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Posts posted by Skullsixx

  1. Nice pics dude!!! What frakkin' city is that in the background? I especially like the one you did with the sky and cloud background. Makes me wanna bust out my digital Canon Rebel cam and mess around.

  2. That old pulp paper is now more expensive than the new stuff because nobody uses it anymore. I grew up with that stuff too, and I have a buddy currently working in comics who told me this.

    I thought some of the old coloring was very cool. They really maxed out what they had to work with. Especially when they used to use he old format for texture as in mangas. I saw alot of good stuff come from the old Amazing Spiderman titles in the late 80's. When some titles went to that new brighter coloring in the late 80's, it looked like crap. The new paper and coloring looks really good for the most part. Heck, coloring is what actually saves some of these comics that are out today.

    Rob Liefeld still sucks! I see some of his stuff when I browse comic shops once in a while and realize how crappy the majority of his work was. I have no idea nor do I care what he is doing now. I think he just lived up to his 15 minutes of fame after he did that Levi's commercial back in the day.

  3. Uhh... You guys do know that once you are awarded a medal if you "lose or misplace" that medal you can simply request a new one through your branch of service, right? All Hikaru has to do is fill out the right paperwork (whatever form SF-180 is in the future) and subit that and get a replacement free of charge.

    Now, he can't just run around throwing medals at every piece of ass he sees... the military gets suspicious if you are requesting ten new medals a month.


    Damn, learn something new everyday. Now I won't get so pissed off every time Forrest gives Jenny his Medal of Honor.


    I never loved anyone except my Jen-nay. There's another one who should've been battyslapped! Okay, that's enough thread hijacking for now. Back to the topic.


    couldn't agree more!!!

  4. Oops; maybe the X-films followed the comics closer than I thought?  What's with this "Heroes & Martyrs" storyline?  It's touted as "the final tale of the X-men."  It's been years since I've bought any comics.  So perhaps Cyclops and Xavier are among the fallen in this storyline?  I like the cover artwork that I've seen so far.  They've even gone so far to make Wolvie look much more like H. Jackman. 

    On a side note: I also have always like the pencils of Jim Lee--but I have always wished he'd tone down the characters' musculature a bit; that was the only unrealistic thing about them to me.  His char's tend to be so outrageously ripped, they look like they're wearing inflatable rubber muscle suits or something; they seem to defy human physiology/anatomy.  Turn down the air pressure, dude!  :lol:


    He looks more like a young, deranged rock star.

  5. I just saw this flick the other night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Of course, it coulda been better. There were some compositing problems, some of the scale wasn't great and there wasn't enough character development. But for Brett Ratner taking over from Bryan Singer it coulda been a helluva lot worse. Unfortunately, it would been better if went out with a huge bang if they would have got a great replacement director like Ridley Scott or someone that carries a great resume.

  6. Darn right, and the beams are aimed ahead of you and linger there, so you end up flying into them half the time. Plus it takes so much more to down them then the simple regults.


    Use those big ass missles on 'em! That's what I do.

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