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Posts posted by Lightning

  1. I find that the VA for Misa gets better as the series goes on. I didn't like her in volume 1 either, but I recently went back and listened to volume 4 and she is much better. Hikaru's VA gets better as well in this volume. My biggest complaint is the sound effect changes that were made.

    I have to agree, whenever she's yelling at Hikaru she has just that right pitch/battyiness to her...Vic's doing a pretty good job being Hikaru.

  2. :lol:

    He will be. It's a visual version of "this isn't YOUR Transformers anymore" cue. Mid-ending he changes from a 2nd gen to a 4th gen via nano-handwavium. ;)

    actually, he very well might be the 5th gen (the '08 when it comes out), cause on those spy pics, there's a new Camaro in the same paintscheme...

  3. He ate the steak while they were on Earth. I would imagine that it would be a temporary item. The Macross had enough extra room for a city, who is to say that they didn't have farms in it as well or OT had a method of long term preserving perishables.


    But they did have onboard farms. There is some lineart from DYRL showing some zero-G plant growing in operation.


    how would a plant grow in zero gravity?

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