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Rocket Punch

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Posts posted by Rocket Punch

  1. And compared to it's successors (though i hardly consider them as such) the F50 and the Enzo, it still is the best looking and can be built to be a better performer (than the Enzo, it's already better than the F50).


    I whole-heartedly agree, mon ami. My friends argue about the F40, F50, and Enzo/F60 all the time (we have to argue about them since none of us can actually afford them). All of them adore the F50 and think I'm nuts to think that the F40 is better looking or better performing somehow.

    Speaking of the Enzo, did you get the news about the wrecked Enzo on Pacific Coast Highway a month or so ago down in Virginia?

  2. Wife rented Downfall and i just finished it. That has to be the creepiest movie i have seen in a while. The actor playing hitler got it TOO right.


    That was the big controversy surrounding this film when it came out.

    People were angry that the monster was protrayed as human. Problem is, Hitler was human.

  3. I am looking into selling my 77 silver car and maybe my truck to buy a Delorean  :D I am in college so it's sort of hard to find the time even if I can afford it.


    Why in God's name would you want a Delorean? Those cars are utter crap.


    I am not a fan of the engines...I would most likely transplant a different powerplant into it if I did get one.



    Don't tell me you didn't see that one coming a mile away.

  4. Yes I have because I like to walk around with no socks on in my apartment (it has a wooden floor), but I don't get them as much as I used to since my father cleans up the sweeps the floor clean more frequently



    Are you serious? Are you saying you've got un-finished wood flooring in your apartment? You should smack the genius who installed your flooring. You're not supposed to leave wood flooring bare!

  5. Killing six million Jews ain't enough for you?  You sir, are f*cking hardcore!  I salute you.


    Then you would need to nominate Comrade Joseph Stalin and Mao-tze Tung as the baddest since they both hold the records for killing people (Stalin stands at over 20 million and there is a new book out from China that states Mao killed even more).


    I'm curious, have either of them ever been protrayed in a movie?

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