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Rocket Punch

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Posts posted by Rocket Punch

  1. TsuShiMaMire (these girls are just adorable)

    Stance Punks (they are absolutely great live)


    The Emeralds

    Been a fan of TsuShiMaMire for a while and bought tickets to Japan Nite at the Knitting Factory to see them and this is where I saw and heard Stance Punks, PE'Z, and the Emeralds for the first time.

    The Emeralds opened up and they were really great, nice guys, joking with the crowd. Stance Punks were just absolutely nuts; energy, energy, energy. Those boys really know how to rock out. PE'Z is an all instrumental band (acoustic bass, sax, trumpet, and keyboard). I wasn't too into their first song and was beginning to think maybe I should head to the bar and skip their set, but then I really got into their second song and was glad I stayed. TsuShiMaMire was the last to come up, and well if you haven't heard them go and buy their CD. In fact, do yourself a favor and pick up a CD of all of the bands I've mentioned.

    There was only one group that I thought disappointed and they were called The Rodeo Carburettor. All power chords and no style. Meh.

  2. IN addition to managing MW from HK, Graham manages the local triad chapters too. Be very afraid.


    Hey Graham, uh, I mean Dai Lo, you didn't have anything to do with this did you?



    Allen Leung, a power in the community and named to a city task force by 2 S.F. mayors, was slain 2 months ago -- and no one is talking to police.


    Raymond "Shrimp Boy'' Chow (in white), who once boasted he controlled Chinatown gangs, stands out at the funeral. Mourners hold newspapers to block photographers

  3. too bad America doesn't get the cool european front/rear ends, for some reason honda always puts the gay looking grills for US releases thinking they'll sell better.


    You won't have to worry about that with the new Civic Hatch. I doubt it'll even come to the US.

    What I'm really interested in is the 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser. It's a little larger than the original FJ but I'm hearing good reviews. The only negative thing I've heard about it is visibility problems, front and back. Hopefully Toyota will solve that problem with the following year's model.

  4. Victoria's Secret never murdered 3 million people. I know what your avatar is from, as do a lot of other people. I just think that you need to think of the idiots out there who are going to think other things when they come here and see that symbol so boldly displayed. I believe your intentions are virtuous but suffice it to say that symbol is associated with a lot of very bad stuff and negativity no matter what sort of goodness it embodies other places in the world.

    I recommend you change it lest the need to constantly explain yourself dominates your time here.


    If Liottel changes his avatar then the terrorists win.

  5. Does Formula One count as a TV show? :p


    Yeah, racing programs also count. I wish I had a DVR so I could record F1 and WRC.


    Okay, I watch F1 then. Last weeks race in Melbourne was a complete mess. There was like 3 yellow flags and 10 retirements. I'm happy that Toyota got it's first podium finish with Ralf Schumacher finishing in 3rd though. Fernando Alonso just dominated that race; he's definitely the next big thing. It isn't too late to pick up that DVR. Imola is 2 weeks away! I always look forward to Monaco, Hockenheim, Monza, Shanghai, and Suzuka. Those are just GREAT tracks IMHO.

    SPEED dedicates a whole 5 minutes a week to the WRC. America doesn't know what it's missing out on. ESPN is trying to change that though.

    Rally Racing comes to the ESPN X Games

  6. Yeah, they should make a mini-series exploring inter-species relations

    I don't think it would be a bad idea. Japan has had a long history of isolation from other cultures. This was a while back though, obviously things might be more progressive in current times. I 've read mixed race children weren't treated so great back then either.


    There's still a lot of extreme nationalism/racism that goes on. Heaven forbid if you're a mixed race child or black or brown. My friend who was in the JET program in UCLA told me about a time she went to the corner 7-Eleven there and the clerk wouldn't even acknowledge her because she happened to Filipino.

    But yeah, I really like the whole inter-species relation angle. Why limit Macross to the action/mecha genre? It's such a great series and could evolve to even something greater.

  7. Okay, so the ending was confirmation that this whole thing is just Hurley's psychotic delusion?


    No, you've got it backwards. The last scene of the episode leads us to believe that "Dave" DOES NOT exist and NEVER existed in the first place so everything that is happening on the island IS happening on the island. Hurley is NOT in a catatonic state.

    Libby, well that's another plot line that has to be explored in a future episode. If you recall, "Libby" was a brunette/redhead in the hospital; Libby is a blonde on the island.

    Could "Libby" be Libby's crazy twin sister who thinks she's Libby? (Kinda cliched, but an idea I've been kicking around.)


    Perhaps Libby suffered some kind of mental breakdown? If that really was Libby in the last scene, what I'm wondering is does Libby realize that she was in the same instituion as Hurley? And if she does, why doesn't she mention this to him?

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