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Posts posted by Mog

  1. 2 hours ago, MKT said:

    And the last in this series of YF-29s - Alto's ride, in Revival matte finishing.



    I always feel the 29 looks quite unflattering from any angle around the rear. Even if disregarding the camera lens effect that accentuates it, it looks very back-heavy..



    Which is why I like to capture it at angles around the front. Still, I always feel something is off about Alto's scheme, and it took some time to figure out why...



    It wasn't until I suddenly remembered what someone mentioned before, either in these forums or elsewhere, that Alto's 29 is missing the black anti-glare area ahead of the canopy. Is it the only VF that's missing this? Perhaps it was an oversight by Kawamori.


    I think the lack of any red trim on the nose also causes the back-heavy look.

    Maybe if they added/extended the red trim to the sides, it would tie the front and back better together? :unknw:

  2. For me, Season 2 of Loki actually redeemed how the first season ended (wanted to puke after the trope-y hero versus antagonist with similar powers ending of Season 1).

    Wandavision, again same "hero versus villain with similar power" trope end, and hated how Wanda played a Karen with all those people's lives.

    But seriously, give me Colleen Wing and Misty Knight kicking butt and taking names.  That could be a fun show!

  3. I still liked Season 2 of Iron Fist.  I do wish Danny rocked the bandana more.  But the show ended Season 2 in a very interesting place.

    Hell, give me Daughters of the Dragon!

    But Loki in total was solid.  I actually liked Falcon and Winter Soldier.  I thought Echo was fine and found Ms. Marvel passable.  And I only liked the Kate Bishop/Yelena scenes from Hawkeye.

  4. My kids watched it, and sometimes mocked it.  They’re at that older kid/teen stage.

    So, not sure how to classify a continuation of a cartoon that’s over 20 years old.

    Sadly, I think I stand by my original position:  it’s a middling show that can have some really good stand-out moments but hampered by too much silly drama, cheesy bits, and/or dumbing down and condensing original comic book stories.

    You know it’s bad when I have to put on my comic book nerd hat to explain everything to my kiddos (like what exactly happened to Logan and what his powers are).

  5. So, the finale didn’t reach the heights of the Genosha attack ep.


    So, main group of X-men thrown back to Apocalypse’s origin time.

    Scott and Jean tossed into future to raise Cable and discover that Rachel’s there too.

    But no clue where Logan and Morph are.

    And Apocky probably gonna raise Gambit from the dead.

    Some nice moments (like Scott’s words to Logan and Cable’s convo).  But kinda mid for an ending.

  6. 1 hour ago, Big s said:

    My favorite moment though

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    Magneto finally telling Xavier to shut up


    I’m sure he’s been wanting to say that for a long while.  Mine was 


    Cyke finally being his own man and knocking the Professor down a peg.

    See, each of those bits made sense, given everything that’s happened and was shown this season and in previous ones.

  7. So, half the story seemed to be dumb set-up for that “shocker” ending.

    Anyone who’s somewhat familiar with the comic book stories won’t be too surprised.

    But again, it doesn’t exactly make sense from this show’s perspective.


    Wolvie and Magnus don’t exactly hate each other nor show any massive animosity towards each other during this season.  So, to go full rip out the adamentium was bit much.

    Also, kinda glad Scott blasted Xavier.  For a telepath, Charles couldn’t tell his other team hadn’t completed the job yet?!

    I’d rather someone had just said, “Let’s see how the Bastion stuff plays out.  Bastion wins, send the planet to the dark ages.  X-Men win, fix the magnetic field.”

    I don’t know; cooler heads should have prevailed.

  8. You also have to remember two things:

    1). Bandai first showed this prototype way back in 2019. :blink:

    2). You have some very passionate fans of the YF-21.  We have some very strong opinions when it comes to the bastard love child.  And Bandai’s hubris with some design choices does get folks “talking” (ranting bloody hell murder for some of us! 😅).

  9. Key point that needs to be made is that Dooku and Ahsoka's stories were enhanced by what was portrayed in Tales of the Jedi.

    You see why Dooku became disillusioned with both the Republic and the Order.  And it adds some depth to his character and his story.

    You see exactly why Ahsoka was able to survive the initial Order 66 attack, adds a touching master-apprentice moment with Anakin, and adds a silly (yet sad) Easter egg moment with one of the clones.

    We also get to see how she went from a broken, mourning state at the end of Clone Wars to the person willing to get back into the fight in Rebels.

    With Tales of the Empire, they're okay stand-alone stories, but they never reach that next level.  I see what they were trying to do with the stories, but I wish they had focused on other more interesting aspects and relationships/interactions for Morgan Elsbeth and Barriss Offee.

  10. A real Rebels pilot squadron show (with Paul Sun-Hyung Lee FINALLY saying, “Okay, see you!”).

    A droid squad series (like I’ve jokingly mentioned way back on another Star Wars thread).

    An actual underworld series where the main character is allowed to do “bad” things (though Andor kinda dances on the fringes of that idea).

    A comedy show with some stormtroopers (think that silly bit with the two biker scouts that had to hold onto Grogu).

    I think the main key for any new series is to step away from the Force for a LONG while.

    I still want to see what happens with the characters from Ahsoka and that time period.  But that’s it.

    Also, would it kill Disney and Hasbro to coordinate so we don’t have to wait so damn long to get figures in the 3.75” scale?

  11. Looks like I found a pic of one of my old desk set-ups (back when my kiddos were still babies):


    Eagle-eyed observers can see nine GI Joes figures that used to take up a significant chunk of desk real estate.

    And if you look really hard, you’ll find the old o-ring figures of Version 2 Snake Eyes and Version 2 Storm Shadow.

  12. Well, how many fetch-quests were there in those first two seasons of Mando?  Think we won't hear the groans if a fetch-quest (or two or four) pops up in Season 4?  It was something fresh and new those first two seasons.  But now we're starting to see the patterns and the proverbial seams.

    So with The Acolyte, is there supposed to be some sort of new Phantom Menace that puts the Jedi on their heels? (pun definitely intended)

    The fatigue isn't just for viewers that have all this content to compare the new stuff to.  It's also the writers and creatives:  they gotta bring their A game, because they can't spam their usual tropes or story beats and because we know what absolute, stand-out Star Wars can look like.

  13. ^^Well, the first three eps focus on Morgan Elsbeth, the beskar spear wielding lady in Mandalorian and one of the antagonists in Ahsoka (who has a few kickass fight scenes in the finale).  They try to give her some backstory, but the only interesting bits were her interactions with the Empire's military brass.  Kinda wish they had flesh out a few other things about the character, rather than some of the stuff we saw on-screen.

    Other than a quick fight with Greivous, not much saber-wielding in those first three eps.

    . . . Can't say the same for the last three eps though.

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