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terry the lone wolf

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Posts posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Tough to market a movie as something people have never seen before when it includes recycled animation from the TV series they've seen before... ouch.

    If it was 1986 and the Anime market was brand new the trailers could've worked. It's more than what I got: an ad in a old COMICO magazine. Though at the time I did get excited about an RT movie.

    Hey I've been looking for any interview that Carl Macek gave about the production of the Untold Story. I have the interview he did that was an extra from the Protoculture Collection. Is there any more video out there?

  2. I'm not sure, but Lynn Minmay was Maria, Ichijo Hikaru was Rick Hunter and Misa was Misa (I didn't recall her last name, I was in primary school at the time haha). I'm not sure about the Harmony Gold Theme though but it was Entitled Macross when it was shown here. I'm not sure who did the Dubbing though, maybe it's the same people who Dubbed Voltes V and General Daimos that made it popular here.

    Is it possible that the Philippines aired what was going to be here in the U.S. the direct to video Macross series that Harmony Gold produced. The opening title song was produced at Intersound and composed by Ulpio Minnuchi. So that would mean HG produced a Macross english series (not RT) for international markets. In my Comico Macross issue 1 there was a advertisement for all the volumes for Macross completly unedited for the VHS.

  3. Just wondering, why did it take you four months to answer a question that was already answered?

    ENOUGH with the snippiness; time for some real Superman news.

    Superman has been cast...No not Zack Synder's reboot but in Batman: Brave & the Bold. Roger Rose will play the Man of Steel on a guess spot.

    Also,Kristen Stewert is not interested in playing Lois Lane. There was a rumor she auditioned. Happy days; I'm hoping for Olivia Wilde.

    BTW, Has anybody seen the Batmanga short on the Brave & Bold episode Batmite Presents "Batman's Strangest Cases"? It's Batman done in 1960ish anime style like Gigantor or 8-Man. It's totally awesome!!!

  4. Yeah I'm gonna need a little clarification here too.

    I think he means Jerry Seigel & Joe Shuster's original pitch for Supes called "The Reign of Superman" where he was a villain that possessed mental powers. He wasn't the muscle bound hero but a bald character similar to Professor X. The Tangent Universe (Earth 9) Superman is loosely based on the original novella.

  5. HG also buys and sells films from what I understand, although, I don't quite fully know, or care to know, at what capacity. Most of it is in foreign films, if I'm not mistaken. But real estate is also the real money maker.

    How are RT haters being paranoid over this? I see nothing wrong with his interview. Like people have said, he played two supporting characters in Robotech, and did some behind the scenes work and another supporting voice in rtsc. That's a lot less in comparison to his co-starring roles in Ghost in the Shell, Lupin, and a ton of video games and other characters in many more recent anime. I'd say to whomever is getting pissy about that interview to grow a pair, and get off the "Robotech is the be all, end all" bit. That kind of bitching and moaning only makes them look like a complete ass in a handbag.

    Some of the haters feel Epcar is starting to feel embarrassed to be associated with RT because he didn't talk about it. That's not the case he and his wife (who also worked on RT) has done con appearances (even in 2010) and was they were at RT25 dinner. People are taking a tiny bit of information and running with it. I could see if he was asked about RT and purposely dissed it but I don't see it here.

  6. Let me get this straight; Richard Epcar didn't mention Robotech in a interview so he's distancing himself from RT. Could it be he just forgot because the man has a full resume of voice work and directing. He forgot he was Vince Grant in the Sentinels. I think Robotech lovers and haters are being a wee bit paranoid on this one.

  7. If this is David Kelly's premise for the show, I feel like this is a throwback to 1974 and Cathy Lee Crosby. Remember how that turned out, Kelly? <_<

    But at least the Cathy Lee Crosby version was based on the Kung-Fu kickin' Emma Peel/Modesty Blaze style "New" Wonder Woman from the 70's. I don't see WW as a corporate raider; Diana is a teacher or even a ambassador type.

  8. The only person I recognize the white queen who is everyone else?

    Man in front is Magneto (Matthew Fassbender), woman in green Xavier's former love Moira McTaggart, White Queen, & Nightcrawler's father Azazel in the back.

  9. The more I see this the more I like it. It's too bad they couldn't use the 5 original X-Men though but the 1960's era and the black & yellow suits are cool. Since Havok's in it will he become Cyclop's father instead of his younger brother?

  10. No 3D shooting Major Pass- I really hate that gimmic.

    Bane Pass

    Anne Hathaway as Catwoman Fail....

    Canadian model/actress Serinda Swan is Catwoman:

    Catwoman is suppose to be sexy not average. I see Anne as more of a Lois Lane type.

  11. I didn't say they would have to... I said if they would probably do it if they wanted the target audience (i.e. people who aren't Robotech fans) to take the movie seriously.

    Anyone with an internet connection could look Robotech up on Wikipedia and easily learn about the legacy of failure and incompetence it drags around in its wake like a bit of bog roll stuck to its shoe. If your target audience decides to skip the flick because it's based on a downright camp-tastic series that spent the last 25 years on a sequence of attempts to make itself popular and/or relevant that all ended in embarrassing failures, then you're not doing a very good job marketing it, are you?

    Earth Defense Force seems to be nothing more than an "original" movie with a thoroughly unoriginal premise. Aliens attack Earth, they ruin our sh*t, and then humanity builds up a force to fight back the next time they show up. If it were the Robotech live action movie in disguise, you can bet Harmony Gold wouldn't be keeping quiet about it. They'd be tossing each other off with glee and touting the chance that someone with actual talent (however minimal) is involved with the project as proof that Warner is actually taking Robotech to be some kind of potential blockbuster.

    In short, even putting aside things like common sense and the news articles about Raimi's project that make it painfully obvious Earth Defense Force isn't Robotech, the simple lack of "See, we're actually getting something done for once!" from Harmony Gold is ironclad proof that Earth Defense Force has nothing whatsoever to do with Robotech.

    On the flip side, they're not denying it either. McKeever & the Yune bros. post on RT.com and could've shot down the rumor. There was a thread started about MAXIM model Sarah Mulch being in the RTLA but that was locked. I don't think EDF is RT but the HG guys should've cleared this up long ago.

  12. Granted, they would have a hard time marketing it as a Robotech movie if they changed the name to something else... but as we've all seen, the only people you market Robotech stuff to and expect them to care is Robotech fans. It's supposed to be a reimagining anyway, so giving it a less corny title would probably do a lot for those whose unenviable job is to promote that turd... especially by separating it from Robotech's dire reputation.

    Oh, it's pretty much a given that EDF isn't Robotech in disguise... it's just that EDF's plot appears to have some superficial similarities to Robotech's teaspoon-shallow overarching story. Coincidence... not proof of a link. It's probably safer to assume they'd think of the pool cleaning apparatus before the TV series if you asked if they'd heard of Robotech[

    Oh good grief... do you EVER read other people's posts before you reply to them? :rolleyes:

    It should be fairly clear from my post that I'm saying there's no chance in hell that Earth Defense Force "might be" Robotech in disguise... seeing as I said pretty much exactly that in the very first sentence of the post you quoted.

    You did say that Warner Bros. would have to part company with name that represents 25 years of incompetence. Isn't that what EDF is all about?

  13. Not a chance... if it was, you can bet your ass Harmony Gold would be crowing about it and citing it as proof that they haven't just been sitting around with their thumbs up their asses eight hours a day.

    Nah... if the execs at Warner Bros want to market Robotech and have the audience take the ads seriously, the first thing they'd probably do would be to part company with the Robotech name and the twenty-five year legacy of incompetence and failure inextricably associated with it.

    Are you saying EDF "might" be the RT movie in disguise?

    Personally, I don't know; it could be but I don't understand the cloak & dagger tactics. If it's Robotech call it Robotech.

  14. In during Monty Python :p



    As for the love triangle thing I would say that Frontiers triangle is more "mysterious" in the sense that it's open ended. There's no clear winner, so it's up the the audiences' interpretation to decide who ends up with who, where as SDF:M makes it very obvious early on that Hikaru and Misa are meant to be together, and it's more about watching Hikaru grow out of his juvenile crush on Minmei.

    And regarding the whole recycling material argument: I think that a big part of why Macross can get away with it and Robotech doesn't is that in Macross, while certain premises and characters tend to show up over and over, every time the actual characters and stories themselves have enough depth and complexity beyond those general archetypes that each iteration remains fresh and interesting.

    The characters and stories in Robotech however have virtually NOTHING to them beyond the broadest token tough chick/evil villain/young hotshot characterizations and generic alien invasion plots.

    You're missing my point; I'm not talking about the end or resolution of the triangle but during it. When I watched Robotech in the 80's and not only the mecha action intrigued me but also who Rick was going to choose: Minmay or Lisa. I totally was amazed with some of that stuff like Lisa doing Rick's cleaning and Minmay getting tipsey and getting a drink thrown in her face by Kyle. I moved to New York in the 90's and one of my best friends from Dominican Republic discovered RT on SciFi Channel. He used to call me everyday and ask me how's it going to end and I'd never spoil it for him.

    I really loved Macross Frontier but the triangle felt a little like deja-vu to me. It was set up early on that these were going to be the girls Alto was going to choose but in the beginning of Macross you understood that Rick crushed on Minmay but him & Lisa couldn't stand each other. Though over course of the story they eventually warmed up to each other. That's why I believe the 25 episode limit was a detriment to the character development; it just wasn't enough episodes.

    The two Macross Frontier movies will benefit because the basic story parameters have been set so now they can build upon it.

  15. Both Macross and Robotech need to move past with the same old cliches: Macross with the love triangles & singing idols and Robotech with the alien invasions. MF's Ranka/Alto/Sheryl triangle was always a little forced to me like they had to establish right away. Maybe it was due to the series being limited to 25 eps but it lacked the mystery of Hikaru/Misa/Minmay. Though I liked how it was handled in the movie. Shadow Chronicles did used the tired plotline of being invaded by aliens though they did it pushed it from Earth but to their space stations. That's why I liked Tom's script because the humans came to them; almost like the earthlings were invading the aliens.

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