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Posts posted by Lightning

  1. Wanted Releases

    - 1/48 VF-1S Maximilian Jenius

    - 1/48 VF-1A Maximilian Jenius

    - 1/48 VF-1A Hayao Kakizaki

    - Development of two seater 1/48 VF-1s

    - 1/48 VF-4G

    - TV and DYRL? SDF-1

    - Destroids

    - More Enemy Mecha

    - Complete Zero line of toys

    - Complete M+ Line of toys

    - Complete VF-X2 (VF-17 for me and Graham ;))

    - Acquisition of licence and development of toys for M3 and M7 using existing toys (like the YF-19) as a research base

    finally! another person agrees!! We need a VF-4 dammit!

  2. -snip

    Moving beyond Macross, IMHO, his work in Cyber Formula is also good. Yes, I don't like the racing cars, but the designs are again, simple, but complex. (Funny that Cyber Formula is another TV series...) He also did some great easy-to-decypher designs for Patlabor 1, Patlabor 2, and Ghost in the Shell.


    wow, I never knew about that series..........must keep temptation to buy the box set.......at bay.....maybe in January.....

  3. I wonder if it was one of those designs he threw together for 2012 and never really expected to "have" to revisit.

    Remember, after 2012, he swore off Macross projects and was probably a bit annoyed that after nearly a decade he was expected to figure out how his uniquely cool looking jet fighter was to transform with what he may have considered a "throw away design" back in 1987...

    I hope not, but it would definately be nice to know what he thinks of it though...

  4. The penetration plan was sound - how many asteroids turn to meteors and crash to Earth? Would the defense network be so supertuned that it would detect small, natural bodies in space and shoot them down?

    I have no problems with that scene, as it makes a fair bit of sense. They knew they were coming, they hid in debris, and as long as they remained unmoving, they would be thought of as only another piece of debris.

    To be honest, the disappointment of that scene was the lack of activity from the ships, and VFs in orbit. Sure, the YF-19 could fly loops around them (as shown in Macross 7,) but there wasn't even a hint of activity amongst the ships. Disappointed.

    Well, if you remember from the OAV/Movie, both Valks were designed to go into the "Special Forces" role (get in there stealth-ily, drop whatever weapons you've got, and GTH out), then to transition to the frontline "everybody gets one" role. The -19 and the -21 showed that they were really able to do it, despite the crazy pilots that were onboard.

    also, from the OAV/Movie, they got picked up as soon as they came out of Fold, but with them having an "allied" signature, it probably didn't think anything of it until they blasted the satellite structures for cover. It was then that they started getting fired upon.

  5. Yeah I agree on that. But the story is still missing something. After Plus it went empty(Excluding Zero), we don't even know what becomes of the SDF-1 on Earth...

    A Gundam Seed movie is coming out next year, there is only one way to compete with it.

    wrong, VFX2 dealt with it, see the quote below

    Agreed Eugimon. I'd really like to see a story detailing the years post Flashback 2012, and pre-Macross Plus/7. Of course the game Macross M3 deals with it, but as I haven't played the game, the game's story isn't readily available, and from the designs that I have seen, it doesn't add enough to the rich details that could be added there. What detail? Just look at Isamu's history. ;)

    The other angle would be something occuring after VF-X2, and dealing with the fracturing of the UN Spacy itself (if I'm not mistaken, there was some kind of military coupe going on. How else would the terrorists in the game be well stocked with UN equipment, let along get their hands on the Battle 13?)

    There's lots of potential.

    there's potential for 2 series' right there, "post SW1-M+" and "post VFX-2"

    personally, I'd like to see the "post SW1-M+" one. Maybe one of the Jenius girls growing up or something...

  6. As terribly forward as YLM can be, he's completely right; you can turn the 3 into a formidable track car, but a drift car is out of the question, sorry dude.

    As for the lowering springs and camber kit. Dependent on the quality of the springs, how agressive the lowering is etc. Generally a rule of thumb is when you lower the vehicle and your tire is not flat against the ground (0 camber) then you need a camber kit. You will most likely experience negative camber with lowering which would wear the inside of the tires /-----\ which can be easily remedied with a camber kit. When i lowered my maxima i didn't need a camber kit same with the MR2, so you might not need it for your EVO (nice car BTW), but if you notice the tread going sour on the inside of the tires you should definitely take corrective action.

    it also depends on how often he hits the track with the EVO as well. There are kits out there that'll let you adjust the Camber, Caster, Etc., and that way he can readjust it back to street-specs if need be.

    Either that or get a set of tires just for the track/fun, and another for the street.

  7. That's why so many people throw V8's in there without any trouble; even the Supra's 2JZ has been fitted in an FD provided some extra hood clearance. So long as you can keep that Rotary in proper shape, that car will be a beast on the road. I also highly respect those who do their own vehicle work, this is a very beautiful car.

    x2 :)

    that explains the great weight distribution that the RX-series is known for.

    EDIT: that's a really nice color too!

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