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Posts posted by Skullsixx

  1. The closest I'v came to ever meeting anyone famous was Arnold Schwarzenegger, when campaigning for Governor of Califonia at the Califonia State Fair back in '03. I was working at the time as a puppeteer. I though I try to catch his attention while doned in a giraffe puppet suit. Many jounalists surounded me abuzz about Arnold yet here I am sticking out like a 16ft. sore thumb. :p  I never did get Arnie's attention but I did piss off a few cameramen so I settle for that. :lol:



    Any pics?


    Oh yeah! I forgot I ran into Arnold last summer while coming out of a diner in Lake Tahoe.

  2. Rime of the Ancient Mariner(yes all 13 minutes of it lol) - Iron Maiden


    You know how much fun those staccato are to play on a real guitar? :D


    13 frakin' minutes!!! That's one of those songs that the late night DJ plays when he's gotta go take a dump! Great song though! I guess you can throw GnR's Coma and Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven in there too!

  3. Actually, a Guitar Hero: Kiss Edition would be fairly kick ass.


    Yeah, that would rule. But first, I'd like to see an AC/DC Edition. After all, the Gibson SG was made most famous by Angus Young.

    I'd actually pay to see someone dress up like Angus and play "Thunderstruck." :lol:


    Dude.... AC/DC kicks ass!!! I think we're on the same page!

  4. If I remember correctly, in Nemesis, they DID try to self-destruct the ship, but due to battle damage, they couldn't.  Thus, they rammed the Scimatar.

    Funny, that when Worf wants to do it with the Defiant, it is considered cool, but when Picard actually does it with the Enterprise, it is not.  Double standards?

    I do think that Nemesis was a good movie, with a great main point.  True that I'm not a Star Trek mania-fan, nor do I like pointless no-brainer action movies.  Nemesis was a good movie.  Not the best, but definitely not the worst.  I felt that it recaptured elements of the TV series - mostly the focus on characters, and the lack of big special effects (except for the ramming scene - that is probably as realistic as we are going to get - no "Daedelus Attack" where the attacking ship is undamaged...)

    Inssurection was also not bad.  Neither was it good, but it wasn't that bad - mostly saved by the theme of the movie.

    The big question is, will the producers of the next movie be able to reverse this trend of releasing not bad (but also not the best) movies, and release something better?


    Hey, no Star Trek movie is as bad as The Voyage Home. Corny dialogue, stupid time-travel plot, stupider "save the whales" plot...


    Just curious - for all of those stating that Insurrection, Nemesis, and other ST films are no good, have any of you seen ST 5: The Final Frontier?


    ST V was one of the worst films I've ever seen period. That's what happens when you let Shatner direct. Hopefully they get Nicholas Meyer (ST II & VI) if they do another.

  5. You won't break anything if ya go with the flip top and swap magic. Believe me, if I can do it, so can you. I am not mechanical or a computer guy. Besides, my PS2 was way out of warranty when I did this last fall. It was a piece of cake and I will never regret it. Especially when I'm playing my Macross game!

  6. If they are gonna use VH, it's GOT to be vintage!


    Amen to that. If they're gonna use VH's cover of "You Really Got Me," they might as well include the "Eruption" intro.


    AFAIK, they are.

    BTW, if the next GH has a cooperative mode, I'd like to have the option of rhythm guitar or bass.

    As a matter of fact, GH2 DOES have a co-op mode. They didn't make it clear if the second player would have the option of rhythm guitar or bass, or if it was song-dependent (some songs play rhythm, some songs play bass).

    I'm mostly happy with the songs that have been picked so far for both games, but, as good as "Strutter" is, I'd really wish it'd been "Unholy." Actually, a Guitar Hero: Kiss Edition would be fairly kick ass.


    Strutter is a great tune, but I'd rather have Detroit Rock City!

  7. The ONLY Van Hagar song you should want (especially since this is Macrossworld) is "Dreams". The rest of Van Hagar can die in a fire.


    Too much keyboard and not enough guitar on that song. At least Van Hagar wasn't as bad as when Gary Cherone took over for Van Halen III.


    That's what I thought at first... until I heard them. Everybody Wants Some would be a kick ass song too! If they are gonna use VH, it's GOT to be vintage!

  8. I want them to make a spinoff called KEYTAR HERO so I can play all my favoritre songs from Duran Duran, Flock of Seagulls, Gary Numan and ABC.

    And why no David Bowie in there? Ziggy Stardust anyone?


    Same, I want Guitar/Keytar hero 1980s edition.

    Screw everything from 60s-70s and 90s-2000s. 80s is all you need.


    YEAH!!! And How about Sabbath's NIB, Crue's 10 Seconds to Love, VH I'm the One, GNR Welcome to the Jungle, and Aerosmith's Train Kept A Tollin'?

  9. And A7?  Van Halen's confirmed for Guitar Hero 2. ;)


    Sweet. I just did a search, and here's the GH2 playlist so far:

    "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath

    "Strutter" by KISS

    "YYZ" by Rush

    "Psychobilly Freakout" by Reverend Horton Heat

    "You Really Got Me" by Van Halen

    "Who Was in My Room Last Night?" by Butthole Surfers

    What songs would you want to play in a future GH installment?


    Dude!!! VH... YES!!! I was raised on that Old School VH stuff. From what I understand in Guitar Hero 2 you can plug in a second guitar and play with another person. I love this game! Fun to play and watch. Now if they would just add some Motley Crue...

  10. Dude,

    That flip top and swap magic work like a charm. It was worth the purchase!!! Now from what I understand the new PS3 will not be coded and will be able to play games from all regions. I'm hoping once I upgrade that this is true and I can put in my Macross PS2 game with no problems.

  11. just have to appreciate the original japanese voice and like to read and you will be fine.  whenever i watch a foreign film or anime, i always leave it in it's original language and hit sub. kyatsu


    if you remember princess mononoke american voice actors, then you will know how suck an english dub can be.


    Yeah, but when you're a Dad and you're cooking dinner and cleaning and doing all sorts of stuff and trying to watch anime at the same time and can't speak japanese, it sucks. I miss all the subtitles and have no idea what's going on. Sorta' cuts down on what spaces of time I can reserve for my anime sessions.


    what are you guys talking about? there already IS an english language dub: Clash of the Bionoids.



    Dude, I can relate to that. As far as Bionoids, I think we want a dub that DOESN'T suck!!!

  12. The bigger you blow things up, the more idiosyncracies you see. That's why comic artists draw big and shrink down the size of comics. One of the 1st rules in art class... draw big, display smaller. I went from a 37" HDTV in my bedroom to a 50" HDTV in my living room. Now I'm not sitting right up on it. I'm about 6 ft away in a theater chair, so it ain't bad for me.

  13. Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate that. I will definitely research that. I'd love to play some of the older Macross console games on my PC considering I do not have any of those old video game systems.


    On other system recommendations...

    Try NEStopia for the NES game.

    I've heard BSNES is currently the best SNES emulator. That'll cover Scrambled Valkyrie.


    Meh. If BSNES doesn't work(takes a heck of a machine. My comp is borderline, I get lots of crackling sound), try ZSNES. It has better sound emulation than SNES9x, the third major SNES emu..


    Cool! I'll give that a shot this weekend!

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