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terry the lone wolf

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Posts posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Given the Transformers bits we've seen before, I can easily see a bit involving Jetfire. They recruit him after crashing in America.. then a bunch of Japanese Aliens attack Earth, and try to take him back. They find out that these aliens are weak to bad music, and have Rebecca Black ride Jetfire into battle against them singing "Friday," making their heads explode. In the end, Jetfire gets abducted and locked in a crate in the basement of a mysterious organization known only as "Pax Aurum," and replaced by an SR-71. The real kicker would be if they used a repainted Yammie for the figure itself.

    Whether anyone but fans would get the humor in that is up for grabs, but I doubt they'd directly address the Macross/Robotech fiasco.

    On the other hand, I can also see them parody the copyright issues directly without even using any recognizable characters. All they have to do is have the military decide to start producing a bunch of combat mechs, then suddenly have the contractor producing them completely pull and redesign their most effective designs because they get sued for stealing the designs from Apple. Then Apple gets sued for stealing the designs from Sony. :lol:

    Seth Green compared the mature writing of Clone Wars to Robotech. Just sayin'

  2. Technically no, it doesn't conflict, but it completely negates the emotional impact of Scott saying goodbye to hsi friends and leaving Ariel at the end of "Symphony of Light"

    I don't know about you, but I thought he was off to deep space to find Admiral Hunter, not just flying to the moon.

    This whole thing reminds me of how the opening of ALIEN 3 completely destroyed the ending of ALIENS

    When I watched it wayyyyyyyyy back in 85/86 I thought that to but I always thought it a little weird that a lone Alpha was going into deep space on a rescue mission. I heard in the novels Scott does rendevous with the fleet on Moon Base Alice then later joins Vince & Jean Grant on the Ark Angel to search for the SDF-3.

  3. I'm in a weird place with Robotech. I believe it can go farther than what its shown but projects like video games, comics, & new animation has happened. When I watched RT on tv back in the 80's video games were like a distant dream; it just wasn't going to happen. I always thought maybe it was the limitation of the technology but little did I know both Transformers and Macross games had been on the NES for years in Japan. Carl Macek seemed to have very big and grandiose plans that for whatever reasons never panned out. Tommy Yune who might be mediocre in his storytelling compared to Macek but somehow managed to get merchandise out and for a brief time there was a revival for Robotech. So I'm conflicted...

  4. Beats me... during my six year tenure on Robotech.com and my time on other Robotech fan-sites, I didn't see much in the way of new fans coming into the fanbase. My experiences with the fan community pointed to "re-discovery" as the most common reason people would become active in the Robotech fandom. Sure, every now and then you'd get someone who'd been introduced to the Robotech series by a friend or just picked it up at random, but the vast majority of new arrivals were people who'd seen Robotech when it was on TV in the 80's or 90's and looked it up out of idle curiosity.

    The "new" fans who'd rediscovered Robotech seldom lasted long though... most of them would either get bored and leave after a few months, or would get banned for acting their age (28-36, typically). Just two years after Robotech.com opened, Harmony Gold had already managed to drive away most of the long-time "veteran" fans, and had already made a good start in whittling down the casual fanbase to just its most devoted, obsessed, and fanatical members. Nowadays, they seem to have run out of old viewers who rediscover the series and are focusing on their largely unsuccessful attempts to bring new fans into the fanbase by peddling Robotech in countries progressively further down the development index.

    So, I guess you could say that they're mostly hanging onto a dedicated bunch from 13-25 years ago, but they're not really doing a great job of hanging onto that crowd either.

    The latter, definitely... the only piece of new animation they've put out (Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles) failed to cause the huge influx of new fans they were hoping it would, and generally flew under the radar.

    Yeah like China or Brazil. Y'know third world nations...

  5. Now, the weird thing is that the whole "rapid aging" thing doesn't seem to be just between those two incarnations of the character... in the Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles miniseries, Rick literally goes COMPLETELY GRAY between panels. Sure, there's a time skip, but he goes from having a no gray at all in one panel to totally gray in the next, and it's a span of less than a year in the story too...

    Boy, corroborative evidence just doesn't come any more definitive than that. :D

    I thought the graying was due to stress over Lisa getting badly hurt & losing their child and not really a aging issue.

  6. It's not like it's a big secret, or anything like that. There isn't even really big details of it involved. To me, it just reinforced the fact that HG has a bit of a complex, but it's stuff that most of us have either experienced, or already know.

    In regards to the Cary Fukunaga debate, I was trying to figure out if that even qualifies as news? Robotech fans must be hurting for something. For all we know, he may have absolutely nothing to do with Robotech at all, in which case, they still have no clue what to do about a director. If he was referring to Robotech, and just misspelled it, then that still is a bad sign for the LAM, as it shows that not even big name directors want to work with it. I think if that's the case, the saying goes, "you can't make Chanel out of $hit". But I guess for those that supposedly "know Hollywood", they never taught them that at the Knowing Hollywood School.

    Well if was approached to direct the RTLAM it wasn't the fact he didn't want to direct Robotech but he prefers smaller independent productions not big budget blockbusters. He said it all through the article. Some directors don't like the studios having total control and are leaving their films.

  7. Is anything really totally an original idea anymore? I see Macross Frontier and yes we have new characters, mecha, & storyline but borrows heavily from the original Macross concept with a faint hint of Mospeada. It seems like all these shows use a basic template and branch off with thier own takes. I'm a fan of Macross Frontier and I believe it was the shot in the arm that Macross needed to tell more exciting stories but it wasn't totally all that original too. Sometimes it felt like deja-vu with certain scenes. I hope one day they'll animate Macross R; to me that is an original concept that ditches a lot of things that Macross has relyed on for years.

  8. Of which one could say, "What litigation?" All the court cases ended years ago.

    Bandai, yes. Big West, no. Big West isn't a distribution company. They're just an ad company.

    I think this part of the problem that BW is an ad company and not a real anime distribution company whose sole base is Japan. What do they care about selling in the West. They don't have the interest or the resources to do business in the West. What Macross properties that did make it to the West was due to second & third parties (Tatsunoko, Bandai Visual) who licensed to LA Hero, HG, & Manga. The gridlock will continue because BW can allow it.

  9. A sidestory would not fix it. In my opinon. It needs a full reboot. ANd they are trying to mesh to shows that have nothing to do together. A garland vs a Biroide. Amazing they didn't try that with a Veritech vs a Birode to begin with. My mistake...the series were never made toegther...lol

    To be fair the Garland didn't fight the Bioroids; Mark was mostly fighting the Harguns and goverment forces. In Space you had Southern Cross mecha basically fighting the Bioroids. Even when the Robotech Masters flagship crashed on Earth there was no MZ23 mecha there only Southern Cross ones.

  10. Or, as I've said many times before, if WB is smart they'll do this:

    -Divert their robotech movie license to WB animation

    -Let Bruce Timm's gang do one of their 75 minute films, specifically a reboot of a chunk of the Macross story

    -If it's profable, continue this way.

    -If not, leave it for dead.

    In this way, the "real" leftover fanbase, i.e. nostalgic adults who remember watching it as kids, not the crazy fanatical minority that hounds robotech.com, will decide whether its a franchise worth continuing.

    I have to agree with this but I think WB Animation Proper wouldn't be good for RT. They need have aanime style. They need to farm out to either Studio 4C or Madhouse; both having relations with WBA with other projects. Those studios are capable of making a mock Macross animated movie.

  11. Bruce was the martial world's greatest super star but that's not saying he was the greatest martial artist (he didn't compete). From Chuck Norris to Jet Li; Bruce opened the door (or maybe kicked the door)to allow martial artists to make big money doing the arts for movies, tv, and all sorts of mass media. Once an underground grind house niche you can find martial arts in almost every part of pop culture because of Bruce Lee.

  12. So what else is new with that racist jackass?

    I don't know if he's like that but I find his links to Glenn Beck & Fox News on his blog very troubling. He seems to be terrible at marketing: To make people pay convention fees to see an animatic is very moronic. Hasn't HG learned their media blackout never works? It leads to undue speculation both positive & negative. After the animatic premiered at AODSF the next day it should've been posted on RT.com. Throwing bread crumbs goes a long ways to making your online fan base feel a little appreciated.

  13. Dude... you'd have to be blind not to pick up on the complete lack of enthusiasm in that audience.

    'course, you'd also have to be blind not to notice that, despite the caption, NOBODY in that meager audience is queuing up excitedly for Tommy's autograph either. :p

    I think anime fans are reserved by nature. I went to last years Otakon and saw the Sunday show of Homemade Kazoku. The crowd was attentive but a "little to cool for school" to really get into show. I was in a crowd with some girls and we pumped up the show then others got into it and they rocked the house.

    I've been to a few panels and sometimes they're just like that picture so that's not really a determinate on how the animatic was received. Personally, I'm waiting for more of people who did attend to post what they saw.

  14. It might be a lot more accurate to call it by the Korean word for animation.

    Conbats in the video are to me further evidence that this is not going to be Love Live Alive.

    But what is that exactly when Japanese studios are also farming out their projects to Korea, China, & Thailand. These countries like the USA & France have grown up with the Japanese anime style and can mimic it.

  15. Personally, what I love about that picture is how it's captioned "Fans line up for autographs..." when the photo in question not only doesn't show anyone in that mostly-empty room queuing up for Tommy's autograph, it also shows an audience completely bereft of interest or excitement about what that two-bit hack has to say. Looks to me like another wonderful guest appearance by Tommy where most of the audience is just hoping to hold a good seat for the panel that has that room after him.

    Probably still in hiding, because that's clearly a picture of Speed Racer... this picture, to be precise.

    You can tell excitement by looking "at the back of their heads"; you're good....

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