOVE?). Dubbed in Hong Kong with British/Australian voice actors it was originally used (with Japanese subtitles)for education purposes. The unsubtitled version was used for overseas sales. Released in the UK on video by Kiseki, dubbed as CLASH OF THE BIONOIDS (see entry) and subbed as MACROSS : DO YOU REMEMBER LOVE. The entry it refers to was in Anime UK issue #1 (March '95), and says; 'The movie was released in the UK in 1994 by Kiseki, but without the cuts mad efor US release'. I'm not sure what they cut for other overseas markets, but I know for a fact that my VHS is without the concert footage before the end credits that was expanded on for the FLASHBACK 2012 video.
  9. Now that looks a lot better! What did you use for the extension? I assume that having that added interferes with the transformation?
  10. I'm honestly not sure, It's hard to tell without it in my hands. Anyone want to send me one so I can check?
  11. True, true. Without looking at it in person it is kinda hard to tell how much space there is to work with inside the head. Hopefully my preorder won't take too long to get to the US shores so I can have a look myself...
  12. When I get back from my Christmas vacation I am going to be working on a customised 1/55, and one of the areas of my attention will be trying to fabricate or kit-bash a collapsible neck so that the head would be subtler in Fighter and Gerwalk mode. I'm hoping I may be able to apply what I learn to the 25S, or failing that, a veteran from the chunky monkey modifiers may be able to create a solution. The 25 has a smaller head to work with, but looking at the customs gallery here gives me confidence that we have the talent here to rectify Bandai's shortcomings.
  13. Hats off to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 and jenius for making their points far more eloquently than I did. Maybe we should start up a support ring for MF fans to help us through the 5 stages; 1) Denial - There MUST be a neck on the 25S... 2) Bargaining - Lets see, if HLJ has their preorders in Yen and BBTS is in USD, factor in the shipping charges and who will have it in stock first... 3) Anger - Bendy head lazers! Shopping trolley wheels! For HOW much?! I can see Alto sticking out of it's bum! BANDAIIII!!!! 4) Dispair - WHY?! Why the day-glo white plastic and web-site exclusives? WHYYYYY?!? 5) Acceptance - Watch episodes 7 and 25 and imagine being able to hold a VF-25 in your hands and 'fly' it around the room (Reeeeeeoooow, BOOM! Bd-d-d-d-d-d-d, kyuun kyuun kyuun! RANKAAAA!!). Seriously guys, I really like the fact that MWF is here so we can discuss these things with people who know what we're on about, whatever it is that we look for in a Valkyrie, so that we can decide what we want to add to our collections. Good times.
  14. Thats alright dude, like I say, I just want to try and put a posative spin on just about the only VF-25 we'll get in 1/60(ish) scale. You just have look past the stumpy neck, the shiny finish, the pilot (or stumpy as I shall call him), the chunkiness, the 2-point ratchet on the wings, the shield with no knife holder, the removable hands... and the short landing gear... and the bendy lazers... ...How much am I paying for these again..?
  15. If Bandai IS aiming the DX at a younger market, then I guess kids in Japan have more disposable income than I did when I was growing up (although to be frank I honestly have no idea what your adverage youthful macross fan gets as allowance in Japan, especially during times of global economic turmoil). Maybe I am cutting Bandai a bit too much slack (although 'peddling excuses' seems a bit of a stretch to me, I just tried to keep my expectations low so it would be easier for me to be pleasantly suprised by things like more than 10 points of articulation, or maybe I'm just trying to justify to myself why I'm spending so much on them ), It's just that in terms of Bandai, the bar was not set very high in the first place. I would still really like to see a VF-171 EX if they could manage to pull it off without the gut in fighter mode this time. A man can dream, can't he? Bandai shows Macross little love unfortunately. Only four M7 valks (2 technically), and the 1/55 re-releases don't include the more exotic variations or any dramatic improvements over the ones released only a few years before. Sturdiness is something they have brought to the table, and I value that in a toy (especially in that price margin). It all breaks down to what you want out of a 25; More line accuracy for a display item piece - the 1/72 kit Toughness and perfect transformation (more or less) - the DX Something that occupies less shelf space with slightly better accuracy of form than the DX and a compromise in the transformation - the 100's These will probably be our only options. They are designed primarily for the Japanese market, and this is apparently what they want. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Although, did somebody say that Toynami had the US distribution rights to MF or something? Imagine if they rode to the rescue with a better 25 design...
  16. First of all, thank you Graham and everyone else for the photos. A lot of us have been waiting for these for a while now. Now comes the bit where I take this all a bit too seriously (apologies in advance)... ...Isn’t this a TOY thread? Sorry VFTF1, it's your opinion, you are entitled to it, this is a forum for expressing these opinions and I completely agree with your right to voice it (except for maybe that power ranger remark. I call that a low blow, sir!), but this is a product by Bandai. A maker of toys. I totally agree that the 25 is not perfect, but when you consider that the VF-1's that they did were essentially Takatoku molds, I guess technically the MF valks are only Bandai's second attempt at completely manufacturing valk toys (not counting banpresto, obviously, I have nothing good to say about that whole fiasco). This does not excuse their cutting of corners and taking certain liberties with the design. Yamato would totally do a more line-accurate job of it, but you know what..? Ain't never gonna happen. No way, no how. I'd bet Bandai hold onto that licence until long after we're dead. If an agreement can be worked out between the two companies I will eat my hat, but not until we see a Nightmare or Excalibur from Yammie. As far as transforming MF Valkyries go, it's the kit (brittle), the 100s (no 'perfect' transformation), or the DX. Okay, let's take a deep breath and try to look on the bright side... Ginrai is right that the hot water/cold water technique does usually work, so the head-lazers are not quite as big a deal for me. A couple of Graham's pictures show that the 25S DOES indeed have a neck! It's not as well proportioned as some of the initial prototype shots had led some of us to believe, but it is capable of peeping over it's carapace. I can live with that. The landing gear IS kinda stubby and rudimentary, but compared to Bandai's VF-17's sorry attempt it is inarguably a step up, as is the inclusion of pilots, stubby and lacklustre as they may be. It does have loads of tampo printed details, and if you don't like the gloss finish, I recommend a quick mask and sprits of testors dullcote spray kept at room temperature (I know that some may say to this 'why should I have to do work on a toy I just paid $100+ for?’ to which I reply 'Why should I pay $100+ that could potentially snap at the [insert joint of choice here] after a couple of transformations?'). We are witnessing Bandai's baby-steps into high-end Macross merchandise. The price-tag and Japanese website exclusive accessories just suck. No silver linings there. But still, when has being a fan of macross been easy? Whether you are in the Bandai or Yamato camp over this whole thing, I think we can all agree that we all have to go to some expense and effort to fuel our hobby and appreciation of the Macross franchises. We have to hunt and search and save and persevere for the items that we feel will add to our collections. It unfortunately comes with the territory. Anyway, I'll shut up now. I take the position that it is not as bad as many of us had feared it would turn out to be. It could have been better, but we can still hope for upgraded re-releases (packaged with full armor maybe? HINT HINT, Bandai!) In the meantime I still stand by my preorders, and may even get around to doing some custom head lazers and neck extensions after I finish my next project in the new year. Hang on... slightly squashed proportions? diecast components? Tampo printed details? Ideas for customizations? It's official... Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Chunky Monkey of the 21st Century... The VF-25 DX!
  17. I think it may be the emperor's birthday on the 24th which is a national holiday.
  18. Show me the neck!! SHOW ME THE NEEEEEEECK!!! The suspense is killing me! I would prefer t know sooner than later if I'm going to have to figure out how to customize one or not. VF-25 custom chunkies FTW!
  19. Hey everyone. So the pilot experiment seems to be working. I got a nice little casting with only a few minor bubbles on the surface from tiny air pockets in the mold which were quickly taken care of with an exacto knife. I've started work sculpting the shoulder pads with some miliput epoxy putty in the few moments I've had spare, and it looks promising so far. As of now, I've also got together some of the materials I'll need for the hands, missile pods, thigh joints and have a re-cast strike pack ready to be worked on. I'm off home for Christmas and new year, so I'll be getting started in January. I promise I'll get some photos taken and put up when I'm back so I can start to spruce this thread up a bit. Thank you again to everyone who has posted messages of advice and support, I hope I can put together something that is worthy of being displayed alongside the awesome customized specimens we see on the boards and in the galleries here at MW. Happy Holidays everyone!
  20. I put some cash aside as soon as I knew Bandai were coming out with the 25's and pre-ordered the Alto and Ozma from BBTS before the price went up. I've got a few things from them in the past and they've always been good. I also bit the bullet and ordered the super pack from over-drive (I figured if I was going to shell out so much on these things I should do it properly or not at all). On a related note, I am enjoying 'chili' ramen noodles this week. I find alternating flavors helps. I own some Yamatos, but I honestly prefer Bandais because of the sturdiness, and I like to play with them often. Of course, I would prefer them to be a bit more line-accurate (hence my Yamato purchases), and the VF-17 could lose the gut on fighter mode,and God knows a few more points of articulation would make a lot of difference, but as well as being a huge fan of the various macross incarnations, I really admire the engineering that goes into making a transformable action figure. The Bandai transformation process has always been 'perfect' (give or take a heat-shield), and living in an earthquake zone has reinforced my appreciation for tough designs. I'm holding on to that thin thread of hope that the S does in fact have a neck lurking somewhere in it's admittedly burly shoulders. At the very least, Bandai appear to be trying to make an effort - they have shifted to 1:60 scale to tie-in to a majority of valks recently, and they do look to be of a better standard of accuracy than the VF1's and M7 releases (the inclusion of pilots for a start). Hell, even the landing gears don't look so bad when you look at them next to the 17's! No, I fully admit they don't look 100% anime accurate, but being a fan of the Chunky VF-1's I'm willing to give them a shot. All that said, if the QC sucks, I'm going to be REALLY pissed! Like, $400 worth of pissed! So come on Bandai, don't screw this up! VF-25's FTW!!!
  21. Of all the sealers I've used so far, nothing gets a better flat finish than Testors Dullcote laquer. Unfortunately, you need to air-brush it on a low psi for best results, and I'm not sure if the laquer would react negatively with what you've used so far, but it will take the shine off of almost anything painted, and from what I understand laquers have the toughest properties. Either way, I'm seriously impressed with what you've done. designing and making a transforming figure requires skill and 4-dimensional thinking that I really respect. Good stuff!
  22. NOOOOOO! Another neckless 25S promo shot! What the hell? I'm sure the early prototypes had a neck! I'm sure they did! Did someone at Bandai say half way through production 'Hmmm... lets loose the neck in that one. No one will notice.'? WHYYYYYY?! I stand by my preorder, but they're really making me worry about it so close to the release...
  23. Crazy awesome! Nice work man!
  24. As far as the durability/visual aesthetic debate, I would humbly like to mention that as a resident of an area that is earthquake prone I highly value the sturdiness of a toy (especially one that I would be forking over so much for). I hate going through a 'quake at work and thinking to myself "Did I leave that VF-1 in Battroid or Fighter mode? Will I come home and find my custom VF-19 in 5 different pieces after it does a face-plant off it's stand?". I was happy when I heard bandai would be tackling the 25 series. I've been happy with the quality of their product before. Yes, they are kinda chunky, and yes, the M7 line could have benefited from maybe 4 more parts of articulation on each figure that would have bade them a lot better in terms of poseability alone, but I do like them. A bit more diversity of new and re-releases would be nice too, but I'm still happy with what I've got from them so far. From what I've seen so far I personally like the look of the DX. I just hope to God that the 25S does in fact have a neck and the last few months of shots have ALL been either mistransformed, suffer from some kind of loose prototype-stage casting that is loose and will be corrected in the next stage of production (hell, it could be what's been holding up the release date? ). I'm a big fan of the S's and I hate to see a really nice design to look like it's constantly shrugging. The whole ankle-flaring thing looks like it might be correctable, it seems like the feet extend out from the lower-leg as part of the transformation process, so you may not have to extend them all the way and keep them stable when it stands. I've made my preorders.
  25. Okay, I got the 'flexible pipe' in the post the other day and they do indeed seem to be in scale with the chunky's hands. On the down side, looking at the hole from the molding on the left hand may cause some problems down the road when it comes time to drill holes or cut a trench for the new fingers, so I may need to scratch-build the main body of the hands. I it comes to that and it turns out the fingers don't bend enough to fit I will not be amused. Still, I've got time to plan it all out. I've also been working on a pilot - I took the pilot from my Toynami VF-1S and made a quick mold of Roy above the knees. I've got a friend to cast up a duplicate, so tomorrow I will know how it came out (I'll be saying my prayers for no air bubbles before bed tonight). If it comes out well, I'll be atempting to modify it to resemble the flight suit from DYRL. Fingers crossed...
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